
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Free Peace&Love T-shirt

As today is the The International Day of Peace which is meant to be a day of global cease-fire, when all countries and all people stop all hostilities for the entire day.
Stardoll has made not only a special Garden Variety Floor but also a contest (too bad that not for all countries) with giving away this Green Peace&Love T-shirt
►If you are from Russia, Latvia or Estonia - Go and Enter contest by clicking HERE  and creating a scenery
►If you aren't from Russia, Latvia or Estonia - Follow these steps to get it:
1)Go to Russian proxy like
2)In URL blank box Paste stardoll link:
3)Click Surf OR just Hit Enter on keyboard
4)Log in stardoll
5)Now on the proxies URL link box Paste contest link:
6)Click Go, Wait till page loads
7)Leave proxy, Go to stardoll as usual
T-shirt should be in a giftbox in your suite [:
Available till 28.09

Is today anything special to you?
Or have you at least heard of the International Peace day?


  1. Thanks. ;D I may get it later when I have time. To be honest, I'd never heard of international peace day but still, I think its a good idea. ;3 ♥

  2. I think it's a good idea, even if it is the first I've heard of it. But I don't think everyone will cease their fire. It's kind of annoying. Innocent lives are taken just for 'peace'?

    And thanks! They're :S (:

  3. its cool.. but i dont think i'll get the shirt ... probably only on my back-up acc :P

    and i think the idea of that day is good :D

  4. I didn't know about this day.. I just got t-shirt :)

    xoxo Dianusek

  5. Yeah, its a pretty dull t-shirt but its freeeeee!!! :)

  6. hi this is sally_stitches from sd , sd closed down my account and i can't reopen it and i don't know why they closed it down , so be careful

  7. I kindaa like it :L Might get as its free.

  8. this is the first time I have heard of international peace day .. but I think it's nice thing .. thank you =)

  9. i think its a good idea to have this day =) and thanks for telling how i can get the shirt

  10. Oh, too bad in my country nobody celebrates this day :/

    Btw I think the shirt is too simple for me.. anyways thanks :)

  11. Estonian people get this t-shirt too!!
    Thanks anyway ;)

  12. Never heard of the day, but it sounds like a good idea ;)

  13. yay! i am from Latvia:)))

  14. This is the first time I've heard of it ^__^ It's pretty awesome!

  15. It is an INTERNATIONAL peace day, wondering why the competition is not.

  16. My day didn't got too peacefull O.O I don't like the top, I won't be getting it ;]

  17. Thank you for the t-shirt, I like it. & Happy Peace Day to everyone ☮ :)


  18. Can you post how to like configure out browser to make it work? My firewall won't let me go on that website ]':

  19. martinabuhagiar (stardollname)September 21, 2010 at 3:23 PM

    i had the exact same one but peach and got it for 6 sd!
    stardoll is getting abit unoriginal
    i herd of this day before (:

  20. martinabuhagiar (stardollname)September 21, 2010 at 3:24 PM

    visit my suite

  21. happy peace and love day to one and all! <3

  22. I didn't know of it until I red it ;D

  23. Nice, not sure wheter to get it though..

  24. Last year we all had to wear orange for international peace day at school.

  25. I Think its a great idea!:)
    and dont like the shirt soo much but im gonna get it anyways .. Thanks ! :)

  26. I dont really like them but thanks anyway :D

  27. Ive never heard of national peace day. :)

    I used to have this top on my old old account.. why cant stardoll make new clothes instead of releasing old ones again and again?

  28. Thanks.. I like it.
    I am kinda hippyish.. Lol.

  29. I don't wanna get it because 1. I don't like it. 2. I would never wear it and 3. it would just fill up my locker and so it would take longer to load! lol, but thanks for telling us! :)

  30. I'm all for peace, but that shirt is ugly.
