
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

FREE McQueen Carousel dress

Some of members today got a message about Survey from which you can get a FREE McQueen Carousel dress
  Survey is about your lifestyle and stardoll, if you haven't got the message -
Take survey by clicking HERE
Don't forget to write your nickname correctly in last question

I warn you - survey is pretty long, 37 questions :S
But isn't this dress worth it?
At McQueen Tribute time stardoll released it in starplaza for 16sd
[I feel ripped off as I bought it then :D Oh well]

So if you don't own it so far, Give this survey a try [:

Just there is one
thing - as I said stardoll says they will deliver dress in next few days, it's somehow unusual thing :S They don't say actually when.
Will you be getting it?
Or should I say - will you be trying to get it?

Thanks to LilMizsGlamoruz for survey link


  1. I got the survey on my bacckup and sent it to me instead cause it asks what your username is (: I think the survey only goes to people who have refills cause my bacckup does, but I'm not sure about that.

  2. That sucks for those who have the dress, but thanks Ruth (:

  3. Omigod! Thank you! I really wanted this dress but it was out of shops before I had the money! (:

  4. I want it, but not from the am sure USD will find a way like the did with the LE offers :P

  5. i did the survey a while ago
    and i felt it ws abit personal survey

  6. Thanks. It wasnt easy to surway... It took about 10 minutes :) Why do u girls want to put the comment first?

  7. I'm not from USA and I still got it, so it's not just for USA members.

  8. I finish the survey and yeah so many personals questions.

  9. This is awesome, it's one i've been looking for so far!

    Only 2 or 3 left for my collection be complete :)

  10. I feel ripped off, too! >:( I bought the dress before but sold it.. it ISN'T rare, as they say on the email, trust me. :P I did it anyway.. it didn't really make much sense..

  11. thnks for the website..... the survey was mostly about cyberbulling or online safety

  12. Like I do on school I just filled in something :')

  13. Oh thanks!! I used my sceond email adress that I rarely look at for the survey in case it sent spam, I'd recommend others to do this

  14. I did the survey.. never realised it would take so long.. although I sort of enjoyed filling it out cause im weird :) I liked the last questions about your future.. :P

  15. I have that dress on my other account :S
    But I'll give it a try(:

  16. i got the survey, now i'll wait and see

  17. Ohh

    I already have it

    thanx anyway darling

  18. The survey is so boring xD

    Dress lovely :3

  19. the dress is really pretty , and i love McQueen designs :D

  20. @silygirl: Aww, you naughty ^^

    I'm kinda angry because I though they would give me the dress immediately, but it says that they will give it in a few days.. oh well..

  21. I took the survery but Im still waiting for my dress! tic toc tic toc stardoll!

  22. For some odd reason I enjoyed taking the survey.
    The last survey was more about websites, this time it was about our personal lives. :]

    I can't wait for the dress. :D

  23. Does the dress arrive immediately? Cause I haven't it yet :S

  24. Danke (:
    The Survey is ultra long,but hey,it`s McQueen dress xD

  25. Does the dress arrive immediately? Cause I haven't it yet :S

    A N S W E R pleaseee ! ! !

  26. @Anonymous:

    Nope. It said it would arrive in a few days.

  27. I liked the quizz. It means stardoll is starting to care a bit more about us by trying to get more information about the users of their website.

  28. I bought it full price. Oh well, I don't want to waste time taking a survey anyway. :(

  29. I did it. It took me ages, I almost fell asleep, and it's 1 in the morning. x_x

  30. I agree with you they keep giving out free gifts that have already been sold & some people are left out. Why can't they give out new free items for everyone. I've written to them about this I think more people should.

  31. Oh this is really nice
    thanx a lot
    i LOVE a mcq<3

  32. I got this message .. and I finished survey .. but I still waiting to get the dress .. thnx =)

  33. lmao.. xD
    inn school we have also such surveys... its funny xD

    i'm aking it right now.. ^^

  34. Honestly, they have to pay for serways. So the dress isnt for free, because u would earn real money :)

  35. Thanks..
    I am getting ti right away :)

  36. wait, wtf? i typed in my e-mail address & it said it's already registered me and redirected me back to my suite o_0

  37. thnx so much...pls visit me on stardoll bea-tcg

  38. I hope it will arrive in a few hours... :s

  39. @Vpurple: I got some problems in starting it, too.. but then I tried again and again and so it started..

  40. I think they are making sure we answer the questionaire fully and right before they give us the dress so dont just tick all the same boxes in a row and write aload of rubbish xD x

  41. I didn't get the message from stardoll but I took the survey.I hope I'll get the dress because it's really beautiful.

  42. Cool ^__^ i cant wait untell i see it in my suite!
    thanxxxx :D

  43. Thanks for the post! The survey took FOREVER! But it was fun! I really wanted that dress since McQueen came out on Stardoll! So worth a 16 dollar when you can get it FREE! Thanks again for letting me know!

  44. I took it. I actually like taking these surverys

  45. I Enjoy Taking Surveys Like That.
    So I Took It, But Mostly To Get The Dress & I`m Still Waiting For It.


  46. I did the survey, and I think the results can be very interesting!
    It would be nice if I got the dress.. But does everyone gets one, or is it like a lottery?

  47. At first I didn't get the survey. But I got the letter today instead for some reason.

    Has anybody got the dress yet?

  48. Thanx.. but I will think twice..

  49. Wouldn't this be a perfect gift for a friend if you were non-ss? You could put their username in at th end. I might try this.

  50. I tryed it!
    I really hope i get it ♥

  51. Anyone got it ? i didnt. :S

  52. Did anyone got the dress yet? Isn't this taking too long already?
