
Monday, March 8, 2010

Happy International Women's Day!

LadyLiisu asked if we could do a comp to celebrate Women's Day. So here goes a quick one for those who are around.

Think about women who inspire you. You can do 1 of 2 things.

1. Create a scenery to celebrate Women's Day. You do not have to purchase it. Just take a screen print and post the link in comments. Include at atleast 1 person who inspires you.

2. Dress up someone who inspires you. Can be a friend or stardoll celeb etc.. Take a screen print. Post the link in comments.

For both: In comments tell us why they inspire you or why the are your role model.

*Don't forget to put your name on the screen print. Please make sure it is clear and large so it's easy to see. Thanks!

You have until MARCH 11th.



  1. Happy Women's Day from me too !! :):)

    and yay, thanks :)

    I'll get to mine right away,

  2. Happy Woman´s Day (:

    Cwl ^.^
    Aly <33 [Lorelays/Staki.]

  3. Happy Women's day ;]

    I will try to make a scenery! But maybe hehe I ♥ making sceneries >.<


  4. That's a great idea!
    I can't wait to see the results! Good luck, girls!

  5. happy womens day! let celebrate our girly-ness for once! LOL anyway cant wait to see the entries


    I decided to dress bluegreen86, beacause she is my stardoll rolemodel.
    I think she has an amazing style. And it's not just the style! Her dolls face is very unique and beautifull.
    She also works a lot on stardoll. She is the ouwner of 2 amazing clubs, the manager pf AskPaulinagirls, wich must be really hard, and she is also the manager of HotBuys_Bazaar. So you girls know better than me how amazing she is.
    This is why I decided I had to dress bluegreen86. She pretty, stylish, unique and she, kindda like stardoll's "local celebrity".

    Btw, my stardoll name is Jay.Pattinson

  7. Happy woman's day to all the girls & women ♥ :)

    I dressed up Coco Chanel.

    Gabrielle Chanel is my one and true role model. I admire her as a fashion designer and as a women. She was born in a poor family but she was talented and she prooved that women are able to succes in the world of fashion, so it's very appropriate for both - this blog and the international women's day - as she was a great fashion designer (she started with designing hats, but after that famous actresses started wearing them, she also succeed with coats, jackets and other fashion items) and also a woman who made it easier to any other female to be successful in the world of fashion.

    I hope I wasn't too long, but I wanted to explain why she is my role model :]

    There are many other women I admire for their courage, because they were taking chances in the world which was mostly owned by men back than.

    One of them is also Jane Austen.


    I decided to dress up Lady Gaga because she is someone that many people will look up to and be inspired by including myself.
    Lady Gaga is an amazing song writer, singer, dancer, fashion icon and she is also such a kind woman. Her music is very inspiring and her fashion is simply amazing and wonderful.

    My Stardoll name is Lettie97


  9. Umm I forgot to tell about the outfit I dressed Coco Chanel in! Sorry I hope it counts if it's in seperate comments.

    I dressed her in something simple, yet classy, I didn't want it to be overdone since Coco's style was very clear, minimalistic, although with a lot of matching accessories.

    *And sorry for my english. I feel like every American/English's gonna laugh at that text haha*

  10. Hello!

    My name is Nickschmidt and I show you my style icon!:

    I writed a text to the picŧure. You can all see in it!

    PS: Sorry, if my english isn't right. I am in the 5ft class and learn english since the 2th class.

    Hope you can read that.

    She is my role model because, she made it big and started out small. Even though my dreams aren't to become a Fashion designer, I have some big dreams.

  12. Okay,I'm done!
    This is the link to the scenery :)

    Soo,umm,yea,the first doll with black hair would be me,I'm wearing pink dress I made from Versace inspired dress and Orchyds (I think thats the right name,noo??xD),the dress looks pretty nice.It's pink,smells like spring (lol =D) and it's very feminine...
    The brown haired doll is my sister,and she is a actually great role model,but NOT on Stardoll.(She is very busy child,what can I say haha)
    She gets straight A's at school,she is unique,a good person,loves to help,loves fashion,borrows me money (*laughing out loud*)...She's just a great sister and I ♥ her soooo much...I had to put her in the scenery :]

    I guess that's enough?


  13. @EvaEclipse

    Hahah Yeah,I also feel like every English or American will laugh at my text hahha

  14. happy women's day ;]

    well, here's my entry:

  15. It`s our day!
    Happy Women`s Day!:D


    she is just so beautiful and nice!
    hope u like it!


    i just love her shes so beautiful and nice!

  18. Wow awesome :D

    Its 6 o'clock in England so I've probably missed it =/

  19. Happy woman's day!!!! ^^

    I would love to entry on the comp but today I have no time... :( So good luck to everybody, I will be expecting the results!! :D


    I decided to dress up Audrey Hepburn but there was no doll of her on stardoll so I made my own doll to look like her, I hope that's ok?

    Anyway I chose Audrey Hepburn because she is an amazing role model! She was a stunning stylish lady but not only that. She also did loads of charity work and never smoked/drank etc. I look up to her a lot for everything she did. [:

    - aliciafresquez

  21. oh deem :S
    I can't take part, my day has gone so fast, and now it's time to go to bed :/

  22. Link:

    Name: _inda_

    I choose to include Leona Lewis because of her simplicity and good voice! that's why she inspires me, she doesn´t needs to showing herself to the medias to be appreciated!!
    Happy Woman's Day.

  23. Hey,
    Are you allowed to photoshop something? I got inspiration to make something because of the concept, but I'm not really good at scenerys! :( Well, I'll make it anyway, let me know though!


  24. my inspiration: frida kahlo


    my nickname: lady__gagaa

    why: one of the people that i admire the most is frida kahlo. frida was a painter from mexico, and i appreciate her work very much. also, i like the way she dressed, especially the long colorful dresses. kahlo suffered a lot through her life, also she was a part of a huge accident and she went through 35 operations to survive. still, she didn't give up, and in the same time was drawing a lot. i like her art because she used bright colors, and the paintings she made are abstract and dramatic at the same time. on of my biggest wishes is to visit la casa azul, that is the house where frida kahlo lived, and worked. she is such an inspiration because she's been through a lot, and didn't give up! :)

  25. Happy Women's Day! We are empowering! Hopefully I can do this comp, I would love to say who inspires me

  26. Ok here's my entry:

    Let me know if the link ain't working!

    Now, why I'm inspired by Madame Anna Wintour. The first thing I knew about her is that she was a woman of importance. Her presence, her opinion, well basicly she overall matters. When I watched 'The Devil Wears Prada' nothing suprised me about the character Meryl Streep (very well) put on screen. It was all I could've imagined. Now that's just a movie based on Vogue (if I'm correct). Not long ago I've seen the movie 'The September Issue'. A documentairy about Vogue/Anna Wintour. Again, nothing suprised me at all, she was everything I imagined her to be. Now what really inspires me about her is her strong personality. You need to have sharp game to rule the school (aka fashion industry). You need to have an opinion. You need to make decisions. That's what I feel like I lack somtimes. I can't create an opinion in three second (though I don't believe everybody should be able to do just that). I find it hard to make important decisions (about my life). She seems to know what she wants, what she likes. I really admire that. :)

  27. AS-TOM you must be a follower to enter comps and a member of the club. I can not tell if you are because your profile is closed.

    No photoshopping in any comps unless specifically stated.

  28. Mt role model that I chose was Dian Fossey. She might not be the prettiest on the outside, but she is drop dead gorgeous on the inside. She worked so hard to get extremely far with gorilla's. She befriended them and in return they trusted her with everything, including their babies. Her best gorilla friend died, and she protested. Sadly, In 1985, she was found murdered in her cabin. No one has ever found her killer, although it is suspected that the person was a gorilla poacher. She is buried next to her friend Digit. Dian truly died for her best friend, and some day I wish I could be as lion-hearted as she is.
    Here is my outfit:

    My stardoll name is MODELforME

  29. Hi this is aliciafresquez again, I already posted but just in case, I am a follower so I logged into my account so you can make sure.

  30. Happy women's day to everyone :)

  31. I'm in both comps!

    I'll post the scenery link later.

    I chose filipinhamaria, because she's my role model in stardoll. She has an amazing suite, she does beautiful and creative outfits with stardoll clothes and minishop items. I love her style.
    She also has a club where she makes comps with great prizes like stardollars or codes for non-ss, to help people who can't afford to be superstars.

    I'll also include her in my scenery.

  32. Here's my scenery. I chose filipinhamaria, I mentioned why in a previous post.

    Good luck to everyone!

  33. OK :D
    My entry, I made a scenery -

    I chose Taylor Swift- she inspires with her self belief. She started singing and writing music when she was a little girl and went for her dreams and stuck to herself. She is a true role model, because she shows that anything is possible if you just try and give your best. Most important - you don't give up ;)
    (hope you understand :S)

    Good luck everyone :P

  34. Happy Woman's Day!!!

    I don't think I can participate since I have got a lot a school work,but I wish luck to all the participants :D

  35. ~@Emorox4eva/Jenna: I changed the settings of my accounts, so I suppose you can see my profile now? Anyway, photoshopping is not allowed, so I'll join a different competition. :)

    - Gracieux

    I had an activity on sunday for it .. was great fun :D
    I might make a scenery .. not sure yet :O

  37. Happy Women's Day.

    Here is my entry:

    I chose to center my scenery around i_luvsports, one of my good friends. We've been through bad and good together - from her on and off relationship with her boyfriend, to my hectic family life, to simply stardoll scams. That's why its erratic and you could say "jumbled." In the middle box you will see a dress. It's neon because she loves neon clothes, and isn't afraid to wear something "unconventional." In fact, she's more likely to wear somehting unconventional. That's one of the reasons she inspires me. She shows me you don't have to be normal, nor perfect. Another reason she inspires me is through her word. She expresses herself and really just lets everything out. I think that's a good quality to have, as stuffing everything in just makes it hurt more.

    Thanks for the chance to do this, it was fun and got me to reflect on inspiration.
