
Monday, November 2, 2009

Ciao for now!

Hey Everyone! I'm sorry to say, but I am taking a break from this place for a while and re-evaluating whether I want to continue my time on Stardoll and this blog. I HAVE finished all the screen prints for the Halloween Comp and I hope to at least get those announced and any prizes I owe out soon.

I am putting the blog on hiatus unless the current writers want to keep it going. Thanks to those of you who made this a great experience. It's just that lately it's not as fun and has become more of a chore.

I do think that there are so many negative, jealous people on Stardoll. It's a real shame. It causes people to be nasty to others they don't even know. We all need to be kinder and appreciate what we do have and be able to be happy enough with that to be happy for others. People need to remember that this is just a virtual world we have created for ourselves and that none of it really matters.

With that said...I'm sure some people will read more into this than it is..but it is what it is. Nothing more. I'm sure I'll probably be back. it may be a few days, weeks, months or longer. I honestly don't know. As long as it takes for me to feel refreshed and interested again. But who can stay away for long. ;) Ciao! ILY. Jenna


  1. no please do not leave! you have made stardoll the special place it is. you will be greatly missed if you leave :(


  2. i cant belive ur leaving ..well i can actually stardoll has been so boring and nasty! it will be more boring without u and i hope u return soon! i also hope the blog continues

  3. Don't leave. This is what all those stupid jealous people what you to do.
    They want you to leave. Don't give them what they want.

  4. Don't worry guys I'm not leaving because of them, but for me. To rejuvenate..I'm getting burned out.

    I don't care about all those people or what they say. Sometimes it just gets draining and you need a break from this virtual world and its bitchiness.

    I can't imagine it being long. I already am thinking, but who's going to do this or that lol.

    Thanks guys for your support.

  5. Aww..
    Well, at least you will come back.

  6. Yuu can't go.. You have such a wonderful blog and fill stardoll with happiness.. I'll miss you and ur blogs.. xxx

  7. oh.... but i accept it... its your decision and on this decision i cant change anything....

    but, i'll miss reading your posts on the blog ;)

  8. No Jenna, please! :(
    I know there are people on Stardoll really stupid and bad but I don't care of them...I continue to play on the site.

  9. Hey Jenna remember this - In this world there are many bad people, they are everywhere and what we the others people to do...

    Then in my head comes a thought...

    We all are angels whit one wing, let's we all hug us to fly...

    whit warm hug
    Desi (Prikazna)

  10. Jenna plz dont go hunni, ur a fighter, u already know about tht kind of people, we have to learn and deal with them.
    There always nasty, jealous, and mean people.
    Wht i will go to do without u, im almost cry, ur my best friend, ur like a sister to me and u and my brother are the 2 persons tht i trust 100%,if u wanna do a break ok but leave forever no. I will fight against this mean people, this is wht we all must do, if we united we will win.

  11. So sad that you are leaving..Atleast blog won't be dead,i think..we will be waiting for you,Jenna =**

  12. Aw Jenna !
    It's a real shame that you are leaving .. you were a great Stardoll, and we will all miss you :(

    Well, enjoy your break from Stardoll and all this stuff .. Hope to hear from you soon !!


  13. Ii totally agree with Filipa!!

    Please Jenna,Don't Go!

    You are one of the greatest people I ever met on sd.:(

  14. WHAT?! No D:
    Jenna, this blog is nothing without you! Your the one who organizes everything! Your the owner! I'd continue writing but I only have a short time left, so I'll write as long as I can, but I'm not sure I would be able to do competitions and stuff, as I don't have many stardollars to give... shhh don't go D:

  15. Forget all those dumb, jealous people, we know your not bad, don't leaaave...

  16. Please don't stop! I love this blog! The writers or so lucky that they get to write for it! It's the best Stardoll blog!

  17. Jenna, I totally understand you.
    In this virtual "life" people don't give a crap about other people's feelings. I left once too.
    And I think I'll do it soon, too.
    Anyways, if you come back, awesome :)
    Wishing you all luck! Take care :)

  18. Aww that's a shame to hear Jen, this is a great blog. Hell even Callie.Stardoll doesn't do as much as you. I know what you mean, stardoll can be boring at times and I feel like it's so blah. Well take as long as you like to feel refresh. Hey I hear the spa and hiking outdoors is good for feeling rejuvenated^.^

    Hope you come back soon. I don't care who writes next for you, because your blog won't be the same without you. But if you need to unstress yourself go for it.

  19. Filipinhamaria I so agree with you. If that is or was the case, don't let those jealous, crazy people get to you. I'm sad to hear that, but hopefully you will feel better.

  20. I understand you completely.. I think it might be very good for you to just leave this crazy world and then come back with a fresh and empty Stardoll mind ..
    I can only say: Enjoy your Stardoll free life for a while ..
    And I'll look forward to the time you'll be back with new ideas and inspiration, etc!
    Have fun out there! And don't miss us too much! lol

  21. WHY WHY? This SOO bites! I, mean, what the hell?

  22. Hi Jenna,

    on the one hand I`m very sad that you are taking a break on the other hand I totally respect your decision and I think at this point there is no place for us to be selfish. I don`t know any other person who did that much for the sd community like you did. With your kind and sharing spirit you maneged th sd community to be become a more respectable, friendly, kind, fun and sharing place than it used to be and I believe that all this will even grow! You are a great role model and I think even more for all those people who are negatively charged! Your importance is immense for the atmosphere of sd and for us! I wish and hope that your break will not be to long! I´ll miss you and I deeply deeply appreciate everything we learned and experienced from you!!!!

    Warm thanks and hugs!

  23. We will miss you terribly!
    But at least we will wait for you to come back!
    Enjoy your time off! :]

  24. I don't mind helping to keep the blog going whilst your away when i have the time; but i don't know how to go about writing and posting articles on the blog? Let me know if this is any help to you?!

  25. i hope you'll get refreshed soon :D
    but i can understand you.
    i'll take a break too. but it's because of a strike where many german users take part 3-10 november.

    but i hope the blog continues. it's one of my fave blogs :)

  26. no! i understand you understand your feelings but...
    you don't have to do it. you shouldn't. you're making a lot of great things for us. so please.. just dont leave us.

  27. NO NO NO!
    Jenna DO NOT leave BECAUSE OF THEM!
    I've known you for a long time and saw you're STRONG enough to face this and MUCH MORE...Just because those stupid and jealous whores want you to by telling you FAKE & STUPID things you shouldn't even think about to give up. I know you're getting burned out, so was I. But please NOT now! We want you HERE! You have the most SUCCESSFUL BLOG ever and you know that! YOU HAVE MORE THAN 1000 READERS WAITING FOR YOU DAILY!!! Don't make these people win Jenna, don't. STAY PLEASE!

  28. I hope you will return soon [:
    You are great - and this is the best blog ever [!]

  29. well, it's sad you leave Stardoll and the blog... but no one can force you to stay, is your decision, so it remains only to say good luck and come back soon!

  30. Take the time you need and come back soon, we're going to miss you ;(
    And I agree with your sentences about people on Stardoll, it's really sad... I really hope I wont become one of them :/


  31. Just make sure you come back OK? We'll all be waiting here for you. This blog just won't be the same without you Jenna.

    *sniffles* G, g, g-g goodbye!*sniffles*


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  33. no no noooo... plz jenna dont leave... well i know everyone needs a break from thins place once in a while but please dont go for too long please?? i will really miss u.. :(

  34. shut up anonymous! if ur gonna say something say it to her face and show ur name! fool

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  36. Please Jenna Dont Leave !!

    WE ARE Going TO Miss You!

    IF yOU r Going To leave PLease Dont Be Long !!..

    Thanks Jenna For THis Amazing Blog! Dont Leave..


  37. hi jenna! =]
    i know you may be back soon, but it is sad to know you won't be on for a while, but it is your choice and everyone respects what you want to do.

    i've learned loads from you and i've loved reading your blog and taking part in your comps (which are much better than stardoll's own), as it gives me a chance to win rares no one else would give to me.

    i'd just like to say thanks! =]


  38. Anonymous:

    HA-HA says you, but i guess the other 38 people disagree with you ;D

    To jenna:

    If you leave I will be in darkness, because you shine stardoll with your kindness and your inner beauty! just know Ilysfm!

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  40. OMG!
    please don't leave! and don't stop this blog!
    this is the only blog I absolute LOVE!

  41. I kinda understand about this being a chore..=/
    Stardoll isn't as fun as it was.
    I understand you, taking time of stardoll, but please don't stay of for long. =)
    (but like you said...who can stay of for long?).=D

  42. You can't leave Stardoll forever.
    I guess being well-known on stardoll would be hard, and so many jealous people and hackers would just ruin the whole point of the site, but you can't let them ruin it for you.
    I know I don't actually know you, but you seem like a really nice person, you haven't made any real enemies and you are a really selfless person.
    Even if you do leave forever, I hope you have a great time, and those who know you won't forget your kindness.

    Caroline [crazycaz07]

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  44. For those three anonoymous. So let me get this right showing that you're worry or care=asskissing? So now I'm a nobody plus the others? Wow so you must be psychic now to know what everyone is thinking, huh? Jen is not no Mother Teresa, but I don't see anyone on stardoll so far doing as much as she does with help from her others or not. That takes time out to give others a chance or make stardoll a little more fun for the younger people.

    Now I don't see how that's being a snob when she uses her money or whomever money as prizes and small rewards. Other fake people on stardoll I can see them as being snobbish, but her no. If you think you can do better than her fine I'd like to see that. I rarely cuss. If not jealous close-minded anonymous, sit the fuck down and shut up. Let her do what she wants and stop complaining. Edit~spelling

  45. Jenna please don't leave us!
    Now that your blog is growing you can make it fun may be you are working to much on stardoll and on this blog like for example you have to take all the print screens and all that if you want i can help you with that because that is what makes this so boring to you and more project will come i am shure jenna ask a writer to help you.

  46. Jenna please don't leave us!
    Now that your blog is growing you can make it fun may be you are working to much on stardoll and on this blog like for example you have to take all the print screens and all that if you want i can help you with that because that is what makes this so boring to you and more project will come i am shure jenna ask a writer to help you.

  47. the important is that u must feel good with ur decision, if u decide to leave, i will support u!!! so think well!! xoxo

  48. Sorry had to go there on your blog. But I had to say it.


  50. Jenna, I Am Very Sad To Hear That You're Leaving For A While, I Wish You All The Best In Your Time Without Stardoll! (Lol.) I Am Very Glad To Hear That You WILL Be Coming Back As Stardoll Would Never Be The Same To Me Without You. I Would Love For The Blog To Continue As It's One Of My Favourites & I Always Check For The Latest Updates Before I Log On To Stardoll! I Think Me Leaving Would Do A Lot Of Good For Me Too, But I Think It's Too Soon For Me... I'm Not Even Popular, So No-One Will Proabably Notice Anyways... xD I Hope You Have A Great Time! :)

  51. NO!!! JENNA! You cannot leave, although I know exactly what you mean you cannot leave! You are my best friend on stardoll, and if I lose you I do not know what I would do! Im on the verge of tears! I am so thankful that I have met you because you have left such an impression on my life! All of our long talks and good times, will certainly never be forgotten! You are my rolemodel, my inspiration, and my sistah foreva! I really cannot imagine not talking to you on stardoll, and if you really do leave then I am going to be close behind because you are one of the biggest reasons I come on stardoll! I Hope that by seeing all of the responses in the comments about your departure makes you realize you cannot leave! There are hundreds of girls who will be heart broken, hundreds of friends!

    You make stardoll an amazing place!

    I Love You! Forever!

  52. UKnowULoveMeXD/DaisyNovember 2, 2009 at 5:03 PM

    OMG No!! I want to stop you but I totally understand how your feeling...I feel like I need a break sometimes too.........but don't leave us long Jenna,you make stardoll much better! Every day I check this blog and I know there will be something great on it and I'm never disapointed. Please,hurry back Jenna! But not until you feel it's right and your ready.

    A faithful blog reader xxx

  53. Wow. That sucks. I'll miss you! I'm still gonna check the blog every day to see if you come back :)

  54. Aww, that sucks. But I understand if you want a break from Stardoll. I'll still check the blog every day though!

  55. awww this sucks Tis is the best blog ever and ur the best owner i hope u dont leave:(
    and i agree stardoll is gettin nastier especially the people that try to start fights with me:{

  56. You know what its sad that ur on sucha long hiatus... But you know WE OURSELVES create these people.
    You know we tell people that certain clothes are valuble thats why that they bitch just for these clothes if we treat them like regular clothes life will be a lot easier

  57. O:

    Good luck in the real world. ;]
    But I do hope you log on and post every now and then. :]

  58. Good luck Jenna! (:
    I'll miss you while you're gone.

    Hope you be back soon!


  59. NOO!!! Don't leave D:
    You're so great and you run a wonderful blog! I really hope you come back soon! Enjoy your break :,( :)

  60. Lately many good people are leaving stardoll . Maybe it's not only for others bad people . But stardoll is not so good like before , now everything is about money . And you Jenna gave the chance to be SS for many people !
    I admire you and all the work you have on this blog trying that stardoll become a nice place to have fun .
    Hope you back soon .

  61. agreed! we support you jenna, whatever you decide!

  62. ThiS Blog Is The Best! Without You In It Is So Not Going To Be Fun Or Anything..... Don`t Leave

  63. Awww.... :( We will miss you!!!

    I understand why you want this "break" from Stardoll life...
    You have been working hard those months with all the comps, posts, etc.. So I only hope you will come back soon!! our stardoll life is empty without u!!


  64. we'll miss you jenna, come back soon. you have the best blog on stardoll and your an amazing, and kind and generous person. hope to see you back very soon,
    love spockrocker

  65. Hi everyone, reading all these posts from some of you really made me wanna cry. I am so happy that I have the support of so many of your friends and people who like the blog. It means a lot.

    It has made me see that some of these negative people are the minority not the majority and that restores your faith a bit.

    Also, I do this blog in the first place for people like you not the jealous and ungrateful.

    I WILL BE BACK....SOON and I will be around checking on things here and there.

    For me I have a really busy RL and when I come on stardoll I am constantly busy too. I don't get to talk much with my friends because I am always judging or doing screen prints etc.. so I get a lil burned out on bad days. The other day was a bad day due to a lot of thing on Stardoll and RL and I am feeling much better today and I'm sure as time goes on.

    I think taking the time off to have a break a reflect is good. I may do it more often...if only for a few days just so I don't get burned out again.

    But again thank you guys all so much and yes encourage the writers to keep going. I am adding some more people that contacted me soon, so I hope that will help!

    Lots of love, Jenna

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