
Saturday, March 6, 2010

McQueen's comp's missing dress

Hi :]
I guess everyone of us remembers
the great Stardoll ''Tritube to A.McQueen'' comp
in which was possible to receive this beautiful McQueen inspired dress
Comp ended on 5th March,
30 winners have been announced
BUT ONLY ONE (?) of them
got the dress
(3 of my friends won and admitted that they got no dress, I also checked other winners)

Is stardoll staff just being too busy at the moment to giveaway the dress
or winners will never get it?

I think this dress could had become a RARE
as there would be only 30 editions of it.

I hope they soon will fix this,
otherwise it would be unfair for the winners.

Or might be that they gave the dress only to random winners?
Let us know if you see this dress in someone's suite.

Have a VERY nice day
and always be sure that you get what you deserve :]

Thanks to Kirbybabey 's noticing -
stardoll picked winners
You could have won the comp if your nickname starts with:
*, ---, lei, mimi, so, angel, ice
If you don't believe, check the winner list here
(truly most of them has such nickname, I think stardoll didn't even had a look at outfits, so why did they lied that outstanding dressups will win)
Stardoll's unfair. As always.


  1. Also notice that most of the winners begin with either mimi, lei, *, -, or ice.
    I think not.

  2. I haven't even noticed, that the comp is over :D
    Oh well, I guess I didn't won, :D:D

    But whatever, that sounds like STARDOLL !!!

  3. Answer to Kirbybabey:
    I think stardoll staff always pick winners randomly.
    (We can understand them - because how easy would be choosing from millions of made outfits?)
    This time they picked all people who entered with nicknames started with with those letters.

  4. Wow!
    Stardoll is getting so lazy nowadays.
    Wow this may become the new MKA?
    Great banner :D


  5. =[ i didnt win either xD but gawd i want that dress xXxXx

  6. OMG ! :O @Kirbybabey - you are totally right o.O I'M SO SURE, THAT THE so called WINNERS WERE JUST PICKED ! omg, that is so not fair :O

    OMG thats so mean, to think there are so many members who had no chance of winning simply because of their name =[ xXxXx

  8. Alice - I really think if they will giveaway this dress it will be even more rare than MKA

    LadyLiisu - Yes, it's truly unfair, I wanted that dress so much, and I think my outfit was way better than few of winner ones.
    Stardoll's never fair.

    lipgloss_babe91 Yes it's truly VERY unfair to us all :|
    I wanted that dress so bad, and I really can say that my made outfit was better than few of winner ones.
    I bet stardoll didn't even looked at outfits, just picked names :|

  9. Stardoll is really starting to piss me off >:(

  10. As I've said before, we pay stardoll membership for this?

    Stardoll should really get their act together.

  11. I have always thought that Stardoll picks things unfairly. I mean look at the past comps. A lot of people didn't deserve to win. I remember comps where winners hadn't even been on forever (I think it was the lottery dresses. I think they really need to choose according to your entry and take better care of their loyal members. Stardoll Royalty has been a real flop.

  12. If you look at winner number 14, it is simply a white top.
    I dont think stardoll would seriously choose that.
    Winner number 3 and 6 are practically the same.
    And winner numbers 28 and 30 are practically the same.
    This is silly.

  13. I agree with Jenna and Kirbybabey
    Why did they lied that only outstanding dressups will win?
    They could have said that it's gonna be lottery kind comp :P

    And I agree also with Fauzy26 - stardoll only rise the prices of codes but do NOTHING to make this site better.

  14. i AGREE, they could at least be HONEST. x

  15. Just to let you know, the sentence should be, "But not one of them recieved/got the dress."

    And I think it is very Unfair how Stardoll chooses randomly, I worked hard on my outfit!

  16. I just saw the names now, could stardoll have made it any more obvious that they choose randomly?

  17. it stinks for the people who put some effort into there dressups >.<

  18. It would be very hard to judge competitions, I mean it is bound that people had the samedresups as others...

  19. Thats so lazy for stardoll.Very obvious that the winners were chosen randomly. Some of those outfits didn't deserve to win at all :/

  20. Also, I visted on of the winners(*O*K*L*A*)and she actually got the dress.She was wearing it.

  21. thanks stardoll. now that i know they pick at random, im not gonna try on contest entries.

  22. (this has nothing to do with the comp. )
    how do you get your birthday to be on the list? because mines on the 18 of march. my sd name is :]

  23. 4 and 6 are EXACTELY the same
    Stardoll is so UnFair.

  24. ok that is so freakin retarded, stupid stardoll, its like stardoll is going against the fras" never pick a book by its cover"

  25. Patheric.. that's what im going to say!

  26. I agree that it is unfair that the winners didn't get their dress.! I hope that stardoll fix this problem.

  27. well, that's stardoll. like always, winners are randomly choosed, and i agree that's unfair, but what to do...


    I agree, when I look at contest winners their entrys are not that good, they are obviously just random.

    All there comps do not give the 'real' (in my opinion) winners, take the design contest for example I went through the voting so many times, I saw some designs come up all the time and mine only cane up about 3 times!

  29. Soo, the winners don't actually deserve the dresses? haha :p
    Well, that dress is really cute, so it sucks if they don't get it :/

  30. i think its not fair that stardoll choose the winner randomly beacuse i work so hard on my outfit is really unfair

  31. oh that;s funny!
    All the girls DO have similarities in usernames...I'm suspicious! Hmm...
    scheme-full stardoll!! :(

  32. OMG,i have exactly the same dressup as the winner . :O

  33. And 7 have NO creativity . She just wore halloween couture dress and shoes . That isn't creativity to me :S

  34. OMG! thats really unfair alot of ppl including me tried hard to make the outfit look nice enough to win! and stardoll is really starting to become greedy with the prizes! that dress could have become a rare definatley.

  35. i havent noticed that...

    omg, that unfair how they pick the winners D:

  36. -.-'
    So.I will never win anything cuz my nickname doesn't start with mimi-,lei-,ice-,angel-,etc.?
    Retarded Stardoll.

    Btw nice banner ;)


  37. Its not first time that they only choose people with ---, *, or mim.

    Check other winners, you will see that in ALL competitions winners are same.


  38. Oh my, you're right!
    The names are so similiar...

    They probably didn't even look at the outfits...

    And that's just so unffair...=/

  39. Wow, how unfair! Yes, I can understand that there are millions of outfits, but how can they choose by name? OMG!

  40. I won but no dress :(
    and my username is LEIa1810

    they could've atleast take 50 outfits and choose best of them not just by name..

  41. What a terrible glitch! I can't believe that stardoll chose the members randomly! :(

  42. OMG, that is so blatant it's almost unbelievable! Either that, or it's people with numerous accounts under similar names making similar outfits.

  43. Argh,
    This is exactly why I never enter those stupid comps^^

  44. How .. original.
    That is SUCH a Stardoll move.
    They are so lazy .. they don't even give those who actually put effort into the outfits some consideration or whatever.
    I'm dead disappointed.
    I'm sorry for those who did put the effort D:

  45. i think they pick just by that prefix on the name.

    It's extremely dumb.
    Not that i expect stardoll to look through all the entries, but they should at least check a few.

  46. Wow, I didn't know anything about this. Thanks for informing us, Ruth!
    I'm definately checking the list.

  47. It's actually the nicest dress of all of the McQueen collection. Me too. Several of my friends who won keep saying that they never got the dress. Definitely sounds like Stardoll.

    I also agree with Kirbybabey. Hmmm... You might be onto something there, maybe Stardoll just picked the first few names? I don't know.

  48. I absolutelly agree with Daisygirlz / Joyce ^^ I'm dead dissapointed too hah I really tried hard for that competition :SS


  49. Wow, I really didn't know but that's the climax of randomness. They didn't even put a effort in mixing the names!!! All the *- en mimi-s etc are right after eachother! I was never really disturbed by stardoll for rising prices, I mean that's life.. It's not surprising they don't give any attention to the entries (that would be so much work!) but honestly, mix up the names. At least pretend you're picking out winners, instead of making it SO OBVIOUS and in our faces that it's just random.
    Stardoll is a joke. >:(

  50. Ive seen the dress in *O*L*K*A* 's suite ;)

    Visit me: xAdriannax

  51. Good post! & I really, really hate that SD does this, because there's people who truly care and deserve to win, and they don't even get a shot!
    Like, if they tried to get creative with they're username, they're screwed for comps? Way to go Stardoll!

    On the other hand, you might want to check the grammar, I don't mean to sound rude, honestly, but then again, I'm not even American (I'm Mexican) & I noticed.

  52. I like that dress! : D
    your right it will probably be really rare...

  53. so unfair! it looks like i will not participate more on this comps!

  54. Ugh!

    I wish my name included any of those,lol!

  55. Wow, thanks for uncovering the truth! By the way, what's with the Christmas themed choice of font colors? Haha! :]

    Nice banner also.
