
Saturday, February 6, 2010

Oh the weather outside is....

So if you are anywhere on the East Coast (USA), you are probably experiencing the effects of this blizzard. I know I am. Basically I am snowed in for now...although we might go tubing later. Currently, we have about 22 inches, but it's still snowing and we are expected more than 30. Here's the view from my window and others from our general area. Too bad it's not a school day :(


  1. I live in Ohio, and man, we have alot of snow. There are 4 foot drifts on the front and backporch.

  2. Wow, when it snowed here in North England at the start of the year, it was no way near as bad as that. I think the most we had was about 4 inches.
    Hope you're ok Jenna (:

  3. OMG WOW!! We dont get much in the NW of the UK atm, but there was loads in late December/early January! We got a whole week off school, and then the next week, they sent us home at dinner because of the ice on the school yard. I did get a bit fed up of it though, cause you couldnt really go anywhere!

  4. im in Canada......and in ontario, its snowi light last, and now its all melted....but its still chilly

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  6. I'd love to have that much snow over here :(

  7. wow acctually a lot of snow ;)
    but it looks so beautiful !! ;d

  8. OH WOW i love in miami and here is so hot the sun is out like always hellow is miami. lol.. maybe later im going to the beach.. i wish here will be all that snow, each year i have to go to new york to see snow..

  9. omg, when it was snowing here in the UK, it was NOTHING compared to that :O

  10. OMG... lol xD
    so much snow... ;O
    where i live (austria) it isnt as much as snow as it in your country is...

    i haven ever seen so much snow :P

  11. wow! we had tons of snow here in england and the rest of the uk throughout january, but i think you have it much worse, which i didn't think would have been possible!

  12. Oh wow. In Illinois, it snowed a wee bit, but nothing severe or drastic. At least tubing will be fun!

  13. Wow, omigosh!
    We never have that much snow here! [North of England]
    Its always rain...=/

  14. where i live it snowed the last days but not so lot,now it rains ;(
    i like snow but i think this is too much for a city where arene't mountains...

  15. Lol when it snowed in london it was something like that for about 4 hours then thwe sun decided to appear lol
    and where are the snowmen?!!?!

  16. i was wondering if u want to have a writer that can write about climate changes. i'm studying renewable energies, i'm now on the second year and i understand a little about this matter. if u are interested on me being a writer, contact me.

  17. Yeah, I live in the east coast too! I didn't get that much, I got only a few inches. You must be farther away from me. I am in Staten Island. :)

    AKA pRiNcEssCRaZy46

  18. Yeah, I live in the east coast too! I didn't get that much, I got only a few inches. You must be farther away from me. I am in Staten Island. :)

    AKA pRiNcEssCRaZy46

  19. well i live in russia so this is not surprise for me haha
    hope weather soon normilize in ur country Jenna.

  20. i can see the snow on the camera lens lol

  21. WOW !!
    Now that IS alot !!
    we had snow for an entire week and it wasnt even that deep !! (:

  22. We only have a little layer here. :)
    Anyway, this is such a coincidence cuz I'm writing an essay for Chinese school about snow as I type this. I should probably get back to it... XP

  23. Wow :O
    I wish it would snow in TN more, but not as much as that :p

  24. wow, so beautiful :):)

    it's quite the same in here, Estonia :)

    ohh, but I don't like being outside :D
    haha :''D

  25. Heheee...Here is like that too!!(In Croatia)
    I love snow!!

  26. WOW !!!!!
    well... i really don't....
    i just hate it when it gets too much !!!

    I live in sweden, and over here its SOOOO cold !! its very high up on the map i guess....
    it is almost 1 meter snow over here....

  27. You are so lucky I wish it would snow in greece!!!!!

  28. Wow its beautiful! You live in a lovely area =] xXxXx

  29. :O My God!
    It Snowed Over Here (In The UK) Not Long Ago, & I Thought That Was The Worst Weather. My School Got Closed & We Couldn`t Get From A-B Without The Snow Starting Again!

    But Your Snow Looks Thicker Than What We Experienced... I`m Just Glad That We Didn`t Get What You`re Getting.
    Hope I Goes Away Soon!


  30. Lmao, yeah. In Maryland it snowed a lot, too. God bless the east coast. (:

  31. hmm...for us in the middle of the country, we got to see a similar view around christmas...but not so much now!

  32. LOL, that's much snow, but then you haven't seen Sweden x)

  33. whoa! how i wish there are snow here in Malaysia.. too bad it's a warm country; no winter here.. just warm summer.. hmmmmp :/

    x ayuNwa14

  34. wow ! snow like that must be awesome and probly sucks at the same time too! :/ i live in south africa so yeah , we dont get snow here... wish we could i've never buil a snowman before :( LOL

  35. It's pretty the same here in Slovenia haha :) Right now it's not snowin but my parents are just convincing me to go skiing lol cos there's like 60cm of snow :P

  36. I so wish I lived there right now. I love snow, and I've never seen so much in my life! You guys are so lucky!

    Caroline [crazycaz07]

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  38. Oh my god!!
    You have Soo much snow!
    Here in Slovenia we still had alot of snow left, but it was snowing all night, so we have a lot of snow to..

  39. Yeah, I saw some of
    the pictures from USA
    yesterday on news.
    It's terrible.
    Well, at least it's snowing.


  40. OMG , and i was saying Egypt is cold those days .. from seeing that i will say Egypt is very hot lol , that's hard for you right? what's the problem you had with weather?

  41. It's freezing in Lebanon too! Thank god today it is a little warmer. No snow in my section though, but there was some a few days ago about an hour away. And hale in my section about a week ago.

  42. Oh....
    Similar here in Europe.
    True winter :) i like it

  43. OMG, Thats awesome. The snow was like that in UK a while back.

  44. @Monroe... haha same here. when there was -17°c in England, they didn't have to go to school, but hey - it's minus 17 here like everyday XD i mean, in slovenia. :)


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  46. wooow, that's a LOT of snow. i live in macedonia and we don't have snow at the moment. actually, there wasn't a lot of snow this year...:|

  47. I absolutely LOVE the snow!!!! we had quite abit here in the UK the other week which lasted for about a fortnight. Even though it wasn't quite as deep as yours in America, it was still amaaaaazing! :)

  48. I live the south and we had some snow, but not as bad as that!

  49. amazing!!! i wish we had extreme weather in New Zealand! looks like alot of fun. its the middle of summer here and we have just started back at school in our heavy, year round uniforms; absolutely sweltering in the heat so that looks lovely right now!

  50. haha about the same here in Finland ;P
    but I have to walk to school......

  51. @bobdude123; i always wanted to live in new zealand cos there's NO snow. XD and it's warm for the whole year (i think?!) :)


  52. I hate snow XD
    Here we are having a lot of snow too, but not that muCh XDD

  53. i live in virginia and boy we had tons of snow and we missed alot of school ;) lol
