
Monday, July 19, 2010

Elite Entertainment Names New Host for Elite Diary

 BabetteCouture's successor for Elite Diary has finally been named and it's none other than


  1. Its good to do some changes now and then. Sometimes, even if someone is not replecable, replecing can be a good thing. Plus, since they are so different, maybe this change will atract more people to the blog.

  2. Wow, thanks for posting about Elite Diary.

    I think Nikki will do a wonderful job.

  3. I like the new host!
    but i don't know if that's really replacing...
    a person can't be replaced...
    that sounds REALLY confusing :)
    ignore me =)

  4. This should be interesting!
    Changes can be good(:

  5. I think its awesome :)

    And i will follow the things on the side of the bar :)

  6. I think it will be really nice!
    Her first post is really good:D

    And i will follow all the other things on the sidebar..thanks for putting my magazine too :DD

  7. Thank you so much for the feature! And thank you to everyone who has been encouraging me, its a great honor.

    I agree with you all, NO ONE could replace Noralie!

  8. Huh... I was never a reader of Elite Entertainment actually :p
    But I'm sure whoever is writing now will do great!

  9. It's nice to see a new face. It wouldn't be fair to judge whether it was a good change or not as she has only posted one diary entry so we'll just have to wait and see!

  10. She'll be great! :]
    Her first post is awesome ;)

  11. i dont understand why exactly they'v got someone new? doesn't that just destroy everthing as they have to start again. Also readers liked lady'bs comments and posts whereas we may not like the others. confusing? tell me about it.

  12. I love Elite Diary and I think to create a blog like a diary is a very nice idea...
    It's very exiting to read de Diary-Entries...

  13. I think Elite has to keep updating regularly because otherwise they'll lose followers. People wamma see action!

  14. Changes are good thing, right? :)

  15. well, all ppl are different in their on style, i'm sure that she'll do a great job! good luck for her!

  16. This is really cool. Im reading it in a huge interest.. :]

  17. Interesting, I will read her first post.. Good luck!

  18. I can't wait to read them. I think it'll be a great experience! I like changes :D

  19. cool! sounds intresting..but the word elite on stardoll and in reallife irratate me it makes me think like the "elite ppl" are more human than us like more in world war 2 the nazis were know as the elite army ..(i think?) and they thought they were better than everyone..P.S im not critizing the blog/diary just saying the word for elite everyone keeps using

  20. Sounds interesting [:
    But stardoll elite isn't what I would like to read about [:

  21. Oh, i used to love reading that blog!

    I thought their banner was SO original because I've never seen poses like that before!
