
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Straight from the runway....

I was just over at PSG and I saw a post Kez made about 1 of Ellie's (Fakeshake3) latest outfits. What do you think? Has Ellie (Fakeshake3) pulled off the ultimate style coup or is it just trying too hard for attention. Tell us...classy or trashy?

btw still feeling the snow. We just got a fresh round and are expected to have another 20 inches by midnight. I've had 1 day of school this we are off again tomorrow and then we are off until Tues for the holiday! Woohoo!


  1. ummm wow is all that can be said. And wow you have gotten a lot of snow...i have had snow but only about 10 inches. =]

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. the dress is...... ummm.... well
    luck both of you! i totally miss the snow! i dont get snow at all where i live =(

  4. I am not a fan of this dress, and I do not think this is Stardoll's fault. I think Ellie did it from a fashion stand though.

    And I had today off from snow, and I can't belive how much snow you are getting!

  5. UMMM. I like it. It's creative. I would have liked it better with color maybe. But its still flawless

  6. I hate to say it cuz I like Ellie, but definitely TRASHY.

  7. Im not a big fan of it but at least she is being different and i like that im sure there will be a few followers doing that lol

    Btw gud luck with the snow i'll be going to big bear for Valentines weekend i cant wait!:)

  8. i like the buttom of the dress but not the top.. and i dont have snow here ugh to bad i live in miami here's hot

  9. It's a cute dress... But honestly, I don't particularly like seeing hat haha.
    It honestly isn't immediately noticeable to me, but in real life it def. is :p

    Wow! You guys got a lot of snow!! We've only had like, an inch and we've been out of school for two days

  10. I'm sorry but definitely TRASHY. Let's leave that on the runway Ellie not in your suite.

  11. wow..its definatley unique..good recreation but to that extreme...

    anyway u are so lucky u live in a country where it snows!! my schools so boring wish we can have a snowday

  12. of my opinon the outfit is bold
    but is not my stile

  13. I .. don't really like the dress ..
    May I sayy, .. a little revealinqq ??

    LOL the snow is insane .. we thouqht is would be qone by now, but we've had a comeback D:
    And we still have to qo to school !!


  14. I think she did a good job with the outfit !

  15. umm..I was like ; Okay ;)
    but it`s` really creative I think

  16. it's very unique, and i like it :]
    we had snow this week but only for a day, yeserday it was raining so now we have...nothing! you got a lot od snow :D

  17. Trashy! Bras were made for a reason. lol

  18. the dress is... cute? hmm..

    x ayuNwa14

  19. Deffo classy :)

    About snoww - we have like one meter here in Slovenia! It's a snow apocalipse lol ;D I haven't seen so much snow since... I rembember?! We had a day of school on Monday, but not because snow, we had some holiday :)

  20. it looks just like the real life one ;P

  21. I like it, but i'm not a totall fan.
    Though, Ellie has amazing outfits.

    Oh, and Jenna, you're so lucky! :D

  22. Trashy :P

    But I have to admit that's kind of different for stardoll.

  23. the dress is nice, but the cut outs are majorly trashy.

  24. That`s Really Trashy!
    Why Would You Want To Look So Unclassy In Such A Classy Outfit? Honest!I Don`t Know What Possesses People To Do Such A Thing.
    Just Because You See It Being Worn Like That It Doesn`t Mean You Should Do It. Make The Outfit Your Own!


  25. Aah..I don`t know...I don`t like that outfit.

    I want days without school!I want holidays!!

  26. I actually think it's awesome! Why is nude bad? I just think it's a part of everyday. I mean, the girls look at them everyday, so what's wrong with a pair of breast. I really don't understand all the commotion there is, everytime there is a little nude on Stardoll.

  27. Btw, I'd like to respond to Cali_beauty's comment!
    Bra's weren't made to cover up, but to give support!

  28. you must be on the east coast! I haven't had school all week! :)

  29. Well the only strange thing is that it doesn't match her skintone. Nothing wrong with being nude, if low key not x-rated. But on a site with mostly young kids the dress looks wrong. Like the real one better.

    Thank goodness I live in a warm place, I couldn't deal with so much snow. I never seen snow.^.^

  30. ummm I dont like it.definitely trashy

  31. They are breasts. Weather you like it or not, 50% of the population of the planet have them. PersonallY I am not offended. The snow however sounds awsome!

  32. lots of creativity and effort...but it still comes across trashy off the runway

  33. Eeeeeeewww... i think it was not necessary!! Lol!!!

  34. WOW it looks just like the real version! Great job! I love the way she re-created it.

  35. hmmm... i dont really know about this dress..

  36. Wow you are lucky!

    I don't know what to say about the dress.

