
Saturday, November 21, 2009

The Movie..

Yeah you know what I'm talking about..duh New Moon of course. It was frickin A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!! There were a few lame parts and as expected it was a lot different then the book, but I totally loved it! Despite getting there and hour and a half early, the place was a mob scene and it was incredibly difficult to find 10 seats all together. We managed to do so close to the front. That sucked, but who cares..we were at the opening night of New Moon! Yeah baby!

The action and detail was incredible. The wolves were huge and scared the crap out of us in parts and sorry Cullen fans...I like Rob Pattinson, but Edward's body literally paled in comparison to Jacob's ripped new physique. New Moon didn't disappoint, I got plenty of my wished for Jacob with his shirt off scenes. All around me girls were screaming and swooning at those big bulky biceps.

All I gotta say is that Taylor Lautner (after werewolf) is so flippin HOT!!!! Nuff said!!!


So if you saw it, tell us what you think. I wanna know what was your favorite part or what did you hate???


  1. Well you know I LOVED it! okay well the part that my friend pointed out to me was when they were going through the months and Bella was depressed she was wearing the exact same outfit.. after Alyssa said that I kept thinking about it! oh and I actually didn't like Taylor's body. I think it's too muscular.. looks kind of gross. I only had to wait an hour and I got really good seats =) But there was only 4 of us..

  2. It was okay. I loved when Jacob called Mark a marshmallow.
    Taylor's body = complete turn on!
    Edward's = needs a shave!

  3. I LOVED NEW MOON ! It was soo good. My favourite part was when Bella went to save Edward and they reunite again. I thought it was a bittersweet moment :)

  4. OMG! Just saw the movie last night, opening night, we were FIRST in line but we sat through about a half an hour of commericals before the movie even started! Ridiculous!!! Anyway, I liked Taylor Lautner before he got all muscly and I adored Jacob before the movie was even made! Jacob is sooo incredibly sweet and when he tried to hold Bella's hand at the theater I almost cried! Why aren't guys like that in real life? Its not impossible?? What is impossible is asking them to be stupid sparkly vampires! Edward is sooo dramatic, give me a fricking break! Get over yourself, take off your lipstick and get on with your life, find a purpose besides protecting Bella!!!! Yeah so, loved the movie, except some of the dumb parts (ex. Edward walking from the Volvo to Bella at school, Edward droning on about his love, Edward's lame Shakespearian quote, Aro's vision of Bella as a vampire, etc.) Also, the Volturi were SICK!! Loved em, but Dakota Fanning did NOT act well at all! She looked like Jane, but her voice and demeanor were not good at all, tisk tisk.

  5. I just saw it. It was AWESOME! The ending was kinda stupid though.

  6. HAHA Lauren I didn't notice that. I like muscular not lanky :) To me OTT is body builders ewww.

    Adjaja- You mean Mike, That was funny.

    *future*celeb*- OMG yes there were A LOT of previews!! I've also always loved Jacob from the books, but now more so :]

    26jen- The ending just sets you up for the next book because that's teh last thing Bella would want..

  7. It was an AWESOME movie!I saw it w/ my one friend..and we got seats right up front[we didnt even plan to see it until 30 minutes b4 it started]
    I just saw it and my fav part was when Edward got back w/ Bella.
    It made a great ending..except the cliff hanger :(

  8. I LOVED IT!! I just came back watching it with my friends and yeah I agree some parts were a bit boring.. and I love Bella "ur sorta beautiful" lol I laughed soo hard and Jacob is like Mark is a marshmallow!! and I'm on team Jacob!! and and I don't remember what part but I started crying!! but not intense crying just tears were in my eyes and I tried not to tear up..

  9. GRRR, First! Vampires! NOW! Werwolves! :P GOOOOOOO ABBZZ xD LMAO

  10. I freaking LOVED it :D
    Especially when Jacob and Bella were about to kiss each other and when Edward proposed to her!!! Oh that part got my breath away!!!!
    SO AMAZING!!!!
    And yes I have to admit Jacob has a FANTASTIC body ;)

  11. The premier in my country is on wensday!
    And i'm going!!! =D
    Can't wait, i'm sooo freaking excited! =D
    You've made me even more nervous! =P

  12. I totally adore it!

    I love Jakob,I wanna marry him!

    HE IS A GOD!

  13. Lucky you!! :D It was impossible for us go this week.... :( But we will go next weekend!

  14. I went to cinema to watch it yesterday and I think it was absolutly amazing,
    but I had horrible seats so I had to move.
    but anyway I loved it !!

  15. I have to see it soon!!
    I have read the book like 20 times, and love it! :D x

    lov the pic btw.............

  16. LMAO! That's what he said on Jimmy Kimmel. He got scared after seeing Taylor Lautner's body.

    I admit, I used to HATE Twilight & wasn't too fond of the first movie but for some odd reason I can't wait to watch New Moon. lol! It opens next weekend in Lebanon 2 hours away from my house...and I am going, haha!

  17. IU watched it yesterday.
    OMG! It's amazing! *.*
    Maybe it's more beatiul than Twilight, there's more action!

  18. im seing the movie this friday w/ my friends (only coming out then) jenna im really sorry but jacobs body is sorta gross, yeah 6 pack some are muscles are fine but chech at the neck muscles!! thats just OTT! and no i dont like edwards body either its got sorta weird muscles. but im still team edward.. but not a jacob hater! LOL


  19. I only liked the parts with Jacob in it. xD
    And I felt like tearing Kristen apart at some scenes. :0

  20. I must admit, I was staring at him all the way through >.>
    I LOVED IT! I'm watching it on monday and friday to, CANT WAIT!

    And I loved the ending. And edwards volvo is SILVER NOT BLACK.

  22. HAHAHHA I loved facepunch, and i loved it whenjake was angry at mike.

  23. Hello
    OMG It was just amazing i was on the edge of my seat the wholle time
    and me and my mates were oohhing at every time someone was shirtless ( which was most the time lol.x) I Enjoyed this so much i am going again Next week lol.x
    I was not disappointed My Favourite part was when they were at the cinema and Jake calls Mike a marshmellow i was on the floor in creases lol.x I Realy Enjoyed its just i think it cant compare to the books it was utterly amazing though

  24. xD bella wore the sma oufit for months? that is kinda funny..........

    Especially when Jacob took off his shirt... hahaha :D
    In love with him... <3

  26. Yessss! I Love New Moon and I love Jakob too :D ^-^


  27. be a lover of the books i knew i was going to not like the movie to begin with. Twilight was such a disapointment to me and expected simmular feelings with this. so last night i went to see it with my mom(she also reads the books), after a christmas shopping at the mall. I wasnt that excited b/c new moon is the worst of the four books. it is just very depressing. but in the movie they didnt spend much time on bella being alone. edwards love for bella is amazing, rob is a hunk. taylors got a kicken body but hell he has no idea how to act.the movie over all was okay.

  28. OMG!!! NEW MOON WAS AMAZINGGG!!!! I loved like everything. Especially when Jacob was shirtless. ahhhhh it was amazing!! The most funny part was when Bella and Edward were in like white and running through the woods... that was so funny. lmaoo. And the ending. I was like NOOOOOOO!!!! I want to know like so badly what's happening next! And my friends and I went on Friday after school and we went in the wrong theater at first for a different showing and then we had to sit in two separate rows. but at least we got good seats!

  29. OMG I loved, loved ,loved NEW MOON! A million times better than Twilight. I loved the part with the Vulturi[sp?] . Lol, but did you honestly see Sam? Omfg, he's on the chubby side. The wolves were supposed to be nice and built, like I don't know Jacob ;) ?
    Jared, was adorable and cute. The eyes of the Vulturi, were seriaously really red and freaky, but awesome. Dakota Fanning, had a little too much eyeliner! But her twin, Alec, oh my god, so hot! :D
    The movie was awesome!

  30. I just saw the movie today. So much better than Twilight! After Jacob loses the long hair and his shirt, my eyes were glued to the screen. I was kinda grossed out when Edward took off his shirt(no offense to anyone that likes him)

  31. Great picture!
    I'm obsessed with him now.
    It hurt me when Bella told Jacob it would always be Edward.
    They love each other, Bella and Jacob.
    But she and edward are just drawn together.
    i think jacob is better/

  32. okayyy... you made me jealous T^T

    in my country New Moon hit cinemas a week later than in the USA. so i guess i'll have to wait... -.-'

  33. In my country, premiere will be only on this friday :(

  34. Well at first I was kinda disappointed because I didn't get tickets for the very first showing teehee :3 but my sisters boyfriend suprised us with tickes so we could all go :D


    It was AMAZING!
    I keep watching it online over and over again haha! I'm totally team jacob after this movie x'D

    Has anyone noticed that edwards teeth look very, very weird?

    Anyway what I loved most was jacob! he really matured, both in has acting as his looks ^^ Also Bella seems to finally work some on her facial expression x'D (not much though haha)

    But what I hated were the "almost" kissing moments... those got me sooo mad! I was like NOOOOO, they can't do that!! They have to wait till the last part for that! GRRR! haha

    Anyway I'm gonna quit now 'cause I can keep on ranting!

  35. In my contry the premiere will be on 26th November and I got tickets!! I can't wait!!!!!!!!

  36. Absolutely amazing!! Can't wait for Eclipse!!! I'll just have to read the books again and again and again!!

  37. Taylor is so freaking hot! I saw the movie at the 20th and I loved it. Now I wanna watch it again and the reason is: Taylor Lautner! Love you

  38. I havent seen yet the movie, in my country is only in 26 of november, but i dont mind to have wolf and a vampire. its a hard choice, maybe i stay with both.
