
Sunday, November 1, 2009


If you don't know..I'm sure you'll hear. There is a new blog out there called the Hall of Fame. For awhile now it has been showing spoilers about what the blog would be about. At first, I admit I was skeptical. I though oh no.. another A-list. So.. I didn't pay it much attention, but then the spoilers said that the blog would truly showcase people's talent or I signed up to follow.

To my surprise when I logged on tonight...I was one of the people on the list! I was very honored to be recognized for all the hard work and time I put into this blog and doing something that no other blog has done (as much as we have)- help the MOST people on stardoll become or remain superstar. Also, constantly provide challenging competitions to help make our stardoll lives more interesting.Anyway, that was until I read the comments as a few people did not think I deserved it, but that's ok. I don't do what I do for the fame, but the fun :)

I do think that the people running the blog Mary-kate, Ciara, Maggie etc.. want to recognize people's efforts. That this is not meant to be like the A-list. The A-list was in my opinion, about popularity and "elites"....which is a word I dispise. No one is better than anyone else on Stardoll. You may have more talents and you may even be more well known, but it does not make you better.

My impression was that the list would be constantly changing and recognizing different people. I even recommended many more names for the list like Thatgirlsophy, R1ma, Filipinhamaria, Ms. Brigitte, Joanne1305 and Clarapop. So I hope we see different people on the wall as time goes on.

But a lot of people are upset. They think that it is either just like the A-list or that most of the people on it have not done anything special.



  1. Aw! :)
    I think that's great that you got on there! You do deserve it though ^-^

    That's a nice way to get some really talented and kind people to get recognized

  2. Everyone needs to be recognized for something they have worked hard for. It's great (and actually original) for a blog to praise people who worked hard.

    And yes, Jenna, you well deserved it the spot. (:



  3. I Thought The List Was Fine. That Everyone Who Was On There Should Be.

  4. You know what Jenna? You ABSOLUTELY deserve to be on the wall! And as you say, the wall will change & develope as time goes! And it's NOT like the 'A-list'
    This wall is about talent, effort and hard work, the people that has shown that deserves some attention!

  5. aww you recommended me? thats nice of you.
    You definitely deserve to be on there with all the comps you have and help people become SS. Its amazing you can provide that for everyone.
    I was totally skeptical too about the blog because the whole A-List thing is weird..LOL

    I truely hope she does decided to recognize DIFFERENT peoples achievements because the elite titles are sooo 2000 late...LOL

  6. I can't believe people would say you don't deserve to be on that list!!! You are sooo dedicated to your blog, always updating and you really make people's stardoll experience better. I know when I won my code from this blog I was sooo happy. Personally I think you should be first.

  7. Well , i am happy that jenna got on the list , but i am not surprised that people are upset , because a lot of the time , people who are popular get on those list

    and what if someone is good but nobody notices?

  8. Well, Jenna I think you totally deserved it!
    I can't even imagine how many people got Money, Rares, and Superstar membership thanks to you!

    And, if you ask me, it's almost the same as the A-List.

  9. I think you deserve it. You spend a lot of time updating, trying to make things interesting - and you are successful at it, so I think it is good to be recognized for it.

  10. I have post a big comment about this on my blog read what i think

  11. OMG!
    i think you should be on A-List with no complaints whatsoever!
    the amount of stardollars, competions, polls, work you put into this blog is truly great!

    You deserve it more than some of those people on that list! What you do is kind!

  13. Read my comment at The Hall of Fame's "Let's face it" post to understand why I am so upset!

  14. congrats on your name being on it, i think you deserved it:)

  15. I hate the idea of "Elites" but I don't see anything wrong with the idea of recognising people who have talents and help people [like you and others that were on the wall] but I do think that it shouldn't be a final thing and that it should have an unlimited number of places on it! So I'm not against it, just maybe change it a little so not only 20 people will be rocognised!

  16. This list is very stupid. All the elites get recognition while the non-ss and the unpopular get nothing.
    Plus some of these people are pathetic, and talentless. sad.....

  17. I hate that Stardoll groups, not because I´m not a member of it, just because most of they discriminate the non SS. :/

  18. I HATE it!
    Oh, and if the proxy doestn work, yu can try it on Opera! It worked for me! :DDD
    And did you know that stardollfashionpassion is deleted?!

  19. I think this is a good idea, but yes, it could turn into an a-list. It already is on the line of one[:

  20. congratz for beeing on this list,you really deserve it.
    but on this list should be more people because on stardoll are too othere awesome people

  21. Wow congratulations Jenna!!! You totally deserve to be recognized for ur work!! :)

    But I agree with ADJAJA.. Hope they really refresh the list with NEW faces, and not always with SAME people... they are boooooring!! :/

  22. I think it is awesome that you are recognized for everything you do. Honestly, if this blog didn't exist, I would have quit on Stardoll monthes ago. It's because of you and your hardwork, and the cool people on this blog that I come back. You deserve the spot on the list =)

  23. Congratz on making it on there.You do deserve it.
    And other people should be on there too for their hard work that they do.

  24. i think you deserved it, really i mean as coleenp87 said if it wasnt for you and ur blog i would have quit stardoll years ago!
    and the list will change so theres always a chance for u to be on there so dont moan or ctitisiize or whatever, the blog was made to recognise peoples efforts and achievements and NOT the A-list so whoever is on there obviously deserved to be on there and if you wanted to be there you might in the next list so stop saying that people didnt deserve to be on there cuz if u get on it people might be saying it about u and i dont think u wont like it very much.


  25. I think it's okay. Not one of the best ideas in the world. But if you don't like it, then don't follow the blog.

  26. I`m Happy That You Got Recognized At Last, After All Everyone Knows How Hard You Work! But When You Say That You Make People Superstars, I Think 'But You Didn`t Make Me A Superstar' Even Though You Said I Was A Top Commenter Of A Month, But Let`s Forget About It...

    & As For All Those 'Elites' I`m Glad That Someone (Like Yourself - Not Meaning To Sound Cheeky)Has Realised That The Word 'Elite' Doesn`t Make You Any Different Or Any Better From The Rest Of Us.


  27. congrats! i think it will remain a great idea as long as the people on it truly deserve their spot

  28. Congratulation's to you. You've been great. Professional.
    I think those who get upset have been over thinking it.

  29. You deserve Jenna ! You work hard on this blog !
    Congratulations !!!

  30. congrats ;D
    i think you definately deserve it!

  31. You totally deserve this!
    Can't people see all the work, money, time and effort you put in this.. I mean, just read some articles, and you'll see!
    But about the others, I don't really know them and their work, so I can't judge (yet) ..
    I guess I'll just have to wait and see the evolution of Hall of Fame, I'm curious if less known people will appear as well, and if the 'list' will change in time..

  32. Ha you didnt post my comment COWARD.

  33. Congrats :)
    You've really worked hard just to give back something to ppl you don't even know! You are a role model :)
