
Saturday, March 13, 2010

Cyber Bullying- Stardoll Style

It seems that Stardoll and any online place are safe because they are online, and there is not contact made between the members. This can be true, but often it is not. Even on Stardoll, bullying happens. Sure, it may affect some, but for others it just might be a joke. Frequently I have logged on Stardoll and a member in chat keeps telling me they are going to find me and kill me, just because I did not make them superstar. This made me feel unsafe on Stardoll and at my home. There are steps one can take to prevent bullying to happen from others, and hopefully I can enlighten you all on those. The major thing to remember is that if you see anyone making fun or being mean to someone in a guestbook, report that person right away! Same goes for if you are harassed on message or in a party. If you are harassed directly, remember that the person harassing cannot see you or contact you unless you give out personal information, so never give that out. And if any of you out there are mean to anyone in life or on Stardoll, you are considered a bully because you are putting someone down, most likely to make yourselves feel better. So if any of you experience bullying Stardoll, please contact either Stardoll staff, a friend, or even myself, because you are not alone in this struggle. So before you write or say anything negative, think about this post, and try to be a better person.
P.S.- I know this does not have to do with fashion, but it is an important topic.


  1. Yes, I do have experience ;( This girl called Ooh_la_la105 is soo agressive and mean! She's only 12 but she called me a pig, a fat b*tch and harassed my cousin :(

  2. @Miss.yumi-First of all, she is probaly lying about her age, or she was juts raised with a few issues at home or not enough attention,etc., but ignore her, because she doesn't even know your cousin or ou inreal life(I presume). Thank you for sharing your experience though :)

  3. wow! this ppl are crazy! this never happens to me and i hope it never will

  4. I so agree with you Chicago3! I made this girl Tasha._x a SS, and then when her membership was about to expire, she kept pestering me to renew it, and each time, I said No, because I have to watch my money. So then she starts giving me a load of rubbish!!

  5. I agree,it IS a very important topic!
    I'm not harrased at Stardoll,that's why I love it,but at my school,I am often told that 3rd graders are going to kill me and stuff.Because I made 'em angry being straight A student :S
    Soo that's why I spend my free time on Stardoll and computer,it's safe for me :D On Stardoll you can be who you really are,you don't have to pretend and you can express your style :D I really ♥ Stardoll lol


  6. Hello I'm LadyKohls123 and i was bullied by gallichan1999 just because when we went to a party i had the same free dress on as her and she got my friend to tell me everything that she wanted to say to me because i didnt add her for obvious reasons i told stardoll they said they wold take care of the situation but nothing had happened since then help me!!! x

  7. ....

    everyone should just block that kind of ppl way and-- voila ! I dunno...

  8. There is stuff you can do about it and it is fun to fight back personally, with all their rude insults it is quite entertaining!
    The best thing to do is block them though[:

  9. Definitely. Lots of people lie about their age, where they're from, and so much more, and I guess Stardoll's where they vent. However, that's really not nice. :}

  10. It's a very important topic, and I have been called lots of name for not making someone superstar, for not trading with them,for not lending money and for sticking up for my friend when this girl was calling her names over my chat
    And sometimes I'm bullied at school, for being a straight A student, and for doing the right thing. :(

  11. I agree, it's a really good topic,

    this girl that I used to be friends with on Stardoll, just al of a sudden started talking to me in Chat and started insulting my clothes and saying my hair looked like a ''tractor''
    but I gave her back chat, stick up for yourself! ;)

  12. katsumy / mailgirl101March 13, 2010 at 12:09 PM

    Great post.
    Im happy that at least someone on smw made this kindof a post :]

  13. I believe it's so important, online bullying can be as serious as actual bullying, especially since there's many people who go to Stardoll because their real lives are troubled, I know I did at a point, and bullying doesn't really help. This is a great post.

  14. this has never happened to me im in stardoll just for buying clothes and furniture i let people write in my gb but not things like that. i hope this will never happen to me!

  15. This is a great post, and defenatly a good topic for disscussing, since there is so/to much bullying going on...=/

    Only once have i've been bullyied but i reported the girl and now i've basicly forgot about it.

    If someone is trying to be mean to you, just ignore them, and if they don't stop, report them!

    Great post Chicago3. :)

  16. Good job! I have experienced this several times. You encounter with the wrong person at the wrong time, and she will begin to harass you.

    Chs22 has harassed me so many times. She has been using fake accounts to contact me. She somehow got a picture of me and posted it on her StarBlog. It was so freaky and weird!

  17. I have had many people harassing me via internet, and it feels bad. You know you are the victim, and yet, sometimes you don't know what to do.

    I thought this article was good because it touched on what to do when stuff as former mentioned happens. Thank you.

  18. Very good! There are many people on Stardoll who don't know how to handle these situations, certainly the younger and new members on Stardoll.

  19. very nice topic, thanks for sharing!


  20. You're so damn right about that it's an important topic , it's even important in our lives , people should read it , special stardollians becuase they are almost all kids , they should make a limit even with their best friends on stardoll .. it's about useing the internet not just stardoll .. mom have a very bad experience on this .. oneday dad flought away and left us for like 1 week for work and we were still kids so my brother answered the phone and told the caller dad is not home , so the caller started speaking to mom about rude things then he warned her to close all windows because he knows where we live and how to reach us , and he told her some important information [which was probably random] but thank god mom just didnt care and made some secuirty things to the flat ..

    -so just learn from others experiences.

  21. Eu gostaria de saber se posso postar no seu blog

  22. Yeah, I have experience too.. in stardoll .. Girl from the same country of me.. said my album "ugly" and other word again, so I block her..

  23. I Know What You`re Talking About, Stardoll Should Be A BullyFree Site. But You`ve Got To Understand That Those Bullies Are Nothing!
    So Why Should You Feel Unhappy/Safe Just Because Of Someone (You Don`t Know`s) Sick Jokes? You Shouln`t.


  24. This is an important topic, and people who are confronted with bullying shouldn't argue back or say anything back. It just causes more problems which is definitely not what we want! :o

  25. there isalot of bad things happening on the web nowadays.

    scamming is a type of bullying i know it can upset ppl alot! i think its so nasty what they do on stardoll just imagine what they do in real life

  26. I never had that experience.
    Bullying is often happening
    online, on different web sites.
    Some people do that cause they
    are seeking for attention, or
    because they have different
    problems, like for example,
    problems at school or at home.
    People who bully are often
    being bullied by someone else.
    As long as there's internet
    there will be online bullying.


  27. Hmmm yeah, I'm currently being 'bothered' on Stardoll by a girl called SHMILERSSSs.
    You should even read her presentation. More than half of it is about me! And the reason is, well, she started talking to me on the chat, claiming she was 17 when, clearly, her writing style showed she wasn't any older than 10 or 11. I decided to play her game and told her I was from Canada. That isn't exactly a lie because I spent more than half my life there. She also claims I told her my name was Becky, but I don't really remember saying that. And she's been calling me names and all that, so I started ignoring her messages. She then asked if I knew Arabic, and I, being fed up with her, told her I didn't. She then did a bunch of research, reading my guestbook, checking out my friends list, and even checking out the clubs I joined, trying to prove that I was lying. Now she's overreacting and trying to get everyone to report me. Ugh, she's so annoying.

  28. I'm guessing you've never been mean to someone online?
    I think that's total BS.

  29. I totally agree with you! There are soooo many bullies on stardoll. They should keep themselves quiet, they don't deserve to talk with anyone. On my country (Portugal) there was a kid that was a bullying victim. He only had 12 years old. He was near a bridge, going back home, when some guys of his age started laughing at him (bullies)so hardly that he suicided himself, falling of the bridge. That is very sad!

  30. forunatelly, i don't have much of this experience. i really think that these people have no life and they don't know what to do on stardoll (or other webs), so they are just being mean, but look stupid at the same time. so you shold just block them, report them and that's it.

  31. um YEAH we all have experienced this. one person even hacked my account and harassed others from it. once, a friend i trusted told everyone she knew i was a man. she posted it on her presentation, and im NNOT!

  32. i agree that its mean to bully but sometimes ppl do stupid things just to get attention like lying and cheating and in my opinion they deserve it
