
Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Harry Potter vs Twilight Finalists

Here are the finalists. Chosen by my Twilight and Harry Potter obsessed cousin Dallas1212.

Vote for which you think is best.

RULES: No asking for votes or you will be disqualified. Polls are for blog & club members only. If you know someone breaking the rules please tell me as it's unfair to others.

PRIZE: $100sd code (reduced due to lack of entries. See club rules)

Background: This is scene is from Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire. In task 2 Harry had to rescue Ron from the Mermaids within 1 hour.
Background: This scene is from New Moon. Bella is reckless because Edward left her. Alice has a vision of her jumping off a cliff and dying.


  1. Both are cool scenaries!!
    Good luck girls :D

  2. Harry Potter or Twilight? This is a problem for me :|
    I love both :O

  3. damn! they both are so good! and clever.. i hve no idea who to choose

  4. Thanks for chosing my scenery!!
    Rosie333. did an amazing job too!

  5. No Harry had to save Ron, Krum had to save Hermoine.

  6. Well i think my harry potter scene was a but better but i was not in the deadline i put it here one day after

  7. Yep you're right it was Ron. My mistake.

  8. Wow,so hard to choose :P
    They both are good.
    But i have to go with Twilight :)

  9. both are so great, but I choose my fave :)

  10. wow, really good sceneries! its a tough choice :)
