
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Hotbuys Sweater is out!!

UPDATE: If you are wearing the sweater, let Jenna know in her GB for the poll.

*Keep the outfit on until Jenna visits your page
*You must be both a follower of this blog and a member of the club.
* The HB must be well seen and not covered up.
*Space is limited. 1st come basis.

Hey ya'll! Long time no see. You must have heard something about me being hacked earlier, and I just want you to know that I'm fine - I've got my account back, because the person who was on my account didn't change my e-mail so I requested a new one. I have already explained the full story on Jenna's post, I am sorry that I got some of you worried.

Anyway, back to the post, the Hotbuys Sweater has arrived in the Starplaza! Surprisingly it looks OK on my medoll, I don't really know how to work it, but if you pair it with the right garments it will look amazing.

It costs 16 SD, which may be a little too high, so it's definitely not worth buying if you don't like it.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Real life version by Pringle of Scotland.
Thanks to our media partner Hotbuys Addicted.


  1. Not really my style lol.
    Not worth the buy (:

  2. Thats awesome! I love it! I want to join the comp but i dont know what the club is :(

  3. Not my style but thanks anyway. And Im glad you got your account back. ;3♥

  4. I don't like the sweater... it's too bulky =/

  5. Glad you've got your account back! It's OK. Idk if I'll buy for that much though... Anon, club is Hotbuys_Bazaar and owned by Jenna on emorox4eva.

  6. Glad you've got your account back! It's OK. Idk if I'll buy for that much though... Anon, club is Hotbuys_Bazaar and owned by Jenna on emorox4eva.

  7. Urr. i kinda like the real version but ewkh i dont like the stardoll version

  8. expensive and not so pretty

  9. Real one is so amazing!! I want it *.* ! I don't like stardoll version but maybe I will buy for a pool :P

    xoxo Dianusek

  10. it's alright, not worth the price.
    rl version is better :]

  11. Definitely not buying, its bloody awful imo...and way too expensive.
    Real life version is a tad better but still not my style.

  12. ...and btw...glad to know u got yr account back without major problems. I got hacked once (not my Stardoll account) i felt pretty much like being violated and the hassle afterwards to get everything back...well, not a pleasant experience ofc.

  13. I don't like it at all. It doesn't look well on my dollie ]':

  14. It maybe looks good on medoll :/
    But,I don`t like at all!:P

  15. I like it. If You can pair it with some leggings, a cute bag, and a pair of nice ankle boots, It will look heavenly :)

  16. really like the real life version, stardoll version is too colorfull

  17. even if i was ss i wouldn' buy it xD

  18. I like it but I'm not sure I'm gonna buy it...

  19. i like it. i like the RL version, but not the stardoll version :P
    i wont buy it, because its too expensive and its not the best hot buys item ;l

  20. I just bought it and I'd really like to enter the poll, but I haven't got any creative ideas for it.

  21. i like the RL version better,
    the SD one looks crap(;

  22. I like it, but I don't like the triangles. They remind me of Illuminati lol. I'll buy it, anyways. I'm a collector :)

  23. I don't like it so much, but I think that I will buy it. :)

  24. I'd love to join the contest, but I don't have enough money. The price is too high and the sweater doens't look so good in my opinion lol

  25. Njah. Have a feeling I've seen that design b4..?

  26. I don't like it, the real version is better, but not the best. I probably won't buy it.

    And btw. I'm glad you got your account back. Sorry for your lost stardollars :/


  27. Good that you got your account back!
    I don't like the sweater that much, it looks like something from stardesign, and it's way too expensive!

  28. I like the colors, not the shape. Remind me of those 80's-90's huge sweaters, lol. Looks like something Denise or Vanessa would wear from the Cosby show.


  29. Wow @ kittypower. You also know about Illuminati, who may be Mansons? Yeah those triangle shapes are everywhere. Especially the bill. Strange thing I'm drawn to pyramids.


  30. it's WAY to expensive ;L
    And its not really my style. I would have like to buy it for my shared account, but 16sd, seriousley?!(:

  31. I don't really like it :L
    It's not exactly my style.

  32. I wish stardoll would make some better hotbuys. I'm tired of everything being the same shades of pink and purple.

  33. I don't like this sweater, too simple I think..

  34. I like the shape so much.
    But the colours are.. Bwlearght.
