Wednesday, April 7, 2010


 The raffle winners from last month top 10 commenters are LadyLiisu and Dl.eclipse. They will win $50sd each. From the top 30 Gaby-052.
Below are the results for top commenter for the month of MARCH.

Top 10: based on last 1000 comments. 2 people will get $50sd each.
  1. Pandora R ♥ (33)
  2. LadyLiisu (28) 
  3. Chicago3 (26) 
  4. vpurple (24) 
  5. _inda_ (23)
  6. Kirbybabey (23)
  7. nicole24-7 (23)
  8. whitney333 (22)
  9. cottoncandy (21)
  10. K_E_O_S_H_A/Amro (20)

Top 30. Based on the last 5000 comments. Each will be put in a raffle for $100sd.
  1. Daisygirlz / Joyce [67]
  2. Chicago3 [65] 
  3. vpurple [61]
  4. whitney333 [58] 
  5. nicole24-7 [56]
  6. LadyLiisu [54] 
  7. Pandora R ♥ [54]
  8. _kool_kat_1 [51] 
  9. cottoncandy [47]
  10. Kirbybabey [47] 
  11. _inda_ [45]
  12. K_E_O_S_H_A/Amro [45] 
  13. _funnyprincess_ [42]
  14. Lucie/lgap [41] 
  15. PwincessSara/Sara [39]
  16. kitty_power5 [37] 
  17. EvaEclipse [36]
  18. Avril14140 [36] 
  19. iswim19 [33]
  20. t-o_O [31] 
  21. Alice2078 [31]
  22. Katsumy / Mailgirl101 [31] 
  23. Melissakuh [28]
  24. cookie9988 [28] 
  25. Houpisonfire [27]
  26. Rab92 [26] 
  27. Dancer116 [24] 
  28. Evita.Sweet [22] 
  29. gaby-052 [21] 
  30. Lea [18]
Congrats to everyone and thank you again for following and commenting!


Sierra Lang (iswim19) said...

Cool! Thanks for putting me on the list! Lol first comment!

nicole24-7 said...

Congrats, raffle winners :)

Yay, I'm in both! :D
Good job, everyone haha ^^

Abigail [: said...

Congrats to all! :]

whitney333 said...

I'm in both ;D
Congrats to everyone :)

Cherri Blossom said...

yay im in the top 30!! well done to everyone else cant wait to find out the raffle's winners

Electra said...

Yay! [:

Ameena said...

Congrats to all :)


Flavia. said...

Congratulations to all!!
Maybe i will be sometime in that list

Evita.Sweet said...

Yaay! 28 :DD

Tiina--- said...

Oh sry I guess I haven't been very active this month ;/

Kirbybabey said...

Oh wow! Im 6th! thats so awesome!
xD xxx

Pandora J ♥ said...

Soo I'm the 1st and 7th,good job me xD 33 comments yay!
Congrats to all hehe


Melissakuh said...

Yay, I'm in it.

You're welcome, Jenna! I think it's our job to comment so that you know what we think and what is our opinion on everything!

Eva said...

I didn't make it to the top 10. I'll have to comment more now :D I was in London and I had soooo many exams in school, blah. :/ But I'm in top 30 :D Thanks ♡

Mailgirl101 said...

Awesome. Congrats everybody!! :)) xxx

Miss M said...

Cool! Am in top 30. Thanks Jenna!! Will try harder to comment ;D And btw, congrats to the top 10 and the Feb Raffle winners!

lady__gagaa said...

great, i'm in both :) congrats to all, and i will continue commenting this great blog :)
btw. i wanted to ask, wasn't there a february raffle too, who won?

Chicago3 said...

Yah, third :)
Congrats for everyone who made the list :)

Daisy April Smith said...

OMG, ii can first ?
From the top 30 ? :D
YAY thanks (:

Daisy April Smith said...

Came first*
In the*

Sorry, my bad XD

Chicago3 said...

Oh, I didn't see I was 2nd in the top 30 commentors!

Anonymous said...

Good job guys!
That's great!

Daisy April Smith said...

BTW Jenna;;
Who qot the code from last month ?
Because I don't think it was mentioned D:

Lea said...

thank you Stardoll's Most Wanted, I'm in top 30. My stardoll name is FlirtyLady44

No-one in particular said...

YAY! I'm in both ;D
Shows how much time I spend here...(;

Kirbybabey said...

Oohh i just saw i am no.10 in top 30, thats pretty impressive lol. I LOVE THIS BLOG :) x

JessicaVianaზ' said...

Congrats to all ^^

RihannyX said...

Congrats :)

I'm really sorry that i didn't comment so much, but i promise i will do better next month.

l0nelly said...

congrats girls :)

Anónimo said...

wow! i'm in the 2 tops!!! tks! i love this blog!!

Lillyandmile/Lilly said...

congratz guys!! :)

Rab92 said...

Congrats Everyone!


Anonymous said...

yayy i won! thank you :):)
and i made the both lists again, nice to know =)

Fifi-Jayne said...

Congrats! :)

Emorox4eva/Jenna said...

Daisygirlz / Joyce and Lady_gagaa

The 1st line talks about the Feb raffle....

Daisy April Smith said...

Oh, weird D:
Doesn't show up on my screen ;O

BeautyByVickie said...

Well done girls!

Anonymous said...

good job!

Unknown said...

You're welcome. This blog's really nice :)

Someone said...

Wooho , im glad i made it to top ten , im so happy and honored to be a small little part of that blog popularity , thanks so much!

katieLove1 said...

i neeed to comment more

cookie9988 said...

thanx for putting me on the raffle list. :)

Mihaela said...


No-one in particular said...

I just realised I'm in the Top 1O aswell ;D
Lol xD

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