
Friday, May 21, 2010

I know that this is not Stardoll-related....

...but this too good to be true! The famous television show GLEE is going GaGa! I'm a big fan of GLEE, I absolutely cannot wait for the episode to air next week! :D If you don't know Glee, you should search it up on the net and watch the show, it's too amazing.

Now, I've already known a few days before that Glee was going to have an episode based on Lady GaGa, as a follow-up to their Madonna episode aired a few days ago, and now that they've released teasers of the episode, I'm excited than ever! Check them out! Gaga-Glee fans, this is for you!
hmm....quite snazzy, don't you think? :D


  1. I love Gaga, but I've never seen Glee. They are awesome singers though! I heard the Poker Face Acoustic version and it was AMAZING!!!

  2. Never heard of Glee, might give it a try!


  3. I dont watch this show, but I think i should.. everyone seems to be an addict & loves it! lol

  4. I am such a GLEEK, I think the show is genius and I can't wait for the Lady Gaga episode! :D

  5. I LOVE GLEE! And i love lady gaga :3
    i can't waaaaaaaaait!! haha :D

  6. I LOVE Glee!!!
    But they don't show it here in Switzerland, so I just watched the first six episodes on my friend's laptop. Glee is so good! :D
    The Gaga costumes look really great ;]

  7. Never heard about but Glee... but I'm curious after reading this post. :)

  8. I love gaga's music, but I hate the way she looks... and honestly, she copied roison murphy.

    But the outfit's look great! :D

  9. I have never seen Glee,but it looks pretty cool!


  10. GLEE is my life! I basically can't miss a minute of it when it airs on Monday evenings...but if I do, I completely go BERSERK! :D
    I can't wait for this episode, I wonder what songs Rachael will give a shot too! xD

  11. awesome!! lady gaga+glee = histerical. gonna try watch it

  12. Brilliant!
    I am really looking forward to it now!
    Thanks Jenna!
    Zoë xoxo

  13. heard of that show but didn't know that it's that cool..

  14. I love glee and i just KNOW i will love the episode even more OMG :D

  15. I never heard for Glee.


  16. OMG!
    I love it :)

  17. Oh, I do not watch GLEE, but I want to now!!

  18. I am a MASSIVE fan of Gaga and...Glee! Those to combos will be fantasticco

  19. wow! can't wait for it too! i live glee! glee rules!

  20. I don't watch Glee but I have heard it is really good, I might tune in!

  21. Oh Kurt, why so fabulous? I love Glee. I mean, LOVE. I love everything about it! The cast are all kinds of fierce for doing this, and Quinn looks AMAZING.

    Why haven't Stardoll released any Glee cast dolls yet? They're being incredibly slow on the uptake, Glee's become such a phenomenon so they really are missing out.

    Or maybe that's just my inner (or not) gleek speaking. ;D

  22. oOo...this one looks like its gonna be good!

  23. I love Glee lol,watch it all the time :D but lady gaga im not a fan of anymore,apparently shes part of the Illuminati secret society,so shes a devil worshipper.Talk about wrong.And i know most people will probably just think this is a stupid rumour,but there is so much evidence to point that she is an illuminati.Just type it into youtube and tons of info will come up with stuff about lady gaga being a devil worshipper,and also Jay-Z,Rihanna & Beyonce..Ox

  24. That's cool. But I don't know Glee and I don't think it's on the Belgian television. And I don't really like Gaga, so I probably won't see it.

  25. Wow your new banner
    is a KILLER banner i sooooooo love it
    i can't wait to watch GLEE for the first time!

  26. wow! they did a pretty good job of remaking the outfits!

  27. check out my gaga outfit!

  28. I LOVE GLEEEE !!! wooohooo ! :D
    I haven't watch the May episodes just yet, though ... haven't got the time :/

    can't wait for this episode:O
    I loved the Madonna part, it was so cool,
    ahhh, Glee is so funny :)

  29. I LOVE Glee!! this episode looks hilarious, especially Kurt! haha!

  30. I like glee, but I miss a few shows. Wow @Fabfashionist.Ox. I thought I was the only here who heard that, but they don't just let anyone in.
    It can't be true, not a fan of her, but I like her outfits. Yep Illuminati,is a old secret society dated back to maybe before Jesus' time. Some are Mansons.
    Some people get the satanic thing mixed up with them Fab. Which I think it's not really true. They're just a secret elite order plan on controlling everything through the NWO. But that's what I heard.

    I don't think it's silly Fab, but Illuminati seems to get blame for everything it's funny when you keep hearing it. ^.^

  31. Yay! I love Glee, I'm so excited!

  32. All Singing, All Dancing Ect, Ect.
    As Much As I Love Musicals I Just Find That Show Annoying, Because When Someone Sings She Screeches.
    But I Think I Might Just Watch The GaGa Ep.


  33. lol luv the way in da first pic Quinn has the the sharp round thing right next to the bubble dress!! XD all the outfits are brilliant.

  34. i've never heard of this show, it's not shown in my country. but because i'm a huge gaga fan, i'll search this episode :]

