
Thursday, December 3, 2009

Silly stardoll.....

Stardoll has made yet another mistake. On the SS christmas calendar it says there is a free skirt.
So I bought it, happy that it was free. But when I got to my suite and opened the bag.....
The price tag says the dress was $5. When I looked at my money I saw I had $7 less! You see I also bought a weird tree bouquet from the non-ss calendar, as it was "free". It turned out to be $2!!!
See!! This is my transaction!

I'm really annoyed! STARDOLL CONNED ME OUT OF $7!! It may not seem as much, but this was not play and earn money!!!! I can't earn that money back, unless I buy more!!!! GRRRR!!! Stupid stardoll!!! Don't make the same mistake!!!


  1. OMG! Thank you for informing me! I just bought those and I didn't even realise that they took my money away!

  2. That's not right.

  3. >.<
    i bought both 1 minute ago!!
    i lost my important 7$ ....

    grrr xD

  4. they now changed the prices to sd and 2

  5. OMG i bought them aswell and i dont have much money cause i got hacked and now i have $7 left!!
    Im sooo pissed off at stardoll!

  6. aagrhh!!!!!
    I bought them before couple minutes

  7. The same thing happened to me! Grrr!

  8. Thanks for the info!!
    omg Stardoll!!!

  9. UPDATE****

    They now say the proper prices...a little too late. Don't ya think Stardoll?

  10. OMG,, i know the same happend to me,, and i'm very upset ,,, someone should send them as message about this,, i'm also found 7$ less from my own money not the play and earn :(
    this like that r not good now since they toke away the 1$ aday and we can't save,, i'm very very very upset

  11. That's bad for who bought it on that time

  12. i was trying to get that plant or something, but it said that i don't have enough stardollars, but the tag said 0 sd :D
    Then I went to starplaza and saw the price there :)

  13. Oh no!
    But I only payed 4 stardollars for the skirt.

  14. I like that skirt.
    But in my calendar it costs 4 sd so I played&earned 5 sd and still got 1 :)


  15. i bet they just did it for people to buy more stardollars!

    GREEDY or what?

  16. I bought them but I didn't get my money taken away, but thanks for the warning!
    Maybe they fixed it? :|

    Caroline [crazycaz07]

  17. Wow I think it wasn't fair... :/

    I paid 4 sd for the skirt some minutes ago (thanks to the play and earn, of course!Lol!!).

  18. Oh thanks I might have bought the non-ss one with my play-and-earn. Thank you :)

  19. Oh yeah, that happened to me like 2 years ago. There were these Ivy thingies that my friend said were free, and when I looked, it said they were zero, so I bought a BUNCH, and then it turned out that they were 3 each. UGH

  20. I'm sorry...Maybe they will give your money back?

  21. Yeah , i had bought before stardoll change the price =(
