
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

No pants: Designed by Shoppbabe12, if you have ever watched the TV show ROVE, you would know why this gaga fan designed these fabulous pants you will see me wearing arround HEEPS! But the pants are kinda like the LV ones that she wears sometimes..

GaGa shirts & team jacob shirts: Personally I hate twilight, i know I will regret saying that if Jenna sees that *wink* ;D... But I love the team jacob shirts, I wouldnt ruin the fun for you teens and tweens, but so cute to have shirts with text on them, and I just love the fame gaga shirt! :) -designed by _anto_

GaGa posters<3: I love the creativity and how she dosint try to make the best she just does the best she can do! I love xxdj12345 designes just so cute and amazing!! :D

What do you think? Cute post huh? :D


  1. She certainly is talented. I actually love the pants, though I'd rather buy the LV ones:D and the rest of the items are great too.

  2. I'm sorry this post really sucks. Jenna should fire you because you're a terrible writer! All you want to do is give attention to your friends.

  3. @Toxxic.Angel- Ignore Sarrah, she is probaly just jealous! And the comment shows ignorance :(

    I do love the designer, but this post did not really fascinate me because iahve seen so many epople wearing and talking about the designs, put nice idea :)

  4. @sarrah

    Well shoppbabe12 is the only friend who is up there and I was trying to do a theme + I hardly talk to him any more.. _anto_ i only really met a few days ago he is sweet enough, and i hav'nt even met the other girll..
    BUt if i am such a terible writer maybe jenna should fire me, but at least I try my best and others are happy with it..

    I do try hard, I have asked people for their opinions they say what I am doing is cool, and they like reviews on other peoples talent, and some people dont get to shine and dont get attention, and I feel they deserve it so I give them a gentle push for that, but that isint the point.

    And no your wrong, All I wanted was for possitive feedback and be a nice writer that MOST people enjoy, instead of getting stabbed in the back by someone, because its very hurtful.

  5. @chicago Thanks for the positive feedback.. :]

  6. I love it! It's definitely talent - ignore Sarrah. She's probably jealous that she can't write on the blog too, but that's not a good reason to bag on a good post.

  7. @iswim Thats very sweet thankyou ;D
    *wipes tears away ffrom eyes*

  8. @Toxxic.Angel- Anything that helps :)

  9. I love this post ;) I've seen some better designs , but they are very good too ;)

  10. I love the designer, and maybe HB short it's pretty..

  11. i don't get the idea of this post, sorry :( why didn't you put a title or this post ? it's so hard to open it :S:S

    i like twilight and i really like different twilight designs :)
    the pic where is nicole richie on, she wears that jacket - it was in christmas calender in 2008 :) and those pants which she's wearing - that kind of pants were in starplaza once :) i even bought them - i loved them :)

  12. Oooh, awesome outfits (:
    I love love love :D

    Awesome post !!

  13. Oh, and Toxxic.Angel .. I aqree with Chicago3, iqnore those rude comments from 'Sarrah' .. they are mean !
    I really enjoy your posts, and you have qreat talent in presentinq stuff :)

    Keep it up !


  14. I luv the designs they are great! And I like the shorts, too I'm wearing them right now.
    I'm coolgirl_1997

  15. I love your posts, dont listen to that sarah girl, shes just attention seeking! :) xx

  16. very cool designs! i like the blue pants

    oh btw i personly do not like you now since u hate twilight :( jk:)

  17. I like the NO pants :) I would totally buy them


  18. Btw @Toxxic.Angel Ignoreeeee Sarrah. I bet she is jealous,I mean,you're a writer for an amazing blog! And you're NOT a terrible writer. There will always be ignorant rude people who will want to make you give up,but letting them think that you're sad because of their oppinion is not cool. You shouldn't care what anonymous rude people say...They are anonymous because they are just not good enough to say who they are. :]


  19. You are such a talented girl Chloe, our post are amazing. Would you like to work for my blog? I'm your friend on stardoll (Desti_star98) so if your interested send me a message saying I'm interested on working for your blog! I'd be preally honoured if you could post for me, please consider the idea.
    Thankyou, Leah xx

  20. Idk, I like lady gaga but I don't think I'll buy any of those designs. I liked the Twilight designs much more, she's very talented, I would probably had to spend 24 hours in the stardesign to do half of what she does. And still it would look awful. ;)
    That why I admire all the good designers in stardoll, they're amazing, I really liked the post.

  21. I saw the episode of ROVE. It was hilarious :D I love the designs <3

  22. i like the designs, especially the "no pants" pants :) cool post, keep up the great work !

  23. Yeah cute, different, original post ;)

  24. Aw, Sarrah: Keeps your negative thoughts to yourself. She is a wonderful writer, so i don't know how you get those ideas.

    Anyways :p
    They are great designers :)
    I wish I could do that kind of stuff! haha

  25. Sorry i can't really understand what do you want to say..but gaga ofcourse is an inspiration machine!
