
Thursday, January 28, 2010

WTF?! NAKED?!!!!

So, if you haven't seen it already, you've gotta check it out! Zanilde (who we featured yesterday) is today's Stardoll cover girl.

That's great and all, but wtf Stardoll.....she's naked! I mean doesn't someone review and edit their stuff before it's actually posted?! I'm guessing that because she was wearing all minishop items that they just didn't show. But damn put some clothes on the girl... This is not Eternity or the Haus of Sin..It's Stardoll ;)!
Ok so we all agree that the cover thing is so messed up (poor Zanilde), but here's another Stardoll blooper. Wait for it...

See that? Callie.Stardoll is 5th place for sceneries?? 1st she wins CG now this. Boy these Stardoll staff really do get around. This can't be right. I need an attorney please!

Credit: Chrsitine/ Twilight Saga - Stardoll


  1. I was like : whaaaat?!? when I saw it!
    I think she is first naked CoverGirl..?

  2. WTF ?

    Stardoll should have added the minishop items avaible on Cover outfit :p

    Hope they fix it. :D

  3. Its not my falt, but now i am contact stardoll for they chang the photo D=

  4. yeah is because she's wearing only minishop items :D

  5. well.. at least she won CG clothes or not : D

  6. haha :'''D
    that's crazy ! :D

  7. its because they dont show minishop items or anything like that only clothing...
    o well :(
    she looks stunning! i love her dres!

  8. naked is thE last trend stardoll wants to be in too

  9. I hadn't seen, but I realy don't understand why the mini-shop ietsm don't show up :/
    So many people make outfits out of them now, you'd think they'd catch on.

    Caroline [crazycaz07]

  10. It's so stupid they don't show the minishop items. An outfit is an outfit, it doesn't matter if it consists out of minishop items or out of clothing.

  11. WTF?
    The 1st naked CG!
    Is stardoll so stupid to make a cg naked???

  12. stardolls really lazy they spend to much time making superstar stuff & new ways to make money to even check that the CG is even dressed! thats soo stupid!

  13. o lol :o i was like wtf when saw that haha. and usually the minishop items and other furniture does appear in cover don't they? *confused*


  14. I was shocked, too! I went to her suite, and she wasn't even in suite shop items that don't show up in any place but your suite. I went to a party in an all flower dress once, and I was naked! I can understand that, but this I cannot.

  15. OMG! I think Stardoll don't like the idea that we are more creative than them. jealous dudes. xD

  16. Lmao, "This isn't Haus of Sin" xP

    Aww, the poor girl's day as CG is ruined cos of that...people will remember her as the 'nude covergirl' Lmao xD

  17. Nope, she's not naked.
    She's wearing interior stuff.


  18. I know, I was like.. wth! I was laughing. Naked CG? Urm, I dont think so! But her face was georgous!

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Haus of Sin would be a lot sexier. This is just plain odd. If you're going to be sexy, do it well. It's rather hilarious though since some people are so against nudity and now they just have to live with it.

  21. It's not for first time that there is bug in magazine :D

  22. Loool, same!
    but its the minishop's fault [;

  23. When I saw it i was like what the heck.
    but yeah i think it`s cos she was wearing minishop stuff :(

  24. @ Mia

    Oh please! Girl didnt wanted to look naked, she just had a dress with minishop items, and thats why she was like that xD

    You are just trying to get attention."Haus of Sin would be sexier".
    Its not plain odd, that girl made her outfit & unique, she wasnt "trying" to get publicity like you.

  25. Lol!!! yeah I guess it's for minishop items too..

    I think it's not fair! it's very hard to win CG so she deserves to look stunning!!!

  26. I'm not trying to get attention, I'm trying to comment. If I wanted attention, I'd famewhore quite a lot, but no, I'm just presenting my opinion, just like you. Is your comment a cry for attention?
    Haus of Sin is based on being sinful, at least we show that instead of being saintly hypocrites.

  27. I hate how Stardoll works some times. We pay so much money from Suerstar membership, and Stardoll recieves so much money from Stardollars, and they can't even do a simple task

  28. Haha, awww. That's really messed up ;/

  29. thats really stupid.. there must have been some way to get the mini shop items onto the fromt cover of the magazine!!

  30. Geezzz. I thought it was because of my slow internet so the clothes would appear later..but it turns out that stardoll is the real mess. naked covergirl? wtf stardoll?

    And,, Callie on 5th place? WHAT THE PIG?! what's up with stardoll these days??? =__='

    xoxo ayuNwa14

  31. O_O

    Oh come on stardoll!!
    Okey, i understand, the minishop items didn't show...but the fact that sd staff can actually win something isn't really fair...=/

  32. its a shame. her outfit was nice too. i think stardoll should apologise! but i suppose its an achievement!!!
