
Monday, May 17, 2010


Stardoll became greedy now when we want to sell something in our Starbazar we can sell till 500 stardollares. Below you can see some pictures, if you sell something for 500 stardollars you only stay with 450 stardollares. Then you must see how much did you pay for that piece and take from the 450 stardollares what you had pay. Stardoll will stay with 50 stardollars, for me this is unfair, we already spent money on Stardoll and even with this new values this won't stop with scammers. We know that some pieces worth more than 500 stardollares so this doesn't change any thing in our benefit because things will continue the same. Only Stardoll find out a new way to have more benefits and take more money from us.


  1. Stardoll should not do anything with us. We pay a lot of money there. I think Stardoll, must change this back. Why will Stardoll have so much money from us? On what basic? Lilou4711

  2. typical stardoll always finding a way to come out ahead.

  3. So unfair!! I would love it if we got all the 500

  4. I think it stops people from overpricing really I'm happy with the changes

  5. That stinks - but it's cool at the same time.

  6. OMG. I am very mad now D:
    Though usually I won`t sell things for 500 sd so I think it will be ok../:

  7. I don't like what they did to the higher price items. But on the other side it makes it easier for people to buy.

  8. I think that the only things left non rare now are the REALLY rare DKNY (hearts blouse, skyscraper, etc.), old LE (Cupid, denim frock, etc.), and all RC. Really disappointing, Stardoll. Because even though I hate scammers paying big prices for rares were fun, now the magic is gone.

  9. This is both good and bad. It reduces scamming, and you can now search in starbazaar for your rare DKNY. The bad thing is when you are selling, you make less.

  10. IA koolcryyss I saw a lots of old dkny,1st season. It does cut back on the scamming, but the profit you make feels like a rip off.

  11. i like how we can sell for more but not how we lose money. :(

  12. Wow. I don't even know what to say. This is ridiculous! Honestly, why would they even do that??
    They're just trying to find out a way to cheat us out of our money. :|

  13. I like it but I hate that we don't get the FULL money.
    I saw somebody selling their Mary-Janes for 450 so now people are exaggerating with the prices. :|

  14. I cant BELIEVE theyre doing this to us! 50SD is ALOT!

  15. wow thats so unfair!! and anyway what are they going to do with the fake money!!! that really sucks!!

  16. This is so unfair!And also, I saw when you put a thing for 60 sd, normaly you have to recive 59, but now you recive just 54!!!!And also when you put for 30 you recive 24 sd!!Hello stardoll, wtf's happening?

  17. First, this is so unfair. Two, the prices in starbazaar will become much more expensive. Thanks Stardoll, our life will be more difficult.

  18. Stardoll=a group of people who find ways to earn money in every way -.-

  19. Stardoll are just getting greedy. And they expect us to pay them both real money AND stardollars?

    We already give them money and now they expect more. How much does running a company cost?

  20. Yes, but it kinda does prevent scamming now that they moved it up to 500.

  21. I guess it's all our fault that stardoll made this starbazzar upgrade, its A LOT of scammers here.
    I never sell anything more then 60 sd and i never will, i think it's immature to spend ur REAL money on UNREAL things.
    So my opinion: I really dont care on this change.

  22. I liked that idea on the first sight... but after an hour looking for new clothes I got really mad!People just got crazy! they sell their junk for 500$,they sell new Dkny for 400$,thats ridiculous!

  23. On 1 day to do the strike.

    As we understand, take advantage, when such a rarity at the market there, all will book an appointment more money over the phone banks and the like. THEM roll in huge profits

  24. Stardoll is always greedy, so. by this "new feature"...I am not surprised :/

  25. I think this is better than we had to sell for 60 - no more scamming! :)
    but.. 450 SD? NO WAY. :[

  26. I like that they made us put clothes up for more Stardollars now it'll be easier to sell clothes we want to sell without looking for someone to buy and it'll be easier to find rares
    yet they should give use the money I meant WHY do they Stardollars for us we already pay a lot to become ss -.-

  27. So true
    Stardoll being reallly greedy
    i have a addiction of buying these stuff
    and stardoll should leave the the price too 60sd because its purley unfair
    Like all the noobs will sell stuff for 500 not much of worth Sigh

  28. It's cool that we can sell now for 500sd
    BUT I hate stardoll's greediness :S

    Though 10% is better than a half off ;P

  29. !!!!!
    It`s good cause you can sell things for more then 60sds.
    That`s not fair!

  30. + You cansell it for more than 60 Stardollar
    - 50 Stardollar for stardoll when I'm selling for 500 totally? No thanks!!

  31. ;o
    That is so unfair!

    If you want to sell something for 5OO,
    Just sell things for 1sd 5OO times* ;P

    *Patience needed for this ^^

  32. That's so greedy!
    But why are we shocked. It's stardoll. :/

  33. Finally, You Noticed!
    After Me Telling You Post After Post, Stardoll Is Greedy!!


  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Well, this is NOT what we wanted!

  36. wow... i guess since everyone's spending so much for a rare stardoll just decided to let them have higher prices!

  37. stardoll itself a huge scammer

    they r a big theives

    I start to hate them

    that's totally unfair

  38. Oh my god, 10% is so much!
    I mean it's practically the same amount as a code. So it's like their stealing a code from you!
    But this won't keep people from buying and selling stuff for so much money!

  39. Became??!! good one ! STARDOLL IS ALREADY GREEDY, always has been, always will be..

    and this is crazy !! 50sd as going to air basically , that's so silly :S

  40. When I think of what stardoll used to be, I'm so SAD. Because, before it becomes famous, prices were lower, there was no scam and no stupid message or comments. Whatever. Stardoll has become greedy I dont loke it at all. So angry. -_-'

    MissBadRock, on stardoll.

  41. it's okay that we can sell something for more than 60, but stardoll gets 10% of the price? WHY? do they need that money...this is not greedy, because that money actually VANISH! aaah...


  42. Hmm.. what stardoll really want..?

  43. im so damn angry
    pardon my language..
