
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Dressing YOUR medoll, How?

How long huh? Well I have been really busy no joke! Things have been difficult in reality ALSO because I have been up late at night working on Stiletto so its been quiet hecktic also I really dont know what to post, no new things are interesting no cool outfits nothing that interesting so yeah.. anyway I managed to figure something out..
Ever have a problem figuring what to wear? got SO.. many clothes SO many things just dont know what to wear... :S Well thats not really a problem anymore here are 5 easy steps to creating an outfit thats creative, but stylish..

1. Dont always go by the 'trend' cuz who picks them anyway? Who cares? Go by the 20's, 50's, 60's etc.. dosnt matter wich generation just as long YOU are being YOURSELF and thats all u need in an outfit :D

2. Your emotion is very important in an outfit, dress to the way you are feeling.. sad, happy, etc.. it really does do something for you!

3. Try combination colors and mix&match its a great way of makeing your outfit (obviously)

4. Dont buy LARGE amounts, (eg. Lots of dresses all at once) I know on sd u may not do this anyway but doing this means: u needing to buy more shoes,bags etc.. :S and also if these are summery dresses and u dont wear them all u will look werid at winter when the new trends are out...



  1. I have MANY clothes, so I always don´t know what I should wear!!!
    But in the last time I only wear new clothes from the Starplaza!
    This tips are really good, so thank you for them! :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Yaay, I love this post so much (:
    I love those "practical" posts. ♥ Thank youu, I have sooo many clothes in my closet (also in RL), but I can never find the right shoes or bag to match them...

  4. Sorry, that random awesome wasnt supposed to post haha!
    What i was GOING to say was..

    Awesome tips, i dont really have trouble finding things to wear though, cause when i go shopping, and lets say i buy a dress, I will not leave the shop until i have found the ENTIRE outfit to go with the dress, inc. Hair, makeup accesories, shoes etc.
    Thats just the way i shop though xD

    Great post :)

  5. Okay that sounded like i go shopping for hair!! haha!
    Thats not what i meant lol

  6. Good tips :)

    Ps - You're right, stardoll is being boring these days.. -.-

  7. Great post :D
    Very nice tips,
    I'll keep them in mind(:

  8. I have lots of dresses that I never wear but I like 'em...Idk,you never know what kind of clothes will you need xD
    Hmm and I think that fashion is a great way to show your ''feelings'' or ''atm mood'' :D But not always,cuz my doll would be in black,if I would dress it that way lol =D
    Oh and I agree that we should buy much more Accessoires! Like bags,belts,necklaces...


  9. Ehh Forgot to write..I agree with EvaEclipse...I love those practical posts too xD


  10. booooring..
    this isn't anything new or interesting, imo

  11. i always buy clothes that i like so i hve many but never no what i should wear ! great post

  12. Thanks for the tips, but it's actually what I alread do. lol
    You're totally right! ;)
    And I usually make outfits with the new items I bought. But I have a lot of items I still haven't worn, which is a shame.

  13. good tips

    in the past i really needed new creativity for outfits... but its kinda 'back'...

    but tomorrow i'll try to follow these tips ;D

  14. Great idea! Actually I never had that problem. When you have a lot of clothes it means that you can dress up your dolls in many different ways. I don't think it's a real problem.

    But it happens, so thank you. Good post.

  15. That point was pretty intresting 2. Your emotion is very important in an outfit, dress to the way you are feeling.. sad, happy, etc.. it really does do something for you! ;)
    i think you're talented on those kind of threads keep it up ;)

  16. Thanks, But I`ll Just Stick To Dressing The Way I Do. Plus, I Don`t Follow Trends I Just Go With What I Want Lol.

    But I Respect & Like Your Ideas.


  17. Good idea for a post. I've been on Stardoll a long time, so I have quite a few clothes and yet I still don't know what to wear! Too much choice!

  18. When I don't have something to wear I always throw on a dress. It's easy, but I also find that going to the styling studio
    looking through the closet and putting outfits on there helps.

    Then going back to your closet and wearing them. But I have a hard time finding shoes.

  19. Awesome tips

    thank u so much

  20. i havent checked my closet in like months lol i only use anything around my medoll and pile up clothes there or in my storage :P
    i mostly use minishop items in my outfits, dunno why :P

  21. Great Tips! If anyone has loads of clothes but can't seem to make new outfits then I would be happy to create some outfits and screen print them to their gb. I used to do it for StardollGossipMania and I always got good feedback :)

  22. Love it! For outfits, I just wear what my mood is :)

  23. ohhh, stardoll is really boring these days.
    btw i like this posts, and i always try to dress going through these 5 steps, and not only on stardoll, but in real life too :)

  24. Thanx for the tips.. :) I agree that sometimes you have so many clothes you just dont know what to wear.

  25. Good tips :)

    I always just revolve a item and add to it :)

  26. oh jeez haha. My previous post didn't make any sense :p

    **I always just pick and item and add things that revolve around it :)

  27. I organize outfits in advance and keep coordinating pieces together until the look is complete and I'm ready to wear it.

  28. Great tips :]
    I already do all of them though & they work great! :)

  29. Thanks !!

    I have SO many clothes, a lot of them
    are in my storaqe !! x]


  30. Really nice. I actually love dressing up my me-doll.

  31. Thanks for the tips! They really help because I don't really know what to wear and how to wear it. So, thanks!

  32. Good tips and idea, too many outfit making me so confused..
