
Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I'm sure many of you have already heard about this great new project called Stardoll's Next Graphic Designer. It's hosted by .Marcela..

I was actually suppose to post about it awhile ago, but due to my busy schedule I didn't see all the info until to late. Ah well better late than never eh?
So anyway, the competition is already underway, but don't let that stop you from checking it out. Become a follower now so that you don't miss out on seeing the incredible talent that is sure to come out of this competition.
It really is an amazing opportunity for graphic's designers to receive some recognition for their hard work and talent.

They will also get:
- A contract with Marcela to be the official graphic designer of her articles for Stardoll Magazine.
- Interviews on the most famous blogs of Stardoll.
- 500sd and a month of Superstar.
SMW has just officially agreed to be a partner, so look for more info to be posted here as the competition evolves.

So what are you waiting for...Click HERE to check them out!


  1. First Comment
    But i dont think im gonna enter the comp! :)

  2. I tried, but I didn't make it, oh well! GOOD LUCK PEOPLEEE!

  3. I wanted to enter, but I'm not very good at graphics :3

  4. I wanted to enter, but I'm not very good at graphics :3

  5. Well i deffinetley wont enter my graphics well there nothing special but good luck to everyone who is joining i know there are really talented graphic designers :D

  6. First heard of it on USD. I didn't enter. My graphics are with I-Dressup and Roiworld, and even though you could use them, they still wouldn't be great... GOOD LUCK PEOPLE :D

  7. Jenna, I don't think your blog is great anymore. You're mainly getting everything from USD, including this idea. I think you need to step it up now. USD has reached more follower milestones quicker than you. You need your followers back and quick. It seems as though you're getting desperate for both followers and activeness... Just saying...

  8. good news... I will check

  9. I'm not good graphic designer so.. :)
    but good luck everyone! :D

    xoxo Dianusek

  10. wow, this blog has a lot of great comps! Good luck people! :-)

  11. good luck to everyone who enters :)

  12. @Anonymous: Sorry but I can't help replying to what you said...First of all, USD and SMW are SISTER blogs, there isn't any rivalry between them, they support each other to help them gain more active commenters and followers. And second, Jenna wasn't even "copying"...just because USD posted about it earlier doesn't mean it's copying. If you would actually read the post, SMW is a PARTER of Stardoll's Next Graphic Designer, so of course SMW would post about the news and info.

  13. seem awesome .. if I was good at designing .. sure I would love to be a part of this project .. good luck to all entrants =)

  14. I wish I could make graphics... but i dont have photoshop which sucks :(

    I doubt id be any good anyway. ;P

  15. This is an great opportunity for all those who are talented, but not so many people know of their talent :) I have one question for Jenna. How do You manage to get so much money? Do Your parents afford You or? :)

    To all of You graphic diesigners out there, don't be shy, enter the competition, maybe YOU will shine as the next "Stardoll's next graphic designer". Good luck :) ♥

  16. @ Anonymous- you have no idea what you are talking about. I did not get this idea from USD. Marcela contacted me at the same time she contacted them to be a partner, but at the time I was too busy to get involved which is why I am posting it for Marcela now.

    Really you must be an idiot because all Stardoll blogs pretty much have the same information. USD is our sister blog and yes we do sometimes share information, but this is a competition blog and that is my main focus.

    If you don't like it. Don't read it. I don't have to do what I do . I do it to help make Stardoll more interesting.

    USD has a lot of cheats and things to get information that most don't have. I completely support them or I would have them posted on my side bar. We support each other.

    If people like them better that's fine. I don't care if they have or get more followers than me or reach more milestones faster. Is that really what it's about?

    I do have a life outside of here.


  17. I'm so bad at graphics so I won't enter...

  18. It's not a good idea tell Jenna how to manage her blog *roll eyes*

    That is so disrespectful...

  19. I'm not entering. I'm not good at graphics.

  20. i wont enter...
    my graphics arent that good as others :P

  21. awesome,
    good luck to the graphic designers ;D

  22. I can't wait to see who are the winners. They must be really good with graphics! :D

  23. I am not a great graphic designer... and I think that there is no need to enter...
    But thanks for telling us :)

  24. I can't wait to see the first round entries

  25. I'm not very good at making graphics, but I wish all other people that will enter good luck!

  26. @Anonymous:
    I saw your comment, and, like Sarah, I couldn't help but respond.

    Jeez. Talk about plain RUDE. How do you know when Marcela contacted Jenna or MSM? Oh, that'z right, you DON'T. So stop acting as though the whole world revolves around you.

    Jenna has probably worked endless days and nights to make this blog what it is today. Like she said, she doesn't have to do what she does.

    Do you think she "HAS" to go and pay real money just so people can earn a few virtual coins? [No offence intended] Of course she doesn't! She does what she does because she loves it.

    My guess? You're just a FAILURE. Your blog didn't work out, and no-one knows who the hell you are on Stardoll. You're jealous of Jenna, and I guarantee you'll be bitching about other Elites under the Anonymous name too.

    The whole point of SMW and USD being SISTER BLOGS is so they can share ideas! SMW is originally a competition blog! USD posts mainly Stardoll news.

    So honestly...if you want something to say...well...just use your Blogger ID. Otherwise, you're a plain COWARD. People DO have real lives outside of Stardoll, and Jenna has had a lot going on in her real life. Just because you stay stuck in front of a virtual dolls website all day, doesn't mean all of us do.

    And Jenna...ignore people like this. They're just jealous. You're doing a great job with your blog, and tbh, it'll always be one of Stardoll's best (:

  27. Great, but I'm not entering since it already began :3

  28. I wish I had time. But school... phew.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. I followed it, but I won't enter, because I suck at photoshop :| Good luck to all that will take part of it :]


  31. Anything from marcela is exciting!!

  32. WOW!!! I don't really do graphics..just REALLY simple ones!!! I bet Lily Rose will win, if she enters! =D

  33. Yeesh... I didn't mean for Jenna to take offence. Even Jenna knows that her followers aren't that active. It's true though. It was only my views...

  34. Yeesh... I didn't mean for Jenna to take offence. Even Jenna knows that her followers aren't that active. It's true though. It was only my views...

  35. Cool(:
    I don't think I'll be entering though, I'm not the best at making graphics ;P

  36. That sounds like an amazing opportunity! Graphic designers don't usually get enough recognition I think so it's cool that this is getting set up! If I was better at design I'd definitely try out for it :)

  37. I hear about this, but I haven't had time to really check it out yet. Sounds like it's a cool idea though.

  38. Sorry I can't make graphic.. But can't wait to see the winner..
