
Friday, August 6, 2010

Free Summer Hat [SS only]

Hello :]

There is this nice Free  Pretty in Pink Brim Hat available from comp for Russian members,
I'm sorry to say but comp is Superstars only.
Which means this doesn't work for non-ss.

So If you don't live in Russia you will need to use a proxy, to get the Hat -
 1)Go to Russian proxy site like
2)Paste stardoll link into blank box of proxy
3)Click Surf button
4)Log in stardoll
5)Now in proxies Address Paste contest link
6)Click Go, Wait till page loads
7)Leave the proxy, go to stardoll as usual
Hat should be in giftbox in your suite [:
Credit for picture to

Calm down people.
I'm sorry for what this post looked like but
Try to understand that not everyone can be 24/7 on stardoll
And where other blogs get info?
It's now [after makeover] nearly impossible to find out something by yourself
Before makeover I simply checked next contest numbers, and by recognizing countrys language, I looked for proxy and then I found out if they give something free,

but now - contest page simply doesn't load.
It's not my fault, it's stardoll's fault that they have made everything harder.
AND PS - TMM has used my posts in my blog as well without giving credit of course,
YM has even asked me directly in GB if smth didn't work for her, if I can find other proxy/
So I think this wasn't that unfair as most of you think.


  1. The hat is okay...but I'm not going to get it :/

  2. it would be good if you write your source in the post - - the pic is from there (cause the hat has actually no glitter)

  3. Thanks! I will check if I get it.

  4. Ruth copied always the info from

    shame on you

  5. I dont really like the hat.. not really my style

  6. SuperSupreme is out in starplaza!

  7. plz stop stealing pictures and infos from without giving credits. this is so rude. shame on u!

  8. i got it!! thank u!!!

  9. YAYYY I GOT MJ :-]

    And Oh Yeah Dont Like It And Are You Still Writing :)?

  10. umh...i think it's the same hat they gave 2 EVERYBODY last summa! perhaps the only difference's the flowa! :s

  11. It's OK...but won't be writing it...and I think it's the same person leaving Anon comments. So what? She'll add the credit later. I think one comment about credit was enough...

  12. I kinda like it... but I have no idea what I'd wear it with. LOL. Got it, anyway. ♥

  13. The new SMW Medoll is not posting ? :S
    Well, thanks for the info.

  14. I tried to get it but it doesn't work for me D:

  15. I don't like the hat, so I won't get it.
    Thanks anyway!

  16. Thanx, but the proxy error in my computer. So I can't get it..

  17. Awh, and that hat is adorable... :(

  18. I am writing as anonymous because I don't want to be discovered for writing this. Ruth ALWAYS copys! You should be ashamed! I used to think you were "clever".;[

  19. I got it and i think it looks nice in summer outfits :)

  20. You stole that picture from tmm.peachygals!

  21. Ok...not very interesting. But I might end up getting it :)

  22. Ooooh sparkles! Haha, I dunno if I will get it, it looks okay, but just not my thing.

  23. Its cute, I don't really want to get it tho :/

  24. Hey people!
    What Ruth said is right! Every blog finds things by theirselves, like when a new brand is out and something, but if Ruth lives in the USA (or Uk, idk?) how do you want her to know about a freebee which is free for Russia? Use your head!

  25. @AnonymousThis is second time ever I used their pic, and at first time I firstly credited them. Am I doing so wrong? They have used my info as well without giving credit.

    @tokio_punk Well I actually live in Latvia, but you got the point - I can't know about everything what stardoll gives to other countries :S Not everything is seen-able with proxies after makeover, some pages just doesn't load, like contest page :S

  26. @tokio_punk
    its possible and ruth knows about that. and its STILL possible even after stardoll's makeover. it's a lie when she says other blogs also steal their infos, because it would be "nearly impossible to find out something by yourself". some blogs still get their infos by searchin' for freebies on STARDOLL (such as and not by picking infos from others blogs without givin credits.
    where else could she steal the infos when all blogs out there aren't able to find infos by theirselves? from stardoll's official blog? lol.
    when she's unable to find infos by herself, don't post or give credits.
    no offense.
    oh and as far as i know she's from latvia.

  27. @ruth:

    They have used my info as well without giving credit.

    oh is that so? mh i know 2 of the writers from tmm and believe me they can do without u. they know where to search on stardoll to find all the news and they don't need to take infos from u. so please stop spreading rumors. PLUS as far as i know they don't even read smw. i'm not sure if they ever heard about this blog. but since today they probably do. many readers told them about ur post. doubtful glory. :-/

  28. I like it.. but I dont like it.. haha :D
    I dont want to get it.. too lazy. :D

  29. @Anonymous.. add watermarks to your pictures and be happy!

  30. SS only...that sucks /:

    She gave credit :o

  31. Like the hat (:
    Thank you :D

  32. @Anonymous
    Don't be meant to anyone else except me. Tokio_punk don't have to know from where do I come from.

    TMM might not follow SMW, but as I said they used MY BLOGS posts NOT SMWs. And if you want it so bad, I can look through my GB pages to find YM talking with me about free stuff not just once.
    Lately it was about the Free Chair which had American print.
    I had wrote wrong number on contest link [in my post] and she wrote in my GB that she couldn't get it, in next moment I fixed my post - in TMM appeared the post about free chair.
    I have never been begging for credit - it's their own thing to do or not credit people or source where they get information.

  33. Oh,RUTH thank you for telling us :D
    I love the hat :D

  34. Can anyone help me!
    Whenever i go to the proxy and enter the link it says
    "sorry stardoll is unavailable while we are updating it with some new cool features"

  35. Thanks for sharing it us! The hat is not something I would wear, but if i were a superstar, I would of course get it!

  36. i hate when this stuff is only for SS

  37. It's ok, but a little.. huh... weird? Like I can imagine that teacher from Hogwarts wearing it. But not a Stardoll fashionista :P

  38. Anonymous And how do you know that the site where Ruth read the information didn't steal the information from another one?? They write the texts in a different way and so you think that they found it by theirselves.. they didn't.

    Also, if you were at least a smart person you would comment with ur doll's name, but you didn't, you prefeer to attack other people with ur guilty talk. This is not the Dr. Phil show!!

  39. ;O I dont know what to say ;O
    Except: Chill people,shes actually a person with a LIFE,and she didnt have time to credit it so CHILL.


  40. Got it! It's very pretty :D

  41. Wtf Ruth don't steal ANYTHING. gosh =.=

  42. It's just a picture!

    What's the big deal? It's not ever exclusive since anyone who got it could just screen print their own.

  43. she steal very much and if you don't trust me then just follow TMM ( and you will see that TMM post free stuff before RUTH!


    "And if you want it so bad, I can look through my GB pages to find YM talking with me about free stuff not just once."
    and ruth.. you say YM has written in your GB about free stuff. So?

    You said you can show us the comments?

    Then show me them!

    PS: I don't wanna blame you but THIS goes to far!

  44. @tokio_punk Please don't say anything bad about TMM. They are doing great, I admit that they are the best German blog. No matter how, but they are almost always first to write about something new

    And since they have forgive me - please let's stop the fights.
    If anyone feels happy for it -
    I'm still upset.
    I apologized to TMM from all my heart. And I was so sad and trying to find the right words that I made like 10 grammar and typing mistakes in sentence.
    Promised to never ever forget the credit.
    I had made a mistake, but I fixed it, please, let's end this.

  45. @Jule ♥ I'm NOT copying their posts.
    If you haven't noticed - TMM never adds proxies to their posts.
    I sometimes can spend hours till I find working proxies.
    That takes the most of time, not getting info.

    Don't you think I don't check usual comp/campaign country proxies daily?
    If so - then you are wrong.
    I'm not plainly copying anyone.
    I do put effort in what I do.

    And damn - I'm not willing to waste my time to find GB comments just to show one girl that I'm right. I have got many pages covering those posts.
    If you need them - go and find them. If not - Bye, it was nice to meet you.
    Your blog just got one follower less.

  46. The Girls of tmm dont add proxies because of ppl like U! But no, you still copy them, and dont even stand up for it! Low Ruth...Low!

    Like YM said: Just because the blog is big/popular, didnt mean it has good bloggers!

  47. I don't really like the hat. Idk when I'd wear it. O:

  48. @ RUTH:
    you know what?

    I don't care at all. If you copy informations further on I don't care at that. And do you know why?
    Cause people like you areN'T worth it. You're just a little girl who has no other hobbies than stardoll and if somebody challenge you or your posts and you don't admit that you are copying infos then everybody can see it -
    your a liar.

    and do you think i wanna have a shammer as follower?
    No i don't.

    Sincere regards,

  49. @Jule

    A grown-up wouldn't care if someone copies them. they would be proud that someone uses their information and cares to read their blog.
    I am not fighting - but you are not a grown up too if you call ruth a kid.
    Stop being annoying. she apologized so quit it. She's just a person and everyone makes mistakes.

  50. @Ruth: I'm sorry if I gave the wrong information, I just used the TMM blog as an example for all the blogs, because none of them finds everything by theirselves. Just what I want to clarify. I talk by myself, becaue I own a blog, and it's hard to find everything by myself, it's impossible.

  51. I think it's kindda ugly.
    To sparkly for me :/

  52. @Houpisonfire: Omg, why do you keep on reply to comments. You are a blog writer, they should fully understand what you are saying in your post. So please stop fussing with them. You should be the blogger or bigger person I should say in this situation!

  53. I'm crazy about hats

    thank u so much


  54. I have it already. It seems like every time stardoll gives away something free, it's something I already own. :(

  55. Liar, liar, pants on fire..

    Why are teenage girls always soooo incredibly pathetic and have to be always right?
    I don't get it. Cheating and lying is neither cool nor makes you shine with glory. It's just pathetic, annoying and shows you have NO character at all.
    I check both blogs regularly and I KNOW that YOU ALWAYS post AFTER tmm. It's a fact you can't deny. And don't tell me you told them before you actually posted it yourself or I'll prolly die with laughter.
    I WISH tmm would make their blog private for a while - let's see who posts things first then. Gosh, that'd be so much FUN! But I bet you'll have some other doctor's appointments then, won't you? Making it impossible for you to post before everyone else. Sure, I get it! *giggles*

    ...hanging from a telphone wire!

  56. I like it but my membership went a month ago :(
