
Monday, October 19, 2009

Good-bye Undamyumbrellla?

So this morning I was visiting my friend Kasia's (Undamyumbrellla) suite to let her know that the last round of the cut is finished as she is a judge and this is what I saw...O_o
Does this mean she's gone for good. She has kept quite a low profile lately and I had no idea that people were still treating her this way. All this because she happened to be good at fashion and became popular while writing for Stardoll's Most Hated Website.

I am truly saddened by this and I completely understand and agree with a lot of what she says. It is a shame that some people on Stardoll can't behave like normal people and treat each other with a respect. Must they ruin things for people??? This all falls under cyber-bullying and hope we all work together to make stardoll fun again.

What do you think?
Good-bye Kasia. Although I hope you don't let these people make you leave Stardoll forever.


  1. Yeah, I understand what she feels. It's become home to 'Emotion Cyber City' a plce were people don't care what they say about or to other people becuase it's so muche easier to say over the interenet... Emotion Cyber City is also a place I just made up but...

    I wish Stardoll could be the way it was, No fame, but fashion and friends! It'd be so much nicer!!! :(

    Zoe xoxo

  2. i totally agree with everything that she wrote... but in every 'cyber world' there are people who are 'famous' and some that will always hate those.. it's not only Stardoll. but i accept her decision. when i was a cg a lot of girls said that my bf doesn't love me but her.. i'll never understand these people, i can only say that they don't have a life and can't find friends who could be with them....

  3. poor girl! that's horrible what they've done to her :(

  4. That is a clear image :D
    What did you do to it? I need help.

  5. I'm sure K will be successful in real life.

    Jenna - sorry to say this, but I don't think that Stardoll will be the same as before... the SD staff went so far. Everything is boring, and EXPENSIVE.
    I don't care about this site too much anymore.

    I'm thinking about leaving, too... again.


    - Ms.Brigitte

  6. I agree with what she says. Stardoll is being very over-priced and all the fake 'rate me' peoples are getting over the top. I mean what happend to people being nice to each other just beucase there nice people, now it's like people only want to be your friend if you have loads of stardollers and own loads of hot buys. It's stupid and it's taking over people lives. (:


  7. Well i so agree with what kasia sayed it's so right everything there and most of all it's all true

  8. I guess taht she has a point, but stardoll doesen't force anyone to do anything? And people shoulden't listen to "haters"

  9. To be honest , I think its odd how girls just copy other peoples 'fashion' and think that they are gorgeus or , they disslike someone so much that making them sad is one of dr top priorities , sad how today only a few people are unique and don`t just copy whats on magazines , sad that undamyumbrellas leaving stardoll and that people were so horrible to her...

  10. Its so sad.
    But i need to say that she looks so fab with that outfit and that make up.
    I love it.

    Goodbye T_T

  11. well, i think she's right. obviously, stardoll is becoming more and more greedy. the old stardoll was way, wayy better and I miss these times. we spend so much money on stardoll and they still want more even though they don't really deserve this money.
    and because of this, the users became as greedy as the staff is. hacks, scams, desperately seeking for fame, because they probably have no real life.

    but, on the other hand, I really appreciate people who represented something. who showed their creative side and were inspiration to others.

  12. I really understand her! And most of the things she has written in her presentation is correct! ;)
    I don't know the whole story behind it, and I don't want to actually .. It's between her and others.
    But I think it would be very sad if such a creative and talented soul would leave us! Although I don't know her personnally, I would miss her and her talent!

  13. WOW!! well, she is right in what she says... We all have created this small world: gossip, drama, blogs, and "elite" things...
    But it's ok, it's just a website, an entertainment place, the problem comes when pp spends 24/7 on Stardoll, having no life, hacking other girls, leaving mean comments on GB's, kissing "elites" asses and living only for spends daddy money on virtual clothes..

    I understand why pp is leaving.

  14. She makes very good points in her presentation. It does kinda waste people's lives .

  15. i think she's right.
    a few months ago so when i was new / newer stardoll was great but now it has changed and so

  16. i sort of agree w/ her but not with everything

    Stardoll IS boring i more go on site now like avenue7 and twitter..
    but i still go on time to time..

  17. Wow I know exactly how that feels. I must admit i didn't always like her but now I see that she is a human, humans have feelings

  18. I tottaly agree with her ! I dont like when people lives stardoll I feel horible :(

  19. Like Zoe mentioned, it has become an evil place were everyone scams && elites rule. it needs to change[:

  20. I agree everything she said. I had so much deep feelings while reading. Goodbye. I too have plans of leaving Stardoll eventually. Even though I have not had spent much time on it, it is kinda boring.

  21. Oh my goshhh :O
    Wow... People are so inconsiderate of others' feelings on StarDoll :(. You can find very few people nowadays that treat you with respect...

    I think that is very sad that she(and prolly everyone else on any site where people can be rude anonymously) receives all those hurtful things. :(

  22. That really sucks. People seriously need to get lives of their own and stay out of other people's

  23. Mm, the word elite has such a evil,crazy meaning. I don't know her, but I agree with her with some things. The old stardoll was slightly better. One of the reason I go on there, is to have fun dressing up.

    To some it's lost its spark and is becoming who can be better than the next person. I wish I was in charge of stardoll, wow I would change a lot of things.

  24. I agree with her, its true, i myself had already had problems, people calling nasty names,threats, and worst but im not going to give up because of some loosers, i dont care about them at at all. Its sad to see how mean people are,i have my way of think, i learn tht if we believe in ourselfs we can change the world. I dont care about tht so call elites, when i choose a friend i dont care if is superstar or non superstar, if has many clothes, a great syle or great suite, tht is not the most important, tht person must be good and respect me, be my friend, tht take a while to hapaned bc people need to know each first, its like a garden if dont take care the garden, it will die. I dont care if they spk bad things about me, if they do is only bc they dont anything to do. Of course when they do tht , it hurts me and i suffer.
    I was educated to be strong and fight for wht i believe, sometimes im really sad about wht these kind of people do. In real life its the same so im not admire tht hapaned here. Believe this hapaned in others sites too, our society is not perfect, only if we went to desert island and had no contact with anyone. This problem hapaned with adults too, if they have a good job even in their jobs they have to deal with this, a good car, a good house and so on.
    The only thing im sure is tht i have values tht my parents give, and one is to respect people, we are all equal but diferent. I will never be like that type of persons.

  25. I Know Where She`s Coming From, Stardoll Really Has Took This Site More Than A Step Too Far. From Making Us Pay Real Money Just To Be Superstar So We Can Get 'Rares'! To Letting Everyone Vote On Who`s Got The Nicest Medoll & Best Suite. It`s All Madness To Me!

    All I Can Say To What She Says Is... Ahmen!


  26. Thats sad.
    I hate to see people leave because of bullying!
    Stardoll should go back to the old days.
    Its gotten awful :(

  27. I kind of understand her. Stardoll's getting really annoying now. I dont think that death threats are 'illegal' on a paper doll site, and usually I wouldnt take remarks offensively. After all, their all just strangers to me. I hate 'fame fashion and friends'. Who the eff cares about fame? Yeah, stardoll is being greedy and putting ridiculous prices on vectorized items, but we cant stop them. ://



  28. thats is sad,
    and she has a great style too!
    cyberbullying, is just plain mean>:|

  29. OH EM GEE that's so sad. :[
    I agree with some of the things she said but I hate that she is being bullied....ON STARDOLL!!
    Of all the websites...

    So sad. :'[

  30. i think she is brave. brave to speak out and take action against those who obviously have problems of their own. i personally think they need help. some people have no idea what the definitions of respect and kindness are. the have ruined what could have been a fantastic site where everyone who has a passion to develop their own style and show the world ther masterpieces and i think its sad that some horrile people have had to ruin it for people like Kasia. and as for the stardoll staff??? they have definitley gone too far...

  31. Woah, I guess this means new SD A-listers then..

    All the A-listers are leaving or getting depressed or are pretending to be someone there not, its like WWIII hit stardoll or something, its like its the new age of stardoll..

  32. This is a too sad event,some are true,but I don't totally agree.I find stardoll better than before,however,the clothes are expensive:/

    @Brigitte Please don't leave...

  33. It would be easy to blame the stardoll stuff for this development, because they make everything more expensive and pull out so many limited collections to create more "Rares" everyone is longing for.
    Of course, stardoll wants to make benefits like every other business! And making benefits is the only way how they can improve their offers.

    In fact, it's US ALL who create this world, and stardoll is just doing what WE obviously seem to want!
    I'm a newer member, but I can say in this short time I realized that it's on the stardoll community to make the changes.
    This is not different from "real life", everyone should think about what he/she REALLY wants, not what others say that you need!
    All this "I want to be famous"-thing is leading to greed, jealousy and deceit.
    It's a shame that an individual and really fashion-forward person like undamyumbrellla has become a victim of this.

    Not everyone has the talent to become famous, but that's the way it is in life! If you want to collect DKNY or LE and have the money, do so, but it will not make you famous!

    I can only say: Be who you are and don't care what others say!!

  34. it is extremely sad that she's leaving, but i understand why she is. some people will do anything on stardoll to get rares and LE, even if it means scamming and using people like UndamyUmbrellla. no one deserves to be treated the way she has.

    i hope she returns one day though when anyone who is mean like that has been removed from the site, but as she said, the staff are to blame aswell. =[

  35. I did understand and agree with what she said- and it is true. It's really sad :(

  36. This is all very true. I especially agree with the part about Stardoll. It is sexist and disgusting. The clothes and magazine encourage girls to become sluts. Its gross. I hate it, why do I even play? Well I like fashion and I am old enough to know better. I did not grow up playing this.

  37. I agree to.
    Stardoll IS's not the same, as it was.It has become a virtual greedy world that totally addicts you.But only some, can actually see that.And some say, that stardoll didn't change...but it did.I was on stardoll for a LONG time, almost from the beginning(with another account) and i know how it was like, more in the beggining.
    I'm really sad that Kasia is probably leaving...and i didn't knew she got all of those mean messages...i hope she will still stay or something..=/

  38. I dont understand why people want to be on list A or B tht is so
    ridiculous that even I laugh, and tht is people without personality, i dont care about this things, i like stardoll and yes there are mean and good people, its like real life.
    U have to live with tht and change things to better. Im here now for 2 years and the so call elite i never send a friends requests bc i hate posers and people tht pretend to me more than others. I ignore them all, people fight for a virtual dress, hack, they are loosers, stupids, cowards. They collect clothes only bc they are only rares and even dont like, well i dont care about tht i buy only wht i like i dont care if its a rare and everyone wants it.
    Yes stardoll is more expensive why, because everything is more expensive, u cant buy a pair of shoes for instance at the price of 2 or 3 years ago. So if u have money u buy if u dont have u cant buy, thts how it works. Stardoll is not dead the problem is tht people forget this is a game to have fun, nothing more.
    I agree to totally with ka.haumer is a new member but see the things how they are.

  39. The real elites in the world are mostly money hungry, powerful and rich and also bad. Which means they control most things, and look down on others. So I don’t know why most kids on stardoll want to be call elites, if they knew the real story behind it they would change their minds so fast, lol. Thanks filipinhamaria for sharing your thoughts, I get what you're saying also. Some people and kids will fake it for this online fame which isn't real.

    What happen to just going online for fun, now the net is full of bad things. I hope she feels better, and understand that those people who sent her mean things are just being stupid and maybe jealous. Just enjoy yourself on there girl. Don't let others who mean nothing get to you.

  40. Well Saku in the world real Elites, dont want people to know them, they born rich and they like to be discrete bc they dont need to show anything they have wht they want, they look is for a quiet place to be, and live, to go on holidays without being bother. Thts wht is real Elites.
    There are people tht pretend to be Elite in real life, tht go to party's, or other places to be noticed, why they do tht bc they afraid tht people forget them.
    They want to be famous, even if is for doing something wrong, its says tht everyone can have the famous 15 minutes of fame.
    This problem dont hapaned only here, is everywhere.
    The big problem is the values, tht
    passed down from generation to generation, people are selfish, they only think to achieve the purposes at any cost.
    Why this hapaned because we are a materialistic society.
    People are induced to do it, they even not think and they are jealous of what others have.
    Its very easy to spk bad about someone even if they dont know the person, but to spk good things its hard, only bc they are greddy. In
    stardoll they even copy the person, face, suite, presentation, name, style, i mean everything.
    But i will continue to have fun even with this things hapaned, bc tht kind of people wht they want is to people dont have fun and go away.
    Im still here bc of my friends and bc i like stardoll.

  41. ^^ Oops I didn't mean the hollywood ones, I meant something different. Sorry if I didn't make sense. I meant the Elite Society that has to do with the government and other worldly things, but like you said they don't want you to know about them. Yeah some celebs just want to be left alone, but the others also love the spotlight. I so agree with you on the values things, it like most of the world is losing their values and morals, it's almost sicking. I feel like I want to slap some sense into people,lol. It's crazy now how bullying is getting. Where I live this poor boy got set on fire as a joke, because I guess he told his dad that the kids were stealing from his dad.

    What I'm starting to believe in is Karma filipinhamaria. Those mean and bad people out there will get their share. Some people can be greedy and vain. On stardoll there's so much drama. I also agree that you just should enjoy stardoll and have fun still.^.^

  42. But im not spk about only about the hollywood ones.
    There are several different people from different sectors of society tht do tht and is not new, look to the past this has always existed, since the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Middle Ages, Renaissance and i could now speak of all epochs and give a lot of examples.
    People should know tht always there will be good and bad people, Of course if they do and warm people in a virtual site on real life they are worst. The only thing we must do is to fight them.
    There is no other way, believe if people dont do anything it will be worst, the good thing is tht always exists persons tht will fight and make the difference. Im one and will fight against this, not only in stardoll but in real life too.
    If we didnt fight we where still in the Stone Age.

  43. That was powerful but true, I honestly don't care about SD either, I started highscool and I don't have much time to come online, I just come online to buy new things, I totally agree with her.

  44. I so get what you mean the world is fill with good and bad. Some people would say that as ying and yang, they have too even each other. I think you may be a strong activist in the making.^.^ I know I may sound weird, but yes I also believe in standing up and fighting for what ever good cause you have and getting the truth. If most people just sit back the world will go downhill.
    I'm also one of those people who would also fight and hope to change the world, don't know how.
