
Friday, June 25, 2010


RULES: No asking for votes or you will be disqualified. Polls are for blog & club members only. If you know someone breaking the rules please tell me as it's unfair to others.
PRIZE: $25sd or 25sd in gifts
Ends July 2


  1. Your So Mean, You Included yourself. WTF? Who does that? You shouldn't and Half of these people look hidious. No one is getting a vote from me!

  2. @anonymous-I included myself because I thought Jenna was doing the poll, so I wrote in her guestbook that I was wearing the shorts, and I was the first person who told her! And anyways, if I bought the shorts, why shouldn't it? It is not like I am giving myself votes!!

    And anyways, it is very rude of you to say peoples outfits are hidious, everyone has different taste

  3. Thank ya for including me(:
    And there are some great outfits!(:

  4. Okay wtf chigacooo. i Din't say all, i said half, and they should know it too,because no one took their time, and i dont think youu did either, and you shouldn't include urself, because ur the one who made this post, and u should include others.

  5. Hm, this isn't my Favorite Poll. Sorry, It's Just, I Dont like it. I Wish Jenna's Grandpa Din't Die, then She could have done it.

  6. I don`t like these outfits that much ;P
    Well,I like couple of them ;D
    I voted for the last one :]

  7. these are so cute and summery!! :)

  8. @anonymous
    Honestly, stop haha wow.
    She's wearing the shorts, and she wrote in Jenna's guestbook so she deserves to be in the poll. It isn't mean at all and you shouldn't be saying that people's outfits look hideous.
    THAT is "so mean". So please, grow up. It's not even that big of a deal.

  9. Nice poll! I like many outfits but finally I voted for Bumilicious :)

  10. there were some interesting outfits :)

  11. I have to agree, I don't like this poll much either, the shorts aren't easy to match with. :]

    But thanks for including me <3

    And really, I believe she had a right to include herself in the poll, she didn't know she was going to be doing the poll before she applied for it herself, so don't get your undies in a bunch, kay, thanks <3

  12. I don't like it. The shorts are hard to match with, thouqh qood job qirls(:

  13. didn't jen say you had to show the whole shorts and some of these people are not even followers and club members

  14. I like all the outfit, hope the best will win...Good job for everyone..

  15. nothing too good but i still voted!

  16. Brooke, you did amazing job!
    Personaly, you did this poll better then Jenna. Everyone have same background, so it makes it better, because we can concitrate on outfit, and choose wisely. Also, everyone have same size of picture. Everythings is straight & perfect.

    Good Job ;D


  17. i love most of them these outfits r rlly cool

  18. thanks f0r putting me in =)
    i l0ve Worldstopmodel's and Ninaischic's 0utfit m0st.


  19. nice and defferent outfits

    good luck for all :)

  20. I liked several outfits, but in the end I voted for Shakira_avril, because I loved the black detail she added to the shorts.

    @ Brooke: Nevermind that anonymous person, she or him is a coward to not put her or his name in it. And you have the same right as we have to join the poll!

  21. I really love the DieBrInI06 style :D

  22. Well, I was right when didn't bought this shorts or stardoll should made them in diff color not pink.
    I don't vote. Sorry girls.

  23. These pants are really awesome. The poll is great.

  24. Wern't the Rules Exact : YOU MUST SHOW THE SHORTS EXACTLY. Chicago, You made these Rules. And Some Din't Follow, and Some of these Contestants Arn't Followers or Members of the Club. i'm Sorry i'm Not Hating but I'm Just Saying. And these Short's Did Not Match ANYTHING. They are Pink, Stardoll should have Made them Denim, or White,. Most Contestants Couldn't Match. Sorry Girls. I Cannot Vote.

  25. Pirata111 asked me vote for her outfit!!!!

  26. congratz to all!
    the outfits are Ah-mazing!!

  27. i think everyones outfit is so creative...i love the twist everyone did awesome job guys

  28. @Chicago3: Don't listen to that previous anonymous comment,you deserve to be in the poll. Anywho, I think that the outfits are okay. I voted for Brumilicious. Good luck to all!

    -Alyssa / twlight-lover95

  29. Thankyou for all the votes,i got alot of votes!

  30. @ Gothribbon uh I always try to have the same background, but it makes it hard when people have too much stuff and nowhere to take a clean screen print. I don't have time to always move things. Sorry

    I do agree they must follow the rules or not be included, but all in all nice job for being your 2nd or 3rd time. Everyone should really be happy there is a poll at all considering..

  31. Hmm, Not My Fave Poll. But Then Again Their Not A Really Nice Pair Of Shorts.


  32. Jenna-

    when we see results of Just Cavalli comp? :)

  33. why did not anyone use pink face print tops from miss sixty??it really matches with those shorts

  34. I don't really like the outfits..

    too much colors or just weird..

  35. I think it's the belt that makes it hard to match with other things.
    I like the shorts, so many styles can go with it.
    Especially the colorful preppy way or mix some funky streetstyle with it. The poll is okay, wish it was in an other color.


  36. i liked some of it... good luck to the girls who are in the poll! =)

  37. The zebra top looked the best, but honestly is this contest rigged? Or is someone signing into multiple Google accounts to vote for themselves? Because the winner's outfit (no offense) is a joke. Like, I wouldn't even wear that to get coffee.
