
Sunday, October 25, 2009

No more 1 stardollar a day?

It's official - stardoll are not giving out the one stardollar per day anymore.
I noticed the other day I had'nt got it, and I thought it was just a mistake, but then I noticed other people haven't been getting it - and I know it was just 1 stardollar, but I saved them up to buy HB's and new clothes, and they really came in useful.
The only way that we can now get more stardollars per day is by using the Play & Earn, which gives you 5 stardollars but you must spend them in that day.
I use play and earn every day, but it would get kind of boring for some people to play the same games over and over again.
I'm really annoyed at this - I loved the 1sd a day idea. I have contacted stardoll, but they have'nt replied back yet.
What are your thoughts on this?


  1. stardoll have gone too far this time

  2. I hadn't noticed until now! I thought the 1sd a day was a good idea, even though it wasn't much it added up. I think Stardoll is putting is users off by taking things away and making the clothes prices more expensive.

  3. This is one of the most foolish things StarDoll did.
    The five SD from the games are only for 24h. How the people will save money?!


  4. Ummm well, I liked the 1 sd per day, the play and earn sometimes is very annoying (I always play the celebrity snapshot bc is the faster one.. but I hate to play that games).

    At least we have 5 sd if we want.. not bad.. some months ago we didn't had that option.
    I also think stardoll has increased prices a lot bc we had the chance of have that money for free.

    Maybe they will give us some other kind of reward :/

  5. i dint notice that actually! but as a non-superstar even if u did get the 1sd a day u could buy very little.. stardoll is getting sooo greedy

  6. I just can’t understand the POINT of ending the stardollar per day campaign.
    What was Stardoll thinking?
    How are we supposed to get money now?
    We’re going to have the money we have now like forever and ever…
    Unless all non-SS items are massively repriced to 5sd, non-superstars can’t afford anything in starplaza!

    I’m sure stardoll is going to loose A LOT of members. Specially non-ss. If they can’t do anything in the site, what’s the point of having an account there?

    And I think the Play and Earn games will end too. They said they were limited.

    They want us to become superstar and pay with real money because we can’t have stardollars now and most of the things in starplaza are for superstar.
    They are reducing the options of a free member (no stardollar per day, only one room, etc) because they want people to pay to have more options.

    There are two clubs that about protesting about this:

    I also know a blog which is

    We gotta do something!

  7. 1sd per day was very useful.5sd with per day LIMITED.What will be with us when stardoll take that too?!?

  8. I can't understand why have they done this, 1 stardollar a day was a great idea! so now, they retire the stardollar a day but they want we have money to buy all the expensive clothes that are at starplaza?? =O

  9. ugh! stardoll get greedier and greedier! i hate them! although this site may be fun but its like stardoll dont want us on here?
    but hey, look thyere giving over 4 million stardollars everyday..that might be alot i guess but atleast tell us and take our opinions before they just take it away like that! >:(

  10. :( Well I hope they don't take the 5 stardollers away because then we will have no money well we might have money but spend it then we will have no stardollers and stardoll well become very boring

  11. i don't think it's fair, especially for non-superstars. for some people it was the only way they got stardollars. =[

  12. It's stupid.
    Stardoll is getting too greedy.
    Read here about other instances like that:

  13. This REALLY sucks.
    Does stardoll even care for their members ? No they are just greedy pigs

  14. Kind of sad, but we do get 5 sds from the play and earn :)

  15. I think Stardoll is making a mistake. Alot of superstars are not going to be superstars again since the whole "When-you-sell-things-Stardoll-gets-15%-commission". Now you don't get money everyday to actually buy things.

    Stardoll has all of a sudden turned incredibly greedy.

    It will be forgotten in three years, you just watch.

  16. How Stupid!
    I like the play & earn, but you have to spend them that day! If they are going to take off the 1 stardollar a day for good then they need to give us back Stardollars through Starpoint like they did before!

  17. It's stupid!
    That way Stardoll just wants to make even more money, because like this non-superstars will have to buy memberships, otherwise they won't be able to buy things more expensive than 5 stardollars.. =/
    For 1 stardollar is quite a lot, but for them it isn't, can't they just stay within the old system?

  18. It's really unfair for non-ss who now can't buy anything bigger. There are protest clubs already.

  19. Evillll!!! xD
    I'll Miss My One Stardollar Per Day & Nothing's Gonna Stop Me From Getting It Back! >:]

  20. I thought my stardollars weren't going up! owww, really disappointed :(

  21. Can't believe it's gone. ):

  22. I wonder why they stopped it :(

    It's unfair, I think...

  23. Well, doesn't this suck?
    Stupid Stardoll are at it again.
    Now tell me from where I'm supposed to get my money. Not from those boring games, that's for sure.
    Even though I don't really need money anymore - everything's for superstar.

  24. I'm upset.
    I really wish there could be smth to do - to get this campaign baCk.

  25. Thats just wrong.
    Stardoll is getting very cheap now days. :(

  26. I'm annoyed at not getting it now, especially since I blew all mine last week =(

  27. :\

    Just one more reason for me to leave Stardoll...
    But I wont. lol.

  28. i'm too really angry about it,i really liked the 1$ per day,so i could buy things from 6$ or more stardollers,now i can''s so unfair
    stardoll wants that nonss get ss and that ss buy more stardollers :(

  29. Stardoll is a rip of..
    TOo cruel!

  30. Thats horrible!
    i knew somethin was wrong.
    the 1sd did was really useful

  31. this sucks
    stardoll is becoming less fun

  32. I am MAD! >:( They take away starpoint stardollar rewards and replace it with 1/day, and now this is no more! WTF?!?!?!

  33. UKnowULoveMeXD/DaisyOctober 25, 2009 at 8:11 PM

    Grrrrrr!!!!! Stardoll are seriously making me angry! >:(

  34. it sucks that stardoll isnt even doing 1 sd a day.

    i accumulated a lot of stardollars but now i cant anymore and im non superstar.

  35. OMG those idiots!!! i've noticed that a few times it din't work:( i'm cheesed off now i thought it just wasn't for one day or somethin... i dnt think wot i jst said made sence... oops

  36. When I dint get my one stardollar I was seriously confused but then somone told me that they wer'nt doing it anymore and I was SO annoyed. I am not SS so that was the only way i could save up money and at one stage i had over $100 and everybody seriously thought that that was one of their good ideas.

  37. I didn't actually notice! The 1sd a day was a great idea, it gave non superstars a chance to get money without paying. But since Stardoll have taken it away I think it's right that everyone's heated about it.

  38. I'm so upset about it! Stardoll Staff don't even bother to answer anymore, no matter what you've asked them.
    We really should fight together. The march in March -protest worked, we can make this work too!

  39. I got used to 1 sd per day and I can't live without it anymore. So upset and sad :S
    So what's's new saying: "Stardoll for superstars" and I mean only for superstars? :S

  40. Wow stardoll is going over board with the money thing and now this. They keep taking away, man if I was in charge of stardoll. Stupid move stardoll.

  41. As some pp is saying, a lot of Non-ss are going to leave stardoll... The point is that Stardoll don't cares about them!! Non-ss don't give money!!
    They are pushing people to become Superstars or then just leave. If you want privileges, then pay.
    It's sad but it's the truth.

  42. Its really annoying me cause ive got 75 stardollars and i was gonna save up so i had 100

  43. don't get the one stardollar a day, we can only buy things for 5 sd and under. seeing as kohl's has just brought out their new stuff, and i like quite a lot of it, i can only buy one necklace now as i don't have any stardollars left! what are non-ss supposed to do, just buy jewellry all the time? i think this is really stupid, as the people who created stardoll obviously want more people to become superstar, but i like buying a non-ss as i can't be bothered to pay real money but i like playing it for free!

