
Saturday, September 5, 2009


Remember that poll we did awhile back about what kind of reader are you? Well the time has come to make a change.

The majority either were already a follower or had a blogger/google account. So starting Monday, you will only be able to comment and enter comps if you are a club member AND a BLOG FOLLOWER.

So if you have a blogger/google account, please become a follower by clicking on the follow button in the upper left corner of the blog. Choose follow publicly.

If you do not have a blogger account, you can FOLLOW with a google , yahoo or Aim account (without making a blogger).

But it is easy and free to create one! Here's how!

~Just click on the create a blog link in the top right (Don't worry you do not have to create a blog!)

~Fill out the page (enter your email/create a display name) and click continue
*It is best to use your stardoll name as your display name if possible

~Skip the next step if you do not want a blog.

You are finished!

All you need to do now is click on edit photo and upload a picture for your profile. You can use any pic or one of your medoll.

Then come to our blog and click on the follow button in the upper right corner. Choose follow publicly!

Thanks so much if you do. This will make the blog better and more secure! It also makes things easier for me!


  1. You can also make a Blogger account
    with Hotmail, which most people have. (:


  2. I agree with u Jenna, now we will see always who post, its more safe.

  3. Aw darn. I would totally follow the blog, but my internet is screwed up and I don't know why. I can't do certain things (like follow blogs, load videos, etc.) but I don't know why, and I do have a Yahoo! account for blogs. I ran a diagnostic check but apparently everything is okay. Anyways, ya. That's kind of unfair but at the same time it makes way more sense for yout to change it. :)


  4. Cherries648 yes you can create a blogger account with any email, but I meant you can follow the blog without creating a blogger account if you have yahoo, aim or google id's.

    twilight-lover95 sorry, but really the blog was always meant for just members of my club so that's why this will be better for me.

    Maybe you can write to blogger?

  5. I think its a great idea.
    Im already a follower,I have a blogger account & Im a club member! :]

  6. I'm already a follower!
    But I should probably change my pic, I just used a sample picture cause I was lazy.

  7. cool!!
    is no hard to do a blogger account so i hope all the anonymous comments diseappear, idk why, i just dont like the anonymous people.. lol

  8. i think it will help the blog alot..and make it easier to run!! well... i hope
