
Monday, May 10, 2010


Hello, i just log my spare account and i had this from Stardoll. Check below on the pictures. I read and i didn't like when they say " YOU WERE A GREAT SUPERSTAR". In my opinion it's unfair say something like that to a Non-Superstar that just start on Stardoll. I already know Stardoll very well and i know it's great to be superstar but for a biginner member i think they will be a bit frustraded. For me Superstars and Non-Superstars are equal. I have to say that many Non-Superstars are even great than some Superstars for many reasons, some are really nice persons, very creative and with beautifull dolls and suites. I think what does an amazing and great doll is when she is unique and is herself and not if she is a Superstar. So tell us on the comments what you think about this.


  1. The message is clear : buy or you'll be a loser ... :/ not cool from Stardoll


  3. duh..this is Stardoll.
    They don´t care about the clothes and stuff anymore.They care about getting as much money as they can.and truely : There NO amazing changes,what makes us say "yeah, okay.They deserve the money cause thats such a hard working creative team there !".NO its NOT !

  4. But what else would be nice? A new member was happy to get one day SS and anyway she has to know that she can't buy everything anymore. So that's more or less nice. Better than "You're a looser, load up SS!" or something.

  5. This is typical of Stardoll !
    For some reasons I can understand it, because they just earn money with that and how else they get money?

  6. Not very nice indeed!
    And they could make some awesome things with all the money we give them! But I see no results of that! :S

  7. That is really over the top for SD ;/
    Little children who just joined SD will probably fall for that, I think everyone should get to know SD better before going SS ;)

    I was non-ss for like a year before I even thought to become ss (--:

  8. I agree with you.
    However I think that if Stardoll wants to give the possibility to be a superstar for a day..well, they have to give to the new members all the complete features. A superstar for one day can only buy from Starplaza, send broadcast, or make new clothes..why don't give them the possibility to be a complete superstar seeing that it's only for a day?!

  9. i don't like this. it's another way that stardoll are bullying us for not buying more superstar. it even feels like that nothing is available for non-ss anymore too.

  10. Well, Get This, I Told My Friend About This Site, She Said It`s A Waste Of Time, But Then She Heard About Being Superstar For 24`s (Long Enough For Her To Realise It`s Good). So She Joined, But Didn`t Get Her '24 Hours Superstar' Mail!

    It`s Unfair That Non Superstars (Like Me) Don`t Get To Be Superstars, But Now They Aren`t Even Giving Some People Who Joined On That Day Their 24 Hours Superstar!! Point In Them.


  11. It's really stupid. You can be a non-superstar and have an equally good time as superstars.

  12. Yes, it's mean. But they just want money, they want people to be superstar.. i think...

    x Sanne

  13. Uh, i think we all know what that means. Rude from stardoll.

  14. Typical eh? They just want people to spend more money.Ox

  15. OMG!
    Lota of people said all, what I can say about it. Well, only stupid, because all new members didn't know, that they can do only a bit. But Stardoll showed them so many and then! It went away. Well. Did I say more?

  16. How discriminating =/
    They're saying if you don't give them money,
    You aren't special or anything //;

  17. Rude.Very rude.I mean,what's wrong with Stardoll,why is money that important? :S
    And really,it's not like they are amazing or anything. They are releasing old retarded clothes,releasing ugly Antidote,ugly LE,nothing special. And NOW this,like Non-SS are biggest loosers in this world.Thats kinda insane -.-


  18. That's so stupid. Of course we are ALL GREAT SUPERSTARS, SINCE WE GIVE ALL OUR MONEY TO STARDOLL. Can stardoll go even lower than this?

  19. It doesn't sound that mean more unfair. But for someone first coming on there, it's like a let down. Stardoll loves money.

  20. To be completely honest, I don't see what's wrong with it. I mean, it's just supposed to be a marketing technique. It's not supposed to bring down NS. :|

  21. bad choice of words stardoll! rude!

  22. @nicole24-7
    I agree. I will give you this, It WAS baddd wording.
    But in the end, all websites advertise. I just wish they would at least TRY to be sneaky about getting money

  23. They just want the money. They really don't care about the members anymore.. :/

  24. that is a weird message, like you can be a "bad" superstar??

  25. Wow, Stardoll is just trying to make people update to Superstar!

  26. omg this is so stupid! what's up with stardoll lately, huh? i understand that they want money, but this is just RUDE. of course we all want to be superstars, but some people can't, so you can't push them. arghhh,they're so mean...


  27. I like your comment Filipinhamaria , I think to be superstar don't make me happy at all.. But stardoll always make us to be superstar.

  28. Well, what stardoll wouldn't do for just a dollar.

  29. I think stardoll is being very selfish.
    One day stardoll used to be about fashion and stuff, now they are only thinking of money, money and money. I think stardoll is very unfair, but we can't help it. If they want money from us, they will get it, because I don't think some people care about stardoll being selfish.

  30. "You were a great superstar" - that sounds so cheesy and bad... :s
    it's just a sentence to make people buy themselves to a ss... :s

  31. I totally agree with You :S
    Stardoll is just so greedy, they wants to make all people pay, I believe that they will soon start even more often to show how much ''better'' is being as a superstar :S

  32. i know that stardoll has to make money... but everything lately has been just for superstars. and i don't think that its fair. i want some clothes to be for superstars!

    stepharoo101 aka stardoll
