
Sunday, April 4, 2010


I hesitate to post this, but it is so shocking to me and sad.

As most of you probably know Devie44 (Kristen) was hacked not too long ago. Almost all of her rares were taken and she had a lot of them! There was a lot of speculation as to whether Kristen was telling the truth or not. Well tonight she told me that Wooldoor (Eliza) admitted to hacking her!!!

If you don't know Eliza, she works for the Haus of Sin blog and I never in a million years thought she would do something like this! Mainly because she was scammed once before and was very upset by it. At the time I freely gave her my extra of the item to make up for her loss as I felt bad and...she has always been very nice to me .

Anyway.. now she is the dishonest person! A hacker! This was so shocking to me. I did not take Devie44 at her world..I asked Wooldoor directly and she confirmed that she is the hacker and expressed her remorse. See the screen prints I took below.
The only thing is that Wooldoor hasn't given Devie44 back her items yet. 1st she told me she was hacked, then she said she wasn't, but the person whose account they are on won't give them back.

The whole thing is a bit odd to me, but if you are truly remorseful wouldn't you give them back? Should someone like this (Wooldoor) really be working for the Stardoll Magazine?!

Are rares this important that people will lie, cheat and betray their friends???

Btw Kristen asked me to let everyone know what Eliza had done and I told Eliza I would be posting this... so I am not doing this behind anyones back or sticking my nose in other peoples business.

There are many more screen prints of our conversation, but I decided not to post them.

I feel strongly about it as I know how it feels to be hacked. Of course ultimately it is Kristen's fault as she gave Eliza her pass, but still........ ELIZA PLEASE GIVE HER RARES BACK!


  1. kristen had it coming,i'm glad someone finally hacked her wannabee ass.

  2. Everyone get's hacked, why is kristen any different?
    She deserved it, because she's hacked also.

    The girl has like 5 fucking superstar accounts with a bunch of rares and what not for crying out loud!!

  3. Jenna don't write about these lame losers, their the same person. It's all for attention girl!!

  4. Shocking....not really.

    I'm sorry, but I believe Kristen had this coming. I know Eliza on my main account and she's a smart girl, she wouldn't have done this just to get her hands on some rares, there had to be a bigger reason behind it.

    I don't think those stolen rares of Kristen were initially hers. A friend of mind told me she had been cheated out of her rares by Kristen a couple weeks ago and that she had this plan to ask a friend of her's (Eliza) to hack her account to retrieve them back.

  5. But Eliza told me she didn't hack her :(

  6. It's funny to see peoples post. My 1st impression was that this is for attention. Either Kristen and Eliza (and a few other I suspect) are the same people or have teamed up for attention. The story isn't making sense.

    I try to believe the best in people. Idk.

    I know Kristen is now Madamemushroom and says taht she has bought that account. Madamemushroom I am told was a huge scammer.

  7. Reira as you can see she told me she did

  8. Jenna, I am trying to get her all the rares...
    I did wrong, yes I know...
    I didn't say I was getting hacked on my account either...
    If people arent happy with me making mistakes, and start to hate me, I don't blame them, but I can't see why if it was a true friend they wouldn't give a shit. After this whole incident I have felt utterly ashamed of myself, and I AM trying all I can to return the rares.
    Me and Kristen are two complete different people, for one, I'm a bitch, and two, reasons I rather not discuss.
    We haven't teamed up or anything, and If I was doing something for attention I would have done it for the right kind of attention.
    Still, my side hasen't been heard 100% and I rather you you to know without showing the whole Stardoll world.

    I think I kind of get a say with if other people get to see the screen shots, and I don't think it is anyone elses business but Kristen and my own's.

  9. I think a part of it - the "Give back the rares" part shouldn't really be there, I can only do what I can when I can.

  10. Wooldoor is a friend of mine, and she did something wrong but you really dont understand the story..

    Devie44 HACKED one of xodanigirlxosta you can see a big argue in the guestbook..
    Eliza didint know about that, but she did know that devie was a mean person to ppl and hacked ppl..
    ALSO devie DID give eliza his/her password so that was a stupid idea?? IT WAS DEVIES FAULT..

    Eliza may be a hacker but patrick (devie44) is a bully:

    Eliza didint do it for the rares, she didint have one of the rares she stole on her acc wooldoor she gave them to a friend i dont know who, but they are not on her acount.

    Jenna, I am really begging u if i could put the FULL true story in my own post? :( pls?

    I am not on anyones side, but I really think ppl need to know what devie did do to ppl..

  11. Jenna,

    1. you havnt even listioned to what eliza has to say, you just went and posted stuff on your blog,

    2. there was no need to post this to the whole of stardoll. You dont know anything about what happened between kristen and Eliza

    3. you have broken your own blog rules, "no gossiping" remember?

    4. Eliza and Kristen are completely different people.

    5. mind your own fucking business.


  12. btw Jenna, like Chloe said, you dont know the full story. Only a few people do.

    So I would stay out of it if i was you.

  13. kristen's a sweet girl, who got hacked by a bitch

  14. @Anonymous

    Me and Kristen are sorting it out, so go touch yourself like you would any other time

  15. kristen's an angel, she would never be mean to anyone

  16. Jenna, I think you should first try to find out whole story. You posted just one side and thats not right for Eliza. If I were on her place, who knows, maybe I would do the same things just to help me friend. Once, when my bff was scammed for DKNY by "popular" scammer on SD, I took that Dkny back from scammer & give it to my friend , who is real owner. Does that makes me horrible person? I think Eliza just wanted to help her friend, like I did.Personally, I dont see nothing bad in scamming/hacking hackers/scammers. These people shouldn't be on Stardoll anyway.

    You should first try to get both side of story before posting this post.


  17. Devie44 doesn't hack, u all are just haters!! Get a life losers!! She's nice, friendly, and got hacked by a fake bitch!

  18. Leave Kristen alone!!!!
    You don't know what's she been through!!
    Leave Kristen alone!!!

  19. shut the fuck up chloe, i see u couldn't take the heat on ur "oh i'm leaving so please cry for me" post so u deleted it!

    dumb hoe

  20. Umm, Anonymous, I'm pretty sure you're Chris Crocker, fuck up! Me and Kristen are sorting it out!

  21. eliza ur so stupid and naive
    sure, ur "sorting" out with kristen, just wait girl....

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. RihannyX i saw that lame comment of urs.

  24. Mind your own fucking business... I will show you the msn conversation if you are desperate to see

  25. u don't get it do u dumb bitch?

  26. This isnt my thing,but i hate hackers. i dont think that she should be doing for stardoll magazine, she should be reported. I hope Kristen will get her rares.

  27. Whether this is all for attention or not, no one deserves to be hacked. No one. Whether you have a load of rares or not, losing your account can be really upsetting if you've spent a lot of time and/or money on it.

  28. woah! this is either some mixed up publicity stunt or some one who hates wooldoor has hacked into her account and made her seem like a seriously bad person... why would she say i dont know why i hacked her ? thats just sttupid
    i think some has hacked into wooldoor not that im saying eliza is inocent herself though!

  29.'s so of a bad feeling when you're hacked of something you've worked alot to get and stuff , i know all of that because i've been hacked on many games ..
    but i will admite that i've hacked my best friend once .. and the person at that moment doesn't feel that it's something wrong as long as he saw his benefits in it.

    so im just trying to say dont judge on Eliza so badly and have a pity on her because especialy when someone is hacked , beside the feeling of sadness , he feels revenge too and he starts thinking of everyone around him..

    i hope you understand.

  30. i also wanted to say , i feel the cold words in Eliza's sentences so i thinkg maybe it could be for attention. but im not really sure...

  31. No offence, but im not gonna say anything about this post cause i dont know the people, i dont know what happend, and i kindof dont care. =/


  32. mailgirl101/katsumyApril 4, 2010 at 5:41 AM

    Oh my god.
    o.o this is shocking, I have to admit.

  33. I just have 1 word, why someone give the pass to another people, tht so pathetic, in my opinion thts a stupid thing to do. I hate gossip.

  34. Ok, sooo this is what really happened:

    Kristen sold her rares to MadameMushroom, and then she deleted her Devie44 account, and then came swiftly back to tell everyone that she had been hacked, she has since deleted her Devie44 account AGAIN, and has now moved to the account MadameMushroom, because the girl, Estelle I beeleave, moved to the account Anchesenamon and now goes by the name Fazya or something. I am guessing that Wooldoor is just playing some little games or whatever, for publicity? Who knows, really. But she seems a nice girl, she didn't hack Devie, this is all just a huge stunt.

  35. What Charlotte said sounds right and isn't Kristen a scammer and a hacker herself..?

    I like Wooldoor though, she is nice!

  36. I agree with N1mka4eva...
    wooldoor isint really the type of girl to hack, and she does love to play games and have arguments maybe that was the case D_D
    or maybe its an late april fools joke..

    D: if so u rlly scare me

  37. this is crazy, stupid and sad :S
    i've been hacked too- i was really devasteted ;( over 200 items were sold, most of them were hbs and rares ;:s

  38. I think i might have to leave stardolls most wanted :S Im not writer material but i will still post stuff for u in sd magazine for u jenna :D

  39. Idk even HOW people get hacked, you shouldn't be that dumb to give your password to a total stranger in another country, this is so stupid, use your cominsense people! Should I really give my password to a stranger!? NO.

    btw, if you didn't give your password, then just ignore my post :)

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. Although I feel bad because she probably worked hard for those rares, she did give out her password. Mixed feelings atm.

  42. So sad :S And I noticed that Toxxic.Angel is leaving HBB because of that! This is just sad.Sooo sad.

    BUT.I think that people CAN make mistakes,and then regret them.So yea.Jenna I think you shouldn't post this.


  43. I think that Jenna did the right thing and posted that so we all know!
    Because whatever had happen between the two girls that doesn't change the fact that Eliza hacked Kristen, which under no condition is a right thing to do.
    So Jenna wanted us to know and tried to protect us. If she did it once we don't know if she will do it again.
    So I wouldn't blame Jenna for posting this as I am sure that I would do the same to protect other people.

  44. Oh and just wanted to say
    Nobody who is smart enough WOULDN'T give pasw. to ANYONE.Why would somebody do that? That's why I don't believe anyone :S Not even my best friends on Stardoll,well,not THAT much.!


  45. Kristen deserved it. she hacked my side model not too long ago then the day after i confronted her she faked her deletion/hacking with smudge_123. dont you think its strange that 1 day shes hacked, next day she gets her rares back and then hacked again? she hacked herself the first time. so i have no sympathy for her.
    and everyone is human and everyone makes mistakes, so i still think wooldoor should still write for stardoll magazine.

  46. Jenna, I Know You`re Only Trying To Do A Friend A Favour, But The Last Thing You Should Do Is Tell Everyone About It (I Know You Want To Warn Everyone).

    As For WoolDoor, She Most Certainly Shouldn`t Be Working For The Stardoll Magazine, Honestly I Think Her Account Should Be Deleted After She Returns The Rares To The Rightfull Owner!


  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. Oh, that is hard to believe, but anything is possible! I think Wooldor shoukd give back Devie44 her items, being hacked is not nice, and it makes one feel miserable...and besides, who wants to cheat in life?

  49. Well I think everyone makes mistakes BUT the thing is if it's something bad YOU MUST try to fix it

    Well I tought of listening to both full stories then sorting everything out

  50. Hmmm... It seems suspicious. Eliza always seems so nice but when you're online you never could be sure. Kristen was kind of not smart on her part, giving away her pass. Who knows?

  51. I'm not that much into stardoll gossip. I feel sorry for Kristen, but I don't actually care. Lol (: Though it was really rude from that other girl - Eliza.

  52. At Least Eliza Owned Up To It.
    But I Don`t Know The Whole Story,
    So There`s Really No Reason For Me To Judge The Situation.

  53. whats happpened has happened and you cant change it the world is at war :(

  54. someone know about devie44 account?

  55. i'm not much into stardoll gossip, but this is weird.

  56. Stardoll drama is too much! I don't even run into this many problems in my high school! :s

  57. Omg!
    How far people go to get attention is ah-mazing :P

  58. I have no idea who these girls are. But it sucks when someone takes something of yours like that. Regardless of who's at fault. I know nicole lol, I try to not get involved.

    But I hope she gets some of her things back.

  59. I'm not into stardoll gossip , so i'll rather stay out of this :S
    And i won't comment anything like they said only few people know the real story :D

  60. Partick (devie44) is a bitch and I'm glad he is hacked, I don't wanna be mean though, what Eliza did was wrong.....but Patrick has always been such an @$$. Patrick is also a freekin bully.

  61. None of you know the full story. Eliza and Kristen are working it out and thats there business, not yours.

    So everyone stop making accusations about what you "think" might of happened because you all have NO idea ;]

  62. I feel so bad for Kristen! I hope she gets her rares back:)

  63. patrick deserved it. He has hacked so many poeple, Elizas giving him a taste of his wn medicine, you go girl

  64. I think I know who that

    Anonymous said...

    patrick deserved it. He has hacked so many poeple, Elizas giving him a taste of his wn medicine, you go girl

    Because I heard_____ say something very similar in msn to me..
    and you wouldnt beleve who seriously :O Shes quiet a popular girl!

  65. If you all report me somebody wont be getting their shit...

  66. I find it funny how all the comments defending Devie44 are by "Anonymous".

    What has happened is sad but we should just move on. This is no one's business but Devie44 & Wooldoor's.

  67. Here is what I know about the subject:

    MadameMushroom (now known as Anchesenamon)

    And from what I've heard, Devie hasn't been the most honest person in the bunch either with things going around such her and her scamming. She's admitted it herself.

    And I agree with what others said. Jenna you kind of posted this without knowing the vital details and yet you still don't update. It gives people the very wrong idea.

    Eliza is one of my best friends. If she did hack, it wasn't out of total greediness, there had to be another reason.

  68. And am I the only who noticed the "Anonymous" :

    -Sounds like Kristen
    -Was posted within a few minutes of each other
    -Is defending Kristen repeatedly

    Just a thought ;) Connect the dots

  69. This is Kristen here's the full truth to everything:

    1. Regarding me being a boy named Patrick is FALSE.

    2. Wooldoor hacked me and none of this is your buissness so fucking stay out of it we are sorting it out on msn.

    3. xodanigirlxosta gave me that account to get LE so I took I dind't know that was wrong when someone gives you something.

    4. I gave my pass to her to get my LE when I was grounded.

    5. It's pathetic that you people think that I deleted my account 2 times, Idk who deleted it the first time, SD deleted it the second time.

    6. Jenna is just posting what she thinks so ya'll can get off her back.

    7. I paid so much for my rares I never scammed for them.

    8. Anon. comments be witty and tell your name because you all are cowards.

    9. Eliza and I are becoming friends (I think).

    10. Back Off. It's mine and Eliza's buisness.

  70. I am a cunt - Alexander Mcqueen,he sewed it on Prince Charle's jacket... lol

  71. Hi , at first sorry 4 my english Im spanish

    I wrote a huge text and deleted me: (

    So just write this ...
    For those who say this is gossip, should review the dictionary, this is not a gossip, is a warning for kids who may fall into their trap!
    Someone has criticized the hair color? as dress or with whom you speak?
    No, the owner of this blog has warned of a possible scam, hacker, or crazy, how you want to call, but in no case is gossip

    Thanks for warning us: D

  72. Every single friend of Eliza is supporting her and kristen's friends supports her,but really,eliza admitted that she took devie44's rares,so Reira and some other people stop telling that she did not.

  73. vasia she didint do it for the rares...

  74. Am I the only person waiting for someone to say 'April Fools!'...?

  75. Wow. Again drama, drama, drama in Stardoll World.
    I never know whom to believe in these situations. I'd rather stay out and not judge at all. It's too much drama. Pfff

  76. WOW, I can't believe that she scammed her own friend. We can't trust anyone these days. People cheat other just to get virtual items.

  77. Vasia, get a life... Like Kristen said it is nobody else's business buy mine and hers... Shove your nose in an ass who gives a fuck!

  78. Oh, and Jenna is on easter holidays, she wont update until tomorrow

  79. I have a life and I am not spending my lefe cheating and making people sad.Actually,I did not swear you or something,I don't even know you! You just show us how a bitch like you can bahave.Get a good life ;)

  80. OMG

    Do I care?
    Stardoll is VIRTUAL game. Come'on. They should have more things to worry about.

  81. well what comes around goes around, looks like its getting fixed so lets stay out of it :)

  82. @Lillyandmile

    What did I do??? My point exactaly NOTHING!


    Vasia you have a life don't let them tell you you don't, they are jealous cause you r more famous than them


    You have NO idea why the hell this happened so YOU Chloe STAY THE HELL OUT OF IT!

  83. devie44: Guess what?? Your an idiot..
    Its true that they should butt out of your buisness, but still. The internet is the internet, and whatever you do WILL be critized..

    I really don't give a F*ck at the moment. I'm just saying that whatever
    the hell happened is what happened.
    No one can take anything back, so can everyone just shut up now???

    Btw Anonymous: you people should put your usernames.. really. just get some f*cking guts.

    im funnygrl16 and I don't give a ...
