
Saturday, August 7, 2010

Stardoll Fashion Week Takeover: Assistant Diaries by Becka

Hello again! Becka here with the latest insight into the life of a manager of Stardoll's most anticipated project ever. And all the work that brings...

My job is a constant cycle. Check for applications, send messages, take down details, make schedules.. you can never stop, because every second of the day, people in different time zones are coming online, sending messages, needing answers. You have to juggle requests, information, scheduling, and your own stuff, work on your own lines and blogs.. and I love it. Every time you get something done, it's an adrenaline rush!

Incredible, today, I got some free time, so I clicked through my files to my official files for Stardoll. And put plainly.. It's a dump. Old blog headers mingled in with new backgrounds, my Poison files all messy, and worst of all is Fashion Week. I click through to the FG file, and I find a [divine, I might add] graphic sample from Dioguardi mixed in with my To Do list and admin files. How does this happen? I check my Skype and Stardoll one last time. No new messages. Sigh. Well, now is as good a time as any...

I drag files around, organising every little subcatagory, scrolling through my other client samples. Fantasy Couture's GORGEOUS cool blues and sheer.. Perfection's girly pales.. did I mention the Dioguardi..? But that appears to be it. 3 samples out of a whole list. Why do my designers despise the idea of actually giving me what I need to make this work?

I sit back and look at my files with a grin. Organisation beyond belief. Now THAT is how I roll. With that settled, I click onto my To Do list. How is it that the more I do, the more this thing actually seems to expand? It's like pruning a rose. You hack away at it, trying to make it smaller, but it just keeps getting bigger. Yet, it does get more beautiful. I scroll through the lines of type, performing a two-second evaluation of each entry and whether or not it's urgent. My eyes rest on one entry: Talk to magazines about release.

Should I explain? Well, as you probably have guessed, Stardoll Fashion Week is going to be the biggest takeover Stardoll has ever seen, with blog updates, collections on show, collections for sale, awards, a lottery... and we want to get EVERYONE involved. Hence why we are appealing for magazine owners.
You've all heard of Vogues September issue, right? It's iconic, represents the biggest fashions of the seasons, and coincides with fashion shows.. it's huge. Which is why we want to emulate that. As many Stardoll magazines can be published that week, we want to be published. The coverage will obviously be huge, you'll get listed as an Official Magazine of the SFW, and you will have launch parties for your release! What we're currently planning is for a launch party every day of the week, and periodically during the party, certain things will be released. Every half hour, a fashion show etc, or maybe a magazine? Something to keep you all hanging on for the good stuff. You'll be part of the official schedule of the week, it's huge.
Interested? Approach Psychotic-Freak to learn more.


Contact Psychotic-Freak to learn more about designing, either on the catwalk or in the Starbazaar.
SFW Official Site


  1. It sounds very cool(:
    I really want to know who's the face of SFW xD Haha

  2. Wow, you have a lot to do. It sounds great though, loved your comparison with a rose.

  3. I am so looking forward to SFW :D

    I love these takeover posts :D

  4. spoilers for ramadan and new things :


  6. Looking forward to finding out more :)

    Btw, on another note, is anyone selling the play and earn doll from last month, the one with brown pigtails and Books? :)
    If So PLEASE leave a message in my GB :)
    Exxa13 xx

  7. You're such an accomplished businesswoman, congrats ! I hope the best for the SFW and for you ! Can't wait ;)

  8. I Have recently created a blog, and as its new i would love some opinions. The follows can suggest topics, and have freedom of speech :)
    Check it out/ follow at..

  9. Wow, It's going to be amazing :) I can't wait!

  10. Great :D
    Tomorrow is the last day :(

  11. Sounds really cool...and also sounds like a lot of responsibility! :P

  12. Wow :o
    That's a lot of work :o
    At least you can handle it well(:

  13. This is going to be huge, a very big project for Stardoll, I can't wait for other posts (:

  14. Cool, it's so good how much goes on around Stardoll :) x x

  15. i Cba reading it all,but anyway SFW Is awesome(:

  16. I like how you're trying to make SFW be every where. It's pretty impressive.

  17. Hey. Could you do me a favour please? Follow my blogs:, &

    You dont understand how much it would mean to me! I'd love it if you would :]

  18. it sounds brilliant! I can't wait and am really looking forward to it!

  19. Wow! I cant wait to see all of these posts!
