
Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Get Inspired....Lady Gaga

First of all, I would like to introduce myself and thank Jenna for the wonderful opportunity to be Random Blogger. My name is Brooke (Chicago3 on Stardoll) and I have been on Stardoll for over three years. I love fashion, and hopefully I can get you all to love it(even more than you do now lol).
Now down to business...
Get Inspired- Lady Gaga
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Lady Gaga-notorious for her outrageous wear is the true symbol of style and fashion. No, she does not has not made some of the best outfit choices, but the fact that she is confident and carries herself strong in her skin and her outfits makes her an icon. She takes risks and makes things her own, even if they are not the best at times. Sure, it may be tough to try to get attention to oneself in real life, but Stardoll makes it simple. On Stardoll, one can dress however they wish, without getting strange stares and whispers. I like to think of Stardoll as a community with open arms, and we are all fashionistas here, so we respect risks and outrageous outfits. So before I start blabbing on and on, here are some simple steps on how to release your inner Gaga. And remember, you are your harshest critic, so do not give your self a bad time about what looks bad or not-follow these rules and you will be set.
Step 1: Find a clothing piece you love.
Step 2: Step it up a notch by accessorizing and layering-don’t forget the accessories!
Step 3: Add fun make-up and jewelry
Step 4: Add a signature piece-with Gaga, it is her teacup, for me it is a hat or a bag, for you, it is probably something different.
Step 5: Just have fun and remember to put yourself into your outfits.

Here is an outfit I made following the above rules. I felt a bit rock today, so I layered printed tights against purple tights to create a focus on my legs, and a "pop" to my outfit. I used a necklace-like thing as a waist belt, on top of a plain tank top. I added the rock twist by addiding the strong shouldered Gucci jacket and the studded heels, and tied the look with an orange bag that gets attention.


  1. Hey, congrats! :)

    I love Lady Gaga! She's great! :D
    I really like the outfit, and the purse definitely gets attention, but I don't think orange is the best color to go with the outfit. Maybe a bright neon purple or something? :)

  2. i like gagas style very unique i bought in real life the bow but a little bit smaller and i love it!

  3. love the belt idea & i think the bodysuit look totally defines gaga's styleee! :)

  4. Weve been being inspired by Gaga for a while now. The outfits are cute.I love her.

  5. Ohh , welcome here in blog first.
    then , i like this enterie but it's just that it still not completed , give us some more inspiration we could get from people which can be formed on stardoll . how about MCqueen designes? i've been focusing on him for so long and im trying to get an inspiration from him on ever outfit..

  6. congratulations on becoming guest blogger! I love your first post. Keep up the good work!!

  7. Aw,
    Your post is great :)
    I`m crazy about LadyGaGa!!!

  8. OMG, that outfit is amazing(:
    And I love LadyGaga;D
    Maybe try some brighter colours too ?
    And different pieces of clothing:D

  9. katsumy/ Mailgirl101March 10, 2010 at 6:34 AM

    I lie the outfit,. tho, there are many people taht are trying to copy gaga's style. Gaga copies Roison murphy, BTW!

  10. @K_E_O_S_H_A- I was actaully planning that next lol. I thought it was to much to post about more than one person :)
    @Nicole24-7-It could be, but I was realising my inner Gaga lol :) @Daisygirlz-Yes, I will do that next time :D @Abril14140-Thanks! @Cookie9988-Thanks!

  11. Yaay :) Awesome comp. Imma enter right now ♥

  12. I was just listening her song , when i saw this post . :)
    I just love her , she's amazing <3

  13. ' I like to think of Stardoll as a community with open arms, and we are all fashionistas here, so we respect risks and outrageous outfits.'

    I like the way you said it!!! ♥
    And welcome to the blog ;] I like it how writers here are always soo creative >.<
    I think I'm going to enter,maybe.Later lol


  14. i'm a lady gaga fan :P
    haha xD

    and i really love her style, its just unique

  15. congrats!

    great article ! i love lady gaga im so inspired by her nice tips and info

  16. Lol, it's not a comp, I just found out xD Anyways, great tips!

  17. Lady GaGa's style is really unique and creative, love it (:

  18. Gaga was a good pic for this topic :)

  19. I love Lady Gaga's style. It's kind of hard to replicate but you did a good job; cute outfit! <3

  20. I love the idea! Great! I will definitely buy it! :}

  21. she has a great style!! i love her!!

  22. You look like lady gaga! :D
    She's very original, that's why I like her, though, I don't like very much her music...

  23. i'm a huge gaga fan. and i like this outfit. btw. congrats for being a random blogger! :)

  24. Not The Best Outfit I`ve Seen Inspired By The Lady, But I Do Love The Bag!


  25. @Rab92-It was an outfit made by the rules I followed, because the inspiration is Lady Gaga's boldness and her confidence, not actaully just copying :D

    And thanks everyone for the nice comments!

  26. I loved this post, but I got a bit lost in it.

    Do you think you could change the font color in different sections? Just a suggestion (:

  27. @ADJAJA-Of course-Did it right now, is it better? And I will remember that for next time

  28. I'm not a big fan of her, but I respect people that do. And I don't think I will dress myself inspired by her. If I have an outfit inspired by her, then it's unconscious.

    Btw, congrats on being Random blogger.

  29. i like your post, hate your outfit, love lady gaga but i think that lady gaga is so not in anymore(in stardoll) - what i meant - lady gaga is so talked theme, that i have got enough of it, like, i have read about her style in so many stardoll blogs, so many times,i would have wanted something more from you...
    btw, congrats :)

  30. I love your banner and it's colours! :D
    And i like the post you did. :)

  31. @RihannyX-Thanks!
    @LadyLiisu- I chose Lady Gaga because of her confidence and her ability to wear everything and anything and not care what others think of her, not actaully being inspired by the clothes she wears...
    @Melissakuh-I appreciate the comment!
    @ Emma-Thank you!

  32. I love some of Lady Gaga style, and Ilove her song
