Thursday, August 5, 2010

SFW Take Over - Day 3: We are inspired!

Stardoll Fashion Week Takeover day 3!P.S. Can you imagine? I got mixed up with the blogs and instead of Stardoll's Most Wanted clicked Stardoll's Most Hated and posted this! Haha I imagine Jenna's face if she would go to Perez Hilton of SD website and seen there a takeover, instead of SMW!
We're on the middle of the Take Over Week, and working hard everyday! One and more than a half month has left till the show, but I can't see us relaxing even for a minute. Becka makes the shedule, the details come up with every idea, the more - the better.
The draft date of the beggining of the Fashion Week is 27th of September, we think. As this all is virtual, we can't say 100% sure now, but we are approaching that day to be the start.
Anyways I have good news! Remember I told you about "The Face of SFW"? We already have nearly 60 applied, and we've already chosen only 7 of them! Who? Well those are...

You serious? I think I have to wait till Saturday night. Why?

Yes! The result of the competition will be announced on the first Fashion Group's party @ FF.Nightclub (club's Guestbook, not a user! Check details here. )
If you want to apply for the Face of the SFW click here.
Also, I've seen the sketches of Linus Leonardsson and Egle Stone today - guys, that is so amazing! Bodycon dress and supershoes! I think I might make a sneak peak n the next issue of Eternity magazine of them!
Also, would you be interested in advertising in the magazine? Of your clothing line/site/project?
Are you excited for the party?

xx Mary


Anonymous said...

I like the graphic :D

Richard said...


friendofyou said...

GORGEOUS graphic! It is amazing! (: I might be able to attend, but I have to convert the time to my time zone. I'm pst so it's either 4 AM for me or noon... lemme check haha ;D I hope I can come!

Flavia. said...

Great graphic!
But i won't be there because i leave tomorrow morning:(
I'm sorry i will lost the party:(

Samantha Tyler said...

Great theme ! and the graphic is very nice. I'll see if I can be there.

Eva said...

I do fashion sketches and stuff like that, but only on paper with pencils. :P I'm really clumsy with photoshop unfortunately.
I can't wait to see amazing designs, though. :)

sd_is_da_best / Sinead said...

I'll try and make the party, I love the theme :)
Gorgeous graphic

sahar-star said...

every post about this show makes me more excited x]

No-one in particular said...

Awesome, gorgeous graphic(: ♥

Marie Riverwing/rralucaa1996 said...

I am totally in love with this project !

Heart Newbridge said...

Awesome! :D But I won't be there, 8 PM GMT is too late for me D:

Anonymous said...

Love the invite! I hope I can be there, it's going to be late at my country but I'll try.

nordwalde said...


Nalco said...

Ok! THings are going on I see! Good!

Maddy/maddy65 said...

Nice graphic :D
I probably won't come though :(

Miss M said...

Awesome! I might attend...and the graphics really pretty too!

Jule ♥ said...

the graphic is very well! :)
i hope i can come (i must learn ..) .__.'

Mailgirl101 said...

Not interested, not going to be there.. :]

私には said...

Love The Graphic Mary <3

Blahm3 said...

I am gonna be on vacation :(

l0nelly said...

I Like the graphic so much :)

Melissakuh said...

Very nice graphic!

And Saturday is a great day! I will be able to make it! :D
Now, I have to find a good outfit for the party! Paris is a great theme, personally I love that city!

♥Petra/Shakira_Avril said...

I love the invitation! :D
Amazing graphic :]

I hope I`ll be there,
this is so amazing^^

JessicaVianaზ' said...

Ham, I hope I can go, but I can't promise :(

Anonymous said...

The graphic is really gorgeous :)

Crystal said...

Great graphic for the party invite!

Diva6723 said...

Its a great graphic...I applied, but so many Elites and amazingly talented people applied as well. Good luck to everyone! ♥

Caitriona (freelife07) said...

i cannot wait! :D

Mary M. said...

Oh-la-la! The dress code it's so marv! Hm...petite parisiene on her way ^.^!!!!

Júlia said...

wow, I like the grafic, too ...french style maybe :D

MissLotsaSmiles said...

The graphic is hot(:

Jessica/Jay.Pattinson said...

I LOOOVE the graphic! I'm absolutly in love with it!

I have a question: is 8pm gmt the hour of UK?

Lea said...

Love the graphic, but I'm not sure can attend this party. Sorry..

Anonymous said...

Nice graphic (:

Gurliciousbabe said...

I love the graphic invatation! It looks fantastic!!! Awesome theme as well! I love this project! Thanks for sharing it with us!

Jessica/Jay.Pattinson said...

Oh man ):
I don't know If I'll be on time for the party ;_;

At Saturdays I always go to work with my mom and help her hair salon (of course she pays me, LOL)

Plus, I've enterd the comp. o be SFW's face (I know I won't win, but I want to see the winner, LOL)

I'm soooo sad ):

RachyFrank said...

Yeah, the graphic is pretty.

Maddie_fashion said...

The grphic is really cool :D

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