
Monday, May 31, 2010


Hello everyone i discover someting very interesting, i was voting my friends and i notice everytime i vote i earn a coin. Then i went to look my account on PLAY & EARN and saw that i made more than the 5 coins we earn everyday. I thought does this is only for superstars? I ask to myself. So i went to a NON-SUPERSTAR ACCOUNT that i have and i decided to do the same thing. Below you can see on the 1 picture the stardollars i already made in a few minutes.
On 2 picture you can see what i buy, even if you dont see more than 4 stardollars when you look to PLAY & EARN you see that you have more. This means you can have the 70 stardollars in 1 day and buy what you want. For NON-SUPERSTARS this is really good because they can buy things more than 5 stardollares. I don't know how long this last but do it because this is a good opportunity to have some extra Stardollares even if you are a Superstar. The easy way to do it it's when you vote on the CATWALK or the BEST DESIGNE because you can stay on the same page and you take less time.

So what you think?


I think this is something that stardoll has to offer us in june with SUMMER PASS that everyone is speak about, i was lucky because it isn't work now but in a few days everyone can do, at least i hope. If it was a glitch Stardoll should have more like this one and was great if every month when the month ends this happaned.


  1. So does that mean the 70 for the month is used up, or you can do the same thing for the next day? :o
    That seems pretty cool though :)

  2. nice..
    hopefully its not a glitch!


  3. I`m Wondering The Same As Nicole24-7. And Will We Have To Spend It All In A Certain Time?


  4. Thts a good question? I will try again 2morrow an if that hapaned i will updated. It will be amazing if its the whole month of june. hehehehe

  5. Okay, cool! I don't want to use up all the 70 stardollars just in case something I really like happens to come out later this month :)

  6. It's nice, but how did you get the whole thing? Even though it says 5 on mines, I only get 4 coins. IA with nicole does that mean we can't spend for this month? Which starts now for me.


  7. Wait, I am confused. lol

    So like in one day, I am allowed to earn up to $70?
    So like in a week, I shall have $140?

    Woah! That's like so cool! lol

  8. Ohhh haha! I didn't really pay attention to the picture lol.
    (I guess I was too stunned about me making $70 [Bc earning $2 per design I sell isn't making me much money lol]).

    But yeahh lol
    so I see that there are like three 70 thingys. You know what I mean?
    So does that mean like you can earn in total of $210

  9. Saku look the pictures wit attention, see how many stardollars i win, i did 31, when u look on u page below u doll picture u only see 4 but u do more. thats why i add the coins i earn, you can see, 12, 21 n 31 coins.
    You can spent all, i buy that pieces tht u see on 2 picture.

  10. That's amazing! It really works too!
    When you refresh the page though, it shows your original amount of Stardollars before you started earning them :(

  11. oopps lol

    Wait like in my first post, (I am not stupid, I just made a math error lol)

    I meant to say:
    "So like in one day, I am allowed to earn up to $70?
    So like in a week, I shall have $490?"

  12. im going to do more to see wht happaned, if i win more than 70 i will say. hehehe

  13. Well I've already spent a few hundred in 3 hours on accessories and clothes and it's coming that I've 0/70 spent for the month! I think it's a glitch with the new month started so I'm spending like crazy!

  14. Thanks filipinhamaria. I'm so confused now. I'll look at the picture again and try again.


  15. so wait, is this only for ss?

    I kinda told myself I could not come back on stardoll untill Tuesday (bc I am "supposed" to be studying for a few upcoming exams I have at school)

    But if this whole thing is like true and like a limited time only, I going to spend spend spend.

    also, are you allowed to save your money too?

    Bc then i'll be rich! lol

  16. Thanks filipinhamaria. I finally got it. I guess I went crazy and press the buttons too fast, that's maybe why it wasn't working.


  17. It lets you earn more than $70 because I had $175 to start with, and I earned enough to buy a DKNY item that was $350 :)

  18. Omg, Maddy/Maddy65

    that's like so awesome.
    I'm like so poor. lol

    So I can start doing this for like 2 hours and like save so I can like buy more DKNY! yay! lol

    But do you think this'll be here tomorrow? Bc I shouldnt play untill I have finished studying.

  19. Really Maddy? But that will take a while to get over $100 then.


  20. Ikr lol!
    I hope they keep this all summer!
    I can have at least a thousand dollars in an hour!

  21. I got over 70 to test it out, and went over this month limit. I hope that doesn't mean I can't earn the next day. I'll see if I can get $200.


  22. Great Saku, i will try again 2morrow i hope it works, im still laugh coz this its so great.

  23. Maddy/maddy65 you make me smile, tht was amazing but i think tht isnt possible. I hope im wrong, i think this is wht i sayed on the post. 2morrow we will see.

  24. So I kept playing play and earn, and even though it didnt show me I had money. i still spent like 1000 sd for free!
    Stardoll gave me 1000sd, swear to god!
    Check out all the rares and dkny I just bought, I love glitches!

  25. OMG i LOVE U ! I was wondering should I buy the prada inspired or the hotbuys purse and now I decided BOTH!!

  26. Yay I'm also laughing filipinhamaria, but this seems to good to be true. I'm almost to $200. If not a glitch, stardoll finally does something like a nice surprised. The next day I hope it still works and doesn't take out of what we already have.

    Wow @ harper 1000? I didn't know it could go that far. That's good how long did it take to get there?

    Lol@jojo I almost got all Miss Sixty. Just see how much you can get, so you won't have to pick between the two.^.^


  27. it took me like 30 minutes of clicking, but I just keep buying more and more dkny. I have almost 2000 now. It doesnt tell me I have it, it just lets me buy stuff. Watch tomorrow they take it all back or kick me out of stardoll or something. ahaha

  28. Really I have to try that out.


  29. Kay so dont know what this means.
    I keep voting on catwalk and stardoll keeps giving me money. The thing is I dont see the money in my account, I just keep getting to buy things. Very expensive things. Check this out.
    Crazy right?! Will stardoll take away what I already bought.
    to see all the stuff I just bought with that money, check out my account. aharper1243
    What do you think is going to happen?
    Was it a glitch, or will i be punished. lol
    scarrry, but fun!

  30. I tried. It added, but when i visited my account..blam.

  31. this is INCREDIBLE!! i hope they don't disappear over night! :) i am just voting over and over on the catwalk. glitches are the best. haha

  32. uh oh.. when i clicked away from the catwalk, it took my money away!

  33. yeah it says that the money isnt there, but you can still buy stuff. Its amazing!

  34. awesome!...but this has been out for a while now...i hve been oing this everyday since!

  35. There's a non ss haircolour in the starplazza!

  36. _kool_kat_1 really well i vote evryday on my friends n never work before, u lucky, when i find i had to tell so people can win also some extra stardollars.

  37. i got 661sd/70sd!!! ( my zaixhi) in which i have already spent all of it for shopping! and i got 461sd/70 for my non ss acct (zaixi) !! thats incredible Filipa!! but SD has already saw and solve the glitch, tsk tsk tsk!

  38. i have been clicking like crazy coz i have a feeling that it will be gone! LOL!

  39. and theres a note in my account that i have already spent my monthly play and earn! so, i dont have to play the daily play and earn! but its ok for me :)

  40. doesnt work any more

  41. Cool! I'm going to do it now to buy the new kohl's items :)

  42. Stardoll must saw my post hir on Hotbuysbazaar n they fix da glitch.

  43. I don't get it.
    How can I get 70 sd in a day? o.O

  44. Yup,its clearly a glitch,but a good one lol :) .Ox


  46. Darn I knew it was too good to be true, lol. I should of gotten some furniture. At least I got what I wanted plus some things on my other doll. Now I'm over the limit for this month.


  47. Lol@zaixhi I didn't get as much as you, but I went crazy shopping. That was fun.



  49. Aww! That's well cool!
    Wondering the same as Nicole though xD
    And do we have to spend it all in a day?

  50. Nothing interesting really , if so it would be better but without im still okay ;)

  51. I had a lot of fun yesterday when i found it, i did in 3 accounts, in 1 hour i did a lot i dont know how many i do but was awsome, i laugh so much, couldnt believe tht was happaned.

  52. im over the limit on one of my account for this month, so does that means i still owe stardoll the sd i spent for next months and so on? :P

  53. OMG!!!!!!!! I'm so unlucky I missed it. I think it's because of the different time zones.........

  54. Yes filipinhamaria, I also got some for my other dolls. I was so happy I wish I stayed on longer. But thanks for a post about it, I saw what abb wrote, but was confused. I wouldn't have know how you could get all of that, if I didn't see it. Thanks abb and filipinhamaria.^.^


  55. I hope not @ Haze. Because that wouldn't make sense. And I bet most of us went way over $70, if so it would be in the negative number.


  56. OMG.
    It was probably just a glitch :(

    It`s solved already,I was too late :(((((((((

  57. Saku when i discover i did the post 4:
    i told people bc i would like they do da same wit me n bc of my post many people r happy now n buy much things tht was hard before to buy.

  58. Thanks so much Saku for the reply, that make sense! haha and thanks so much to filipinhamaria for the post it was fun :P

  59. I almost had no money left. I had a few things I wanted to get. Even though I didn't get a lot, I got most of what I needed. That was a fun and happy moment. So this help some people out even if it was a short time.


  60. Ohhh I feel so bad.God I missed it because I think you, Filipa, you are from USA?Or Canada,anyway in America?If yes that's why I missed it.Because probably you post this last night, that's why I don't saw yesterday probably.Ohhh so bad.Thanks anyway for sharing the glitch Filipa =]

  61. Queen.Miia, no im from Portugal n was nite when i discover this n did da post, if i ever found sometin again like this i will post 4 sure, i like to see people happy.

  62. Thank you very much Filipa, you are really very sweet for let us know all those, really thanks <33 Woah Portugal?Weiii I am so angry with myself because between us is a litlle diference, just one hour.Since now I'll try it every day haha :DD Thank you very much again Filipa :*
    P.s:My name is Mia :)
    xoxo <3

  63. wow. i stayed up for a while earning and buying. it says i have earned 1595/70 sd this month. HAHAH! i bought so much. that was the BEST glitch ever.

  64. Its not working for me...........:( Someone help? And lmao what exactly do I do?!

  65. Ah and girls I just wanted to ask you, when it was this, the stardollars you earned, those remain still today or you must spend them in the same day you earn them? And do you think it will be ever again? I mean for example at the end on this month?OR at the end of august?

  66. It seems great for non-ss.
    Now, if they really wanna some item thats expensive, they dont have to wait for a whole month (or more) to get it.


  67. uuggghh! so now it doesnt work anymore?

    I should have logged on yesterday and did it!

    But no, I thought about studying for school first!

    I am so stupid!

  68. I spent 930 stardollars and bought as musch stuff as i could. I wish i had SS so i could also get some makeup/funritutre but it was still fun!

  69. cool! im gonna go try right now!

  70. yes its was no longer working! maybe the stardoll admin personnels are also reading blogs!!! blogs have advantages and disadvantages we must first read blogs 1st thing b4 logging in our SD account , LOL!

  71. Thank you for sharin this with us. :)
    I got 456/70 !!!

  72. ahh, i missed THAT? :/


  73. That was bizar! But probably a glitch..

  74. Hey guys... Bad news! I had done this and now I can't do play and earn for a whole moth! -.- ruins my gift thing for summer pass D:

  75. Thank god I gat 1587 / 70 in 3 hrs. lmao. I know it was a glitch.
