
Thursday, June 24, 2010


Hey everyone. I am sorry, but I will not be on much until next week sometime. I am going to have to delay the Sparkle Awards and any comp results due to the unexpected death of my grandfather this morning. As you can understand, I need to concentrate on my family until after the funeral.

Please Chicago3 if you can do the poll for the HB shorts.

Thanks, Jenna


  1. Awwh, I am very sorry for your loss Jenna ♥
    I hope your grandfather rests in peace.

  2. first : i'm sorry for ur grandfather
    second : dnt worry hunni about the blog

  3. i'm so sorry for your grandfather :( ...and we understand u

  4. Everyone's going to say this but I really understand! I'd do the same.

    May he rest in peace <3

  5. I am so sorry for your loss! But remember, you will all reunite one day, I hope you will get through this :[ May he rest in peace.

  6. I am so sorry, dear, I know how it feels, I lost my grandfather over 5 years ago but I still miss him and cry sometimes. May the angels be with him...

  7. :( RIP Jenna's Grandfather, Take as much time as needed, it is super hard to lose a loved one. Forget about the blog for a while, take a long break and do stuff with family, im sure everybody will look after it while you are gone x

    Rest In Peace Jenna's grandfather ♥

  8. I am very sorry for your loss...I understand how you feel just last week I lost my grandfather. You and your family are in our prayers.

  9. Sincere condolences, it is always a hard moment in life. Don't worry about the blog, think about your relatives first.

  10. I'm so sorry! Hope you feel Ok. L.O.V.E.

  11. Im so sorry for you :(
    I lost my aunt last year. but I think this is mush harder.

  12. aww jenna, sorry for your loss RIP ♥
    don't worry about the blog for as long as you want!

  13. Awh I'm sorry about your loss :/
    R.I.P. :(

  14. I'm very sorry for your loss :(

    Rest in peace Jenna's grandfather...

    xoxoxo ♥

  15. oh, i believe everyone's sorry :/ we understand :)

  16. I'm sorry for your loss! May he rest in piece!

    And don't worry about the blog. Everyone will help you out! We all understand you! ;)

  17. aww.. I am so sorry for you :(

    he's watching over you..

    and don't worry about your blogg,take your time.

  18. Awwh, May he rest in peace, im sure he was a lovely man and will be watching over you forever, Take as long as you want <3 xx

  19. I know how you feel.I lost my grandfather in January this year :(.
    I'm terribly sorry for your loss.
    May your grandfather rest in peace.

  20. Oh my gosh!! I hope he rests in piece. Or two!

  21. I'm so sorry for your loss. I know how you feel. I completely understand. I hope you feel better, May he rest in peace.


  22. @Anonymous above my previous post. 1 Thats really rude, immature, and mean. 2 How would you feel if someone did that to you while you were mourning?

  23. Jesus christ Anonymous! How fucking sick do you have to be to actually say that to people who are in deep sadness, mourning over a death of a grandpa?! Jesus christ!
    Sorry for your loss Jenna, too bad I never saw my grandpa.. he was dead long before I was born :(♥

  24. Aww,we all understand (:

    Rest in peace :(

  25. We understand, hun. After all, sometimes real life has to come first. Take care of you and your family first. My condolences are with you. I know that this may sound weird, but when I read your post, I actually cried. I am just really soft when it comes to stuff like this. And we had 2 or 3 deaths earlier this year in the family, with my Grandad, Great-Aunt and a 2 month old baby cousin passing away in a time space of about 2 months, so I understand what you're going through. Like I said: Take care of you and your family first. May your Grandfather rest in peace. And don't worry about the blog. The writers will take care of everything. As for the awards, I am sure that everyone can understand what you're going through, and they can afford a litte patience in times like these. Just concentrate on your priorities first. If you need anything doing, then feel free to ask. X

  26. aww, im so sry :(
    i know how you feel, my grandfather died 3 years ago too :(
    bye, see u sooon


  27. We understant you ;[ It's sad.
    I think your grandfather rest in peace and be with angels.

  28. Verry sorry for what happened. I understand you.
    In 2009, my cousin died. We were very sad.
    May your grandfather rest in peace.

  29. I'm sorry for your loss Jenna :(

  30. My grandma passed away last year, I know how you feel. Rest in Peace.
    And don't worry about the blog, I am sure everyone understands.

  31. i'm sorry for ur loss! kisses to u and ur family

  32. @Anonymous above Rana's comment:
    God, talk about insensitive! You're just a person with no life. How do you even have the guts to say something like that to someone who's just had a really sad loss. You're vile, cruel and pathetic. And seeing as you are using an anonymous name to say something which is that LOW, you're also a coward. As if you have no shame saying something which is that rude to someone going through all this. How do you look at yourself in the mirror? (I mean without breaking it and having your reflection curse you and run away screaming.) I know that the rest of us feel sorry for your loss, Jenna.

    Please note that by calling this ignorant, rude person low life, vile, cruel, cowardly, pathetic, insensitive, ignorant and rude, no offence is intended to those who class themselves as low lives, vile, cruel, cowardly, pathetic, insensitive, ignorant and/or rude.

  33. Rest in Peace! Im terribly sorry for your loss!

  34. Oh Man... I am sooo sorry for your loss. I really am ):

  35. LonnaLang/ CarolynJune 24, 2010 at 5:00 PM

    I'm so sorry for you. =(

  36. Oh Jenna im so sad about this, i hope u r ok,may yor granfather rest in peace, its hard when we lost someone tht we like, we never are prepared to this. My condolences to you Jenna, i know wht u feel coz my other grandfather already died too and was hard for me to deal, now i only have a grandfather n he is ill too.I will prayer for u grandfather and take the time u need Jenna. Dont worry about the blog i will do the posts everyday, you can count always with my help.
    xoxo Filipa

  37. I am very sorry for your loss.
    I send my condolences to you and your family.
    May your grandfather rest in peace <3

  38. Sorry for your loss :|
    I know how you feel. I have already lost some close people too.

    Don't worry about blog,
    it's right to care about life, family first than stardoll.

  39. I'm so sorry to hear that! I hope he rests in peace, and my prayers are with you Jenna!
    Don't worry about the blog, family always comes first before anything!

  40. Sorry for that! May your grandfather R.I.P.

  41. Awwh, Jenna.
    I'm sorry. I lost my father last month and my grandmother 5 years ago, I know how you feel. Concentrate on your family, please!!

    Hope you feel better.
    Everybody understands.. No worries. (;

    Keep your head held high and be strong.

  42. Aww, Shame. I Know How You Feel!
    It`s Strange Though, Because My Friends Grandfather Also Died This Morning.


  43. You should spend as much time as you want with your family at this time of mourning, I hope you grandfather rests in peace.

  44. Oh my god, I'm so sorry :(
    Your personal life is obviously much more important than this virtual life.
    Take as much time as you need to

  45. I am sorry for your loss. Im sure He is VERY happy in heaven and knows for a fact that he will soon be once again reunited with you and the rest of your family. Know that death is FAR from the end. It is only just the begining. Im sure he will rest in Peace.We will all end up somewhere and lets hope it isn't going DOWN. ♥♥♥

  46. I am deeply sorry for your loss, Jenna. I extend my condolences to you and your family, and may your grandfather rest in peace. I promise you though that time will help to heal your aching wound. Please, take an extended break from SD. You have great team and loyal followers behind the blog. Right now, the most important thing is taking care of yourself and spending time with family.

    -twlight-lover95 / Alyssa

  47. Jenna I am so so sorry for your loss and I wish you and your family the best at this time. If you need anything,I will be glad to help you and I will keep you in my prayers. May your grandfather rest in peace.

  48. aww sorry RIP, im pretty sure not one is gonna be in a rush

  49. I'm very sorry Jenna, and we understand. Take your time.

  50. im soo sorry jenna hope you wil stay strong and dont worry about us !!

  51. Jenna, take my deepest and sincere condolences.
    May ur grandfather rest in peace.

  52. Sorry to hear that! ):
    It almost would've been weird if you wouldn't take time off the blog. Take your time and take care! My condolences.

  53. Jenna, I'm very sorry.
    Spend all the time you need concetrating in your family, it is what you should do.
    Rest in peace.

    Sorry Jenna, I'm very sorry

  54. Jenna my condolences to you. I know how hard is to go through this...

  55. I'm very sorry for you Jenna. xx

  56. I am sorry to hear that,Jenna.. ♥

  57. I'm very sorry for your loss, Jenna :( Please accept my condolences =[ I know how is that loose a grand-father..I was in your situation too..But you'll see, with the time and the love of the other members of your family, you'll move on :(

  58. Im so sorry for your loss Jenna :I
    Dont worry about blog, you should be with your family in this hard moments.


  59. Oh Jenna, I'm so so sorry for your grandfather.
    May he rest in peace.*

  60. I hope he went peacefully. Your family is in my prayers, Jenna.
    Take Care!

  61. Jenna! I know that we have never met but i feel so sorry for you. I am very sorry for your loss, and i think you should take as much time as you need away from the stardoll world because it is only virtual and your family need you more right now.

    may he rest in peace

    xx little.miss.28

  62. Aww sorry Jen. I know how it feels. I didn't get to say goodbye to both my grandparents, even though they raised me. Condolences to you and your family.
    Someday we will all meet our lost love ones again. Take as much time as you can.-hugs-


  63. Im really sorry :{

    Remember your grandfather and don't be sad because everyone will some day die. He is now resting in peace and caring for you


  64. Thank you everyone for your condolences and well wishes. I read them all and appreciate everyone.

    I have found that it helps to just stop on for a moment when the pain is too much. It helps get my mind off things.

    Thanks again and also to everyone who sent me private messages as well.

  65. Very sad news, hope you all get through this together. My thoughts are with you and your family.
    All the best,

  66. awwh I'm so sorry about that :(
    I know how you feel this is terrible :(
    I hope your grandfather rests in peace..
    And I hope you get better Jenna ♥

  67. Jenna, I'm so sorry for your loss. Please accept my condolences. May he rest in peace.

  68. jenna
    I know your grandfather is in better place.

  69. so sorry to hear that

    hope u will be fine
