Monday, July 26, 2010


The TOP COMMENTERS for the week of July 19th are:

1. lil.stargurl (41)
2. tokio_punk (38)
3. pRiNcEssCRaZy46(31)
4. Miss_LolitaF(30)
5. ilovebears9 (24)
6. Katsumy (22)
7. FlirtyLady44 (21)
8. Houpisonfire (21)
9. Iovanca (20)
10. l0nelly (20)
11. vpurple (20)
12. Blahm3 (20)
13. Freelife07 (20)
14. Sakuradream (19)
15. _kool_kat_1 (18)
16. Maddy65 (18)
17. lacestockings (17)
18. coolgirl_1412 (17)
19. KUTE_FATI (16)
20. sd_is_da_best (16)

All of these people qualify to broadcast (advertise) for this week and have a post made for any special projects. 

To  have a special post for the blog or side bar ad.. you must either have a blog banner or create your own graphic ad.

If you don't have that, you can use the broadcast.

All ads must be given to me by Friday (July 26th). Contact me in my GB. One ad per person. 

Click HERE to see original post.


Foreversecret / Karina said...

Wow do all 20 people get to advertise?

Crystal said...

Darn I will try and comment more :D

Crystal said...

Wait if we do get in the top 20, where should we contact you for the picture of our graphic and such?

Maddy/maddy65 said...

Wow, thanks :D
I will let you know what I'm going to advertise when I decide lol(:

FashionMan./Eamonn said...

Oh It's Not Me

Niccoletta said...

congrats you lucky people!

Anonymous said...

Congratz Guys! :) Imma try and comment more today (:

lil.stargurl said...

oh goodness! WHo knew?

Ha thanks :)

Vintage-Glamour said...

I thought I would be one.


Lea said...

I'm in 7th place... I will try my best again..!

Diva6723 said...

Congrats! Can't wait to see what they'll be advertising ♥

Cherri Blossom said...

yay i made it! but again i dont really have a special project...

Eva said...

Ah I didn't made it. Well, anyways, I know I wasn't commenting a lot... It's the vacations time and I'm at th e beach everyday and I don't have much time :(

Miss_LolitaF said...

Thanks Jenna.

Miss_LolitaF said...

Good luck to all people who can advertise :D

katara4 said...

gah.. i'm not there... haha x'D

congrats to you guys :D

coolgirl_1412 said...

Cool i won Im So Happy i was Just Commenting i didnt think about winning Wow Thanks

Lissy said...

Congrats to all of you... but watch out^^ I'll post more and more:P^^

RachyFrank said...

I think I had like 15 of 16 comments. I just missed it. Not that it really matters. I made the SMW Medoll Poll (which btw was totally awesome!), so there is really no need for me to be on this list too. I wasn't really trying that hard, I'm just opinionated and I have a lot of time on my hands right now, lol.

RachyFrank said...

Oh and congrats to everyone who did make it! It's pretty rude of me to talk all about me and not recognize the people who made the actual accomplishment. So, Yay you! (And count these as one comment, I wasn't trying to cheat ♥)

somey-1 said...

WOW 20 members!!
that is the gr8test blog i have ever seen!

sd_is_da_best / Sinead said...

Oh thank you! Now I only have to decide what to advertise.... :D

Ameena said...

Congrats to all!
Woah 20 people get to advertise?! lucky peeps...Although if I won, I don't have anything to advertise.


Cam said...


VanAndAsh/Delia said...

Congratz congratz!
I deserved it-ur comments are really sweet.

lacestockings/Mary said...

Congrats to all the people that got in :)

P.S. Thanks Jenna :D

Flavia. said...

all people are so active

Summer said...

Congrats! ♥

Júlia said...

agrhhh! I´m not here :D

Congratz :)

Ruth said...

Congrats to us :3

Nalco said...

Oh! Congrats sweeties! Enjoy this opprtunity and advertise good and intersting things!!!

Julie. said...

Congrats to everyone :D

wwediva224 said...


If we do make the top commentators list,do we have to advertise.Because some people might not have anything for advertise about (like me).

sahar-star said...

congrats! :)

Dloo3t almama said...

Congrats ..enjoy your prize guys =)

Gossip in my life said...

Congrats everyone:D

Iovanca said...

i would like to advertise the passion magazine that me and daisy-croatia own!
on the sidebar it's only her name:)
we are both owners!

Kolorowa dusza said...

Congratz ;)

Richard said...



Anonymous said...

Congrats everyone! :]

Mailgirl101 said...

Thanks Jenna!
Congrats to everyone! :)

pRiNcEssCRaZy46/Rana said...

:D ohmygosh! Thanks Jenna! Man I wish I had some sort of banner... :/
Lol, but the real question is what will I broadcast?

I need to think... :]

Cali_Beauty said...

I was about the right happy birthday? lol what?!?! ahahah

Anyways, CONGRATS!!!

loveshorses5 said...

Congrats! All of your comments must have been great! Hope you all advertise well!
*NOTE*- #5, ilovebears, i think is actually ilovebears9- just wanted to tell you :) if that is who it is*

No-one in particular said...

Awesome, I`m on the list again, thanks :D

No-one in particular said...

Btw. Sorry about this, but can I adverstise a blog I write for because I don`t currently have one of my own? ♥

l0nelly said...

congratz girlz

and congratz for me too :)

Emorox4eva/Jenna said...


misscaitlin9999 said...

its always the same people that win comps, polls etc on this and all blogs....

GiOrGiAT.95 said...

Congratulations to the 20 top commenters! I hope I can become a good commenter too! I still can't believe how did the first one publish 41 comments! Congratulations again!

Charlotte Vachon said...

Congrats to all the people that EARNED it.

Iovanca said...

this thing is making the blog so active!
i love original ideas like these!

Caitriona (freelife07) said...

Thank you! :) I look forward to seeing my ad

Caitriona (freelife07) said...

@misscaitlin9999 that's not true. Maybe they do, but that's because they are consistently active, which is what 'Top Commentators' is about. I'm trying to be more active and it's working, and i love this blog, try youself and you might find yourself advertising :)

Blahm3 said...

Awesome i made it :)

Caitriona (freelife07) said...

And to everyone who worked hard and is consistent, Congratulations!!!! :D

Anonymous said...

Congratulation :D

Evita.Sweet said...

Congarts (:

the2glams said...

WOW thats alot of ppl that comment on this blog:D I wish my blog had that many commentors :)
ill try to comment on this blog more often:)

Miss M said...

I think I need to get there. I have a lot to advertise! xP

AnnaFollet said...

Congrats to girls! They are work hard and deserved promotion ))

JessicaVianaზ' said...

Uhuu! I made the 2nd place :]

I wasn't even thinking of winning this when I commented.. ^^

Thanks Jenna, and congrats to everyone else :3

Melissakuh said...


I don't what I would have to advertise, if I would be in that list. lol

lil.stargurl said...

For the ad to be on the side bar, does it have to be a blog..?

Romana/Romana.Dawn said...


Hepyo said...

Congratz for all of u!! i hope to be one of them one day:):)

friendofyou said...

Wow congrats! (:

FatimaaaaaL said...

yay us!!!

333997510 said...


kitykat4 said...

Congrats guys!

Gwen (ilovebears9) said...

Wow-thanks so much! :D

Rab92 said...

Well Done All!!


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