
Saturday, August 8, 2009

New Trend?

As you have seen, a few stardollians have been asking to become CG, many people have tried, but only a few have gotten the Gold, two of them being fellow writer Mel (bluegreen86) and the amazing blog owner Jenna (emorox4eva). Jenna is today's CG, so...
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S! !
Today, a message from Jennifer (jeremyn2005) arrived, asking for her to be voted covergirl, which keeps me wondering... Will this turn into a new trend? The, rarther, popular stardollians, becoming covergirl? Only time will tell.

I personally have nothing against it, in fact, I'm rather glad it's happening, since usually people think CG is a fix , now I believe it is real. And usually the CGs are completely unknown users, with usually not so pretty medolls (I'm holding nothing against them, FYI).

What do you think? New trend, or just a passanger phase? Tell us in a comment.



  1. i dont know anyone who DOESNT want to be CG.I really dont like getting messages from someone asking me to vote for her.It annoys me,cuz i dont even know them.But when they are my friends they dont even have to ask!:D
    [sorry for the long comment!X3 ]

  2. I think its a splendid idea, and we sohuld get not very well known users to be voted covergirl! I have always wanted to be covergirl, and I know how hard it is to work and advertise for votes, and how expensive it is, and you don't even win!


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  4. Lol.
    I agree. Before, I thought that stardoll was just randomly picking people. Usually, dolls with no pants and stuff.
    But I guess it was all true, just like you said. I guess those people were just making accounts to make themselves win.
    And yes, nowadays you see people making broadcasts of winning 200 sd and stuff. Stardoll is definatly picking up a new trend!

  5. new trend?? naah.. I would rather say new obsession. and I am sick of it, really. not that I am jealous or mad, I got nothing against previous winners, such as sahar, mel, jenna, etc, but now every anonymous person wants to win covergirl. booring

  6. I pretty much agree, and I'm actually happy about it ! I mean the people lately have amazing personalities, if you know them or not you can pretty much tell.

    And people who get annoyed and blow up because you ask them to vote for you or a friend really bother me. I mean either vote or ignore the message don't give me a lecture saying fuck you and I don't even know you, why would I vote. Come on really. lmao

    Sorry for the long comment. I ran into some little girl like that earlier. haha

  7. Yeah I think it is already a new trend kind of! Haha :D

  8. I would love the covergirl title!
    That is why I am offering a code,just like everyone else,to a lucky winner when/if I become covergirl!
    So please vote!

  9. I think it`s the start of the new trend. And then all the rich people will win cause they have codes & stuff. Poor people like me, won`t even win.

    - Fia_fantasy

  10. I'm actually one of the girls who DOESN'T really care about CG. Like, I'd love to be CG and win some Stardollars, but to me it's not really everything.

  11. i would personally love to become cover girl... it is just a dream although i know it is never going to happen coz hardly anyone visits my suite but how about we try voting for albums or sceneries???
    i would love to be the album winner!!!!
    p.s sorry realy long comment!!!

  12. I think it will be a new trend!
    And I'm thinking to do it xD

  13. I get a lot of messages saying ''Vote for me!'' etc etc etc, and I always ignore them, but recently I've been getting these messages from my close SD friends and now I'm getting one daily from users that I actually know and talk to.

    Plus, I wanna be the next CG. Haha :P Vote for me?? ;)

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  15. Oh, and I agree with Fia_Fantasy.
    I really wanna win, but I can't offer anything like all those previous winning CG 'cause I can't buy codes/give out my DKNY (I'm not s/s) and I don't have a lot of money. /: In fact, many of my previous being-superstar happened because my friends generously gave me codes.

  16. i think its just a phase like everything here on stardoll. alot of people are giving stuff away to become CG and some dont give out the things they promise anyway..

  17. Yeah. I dont really mind about covergirl. Yeas, you get heaps of gb comments and money and stuff, but I dont really wanna waste my money trying. Congratualtions Jenna!

  18. Well... who wouldn't want to be? The thing is , though so many people are raffling the SAME things: codes. It would be more interesting if it was like emorox4eva's raffle- with a variety of things. Oh and yes-it definitely is a trend¨!

  19. hiii!!
    well , people are always asking em to vote for them , but i always do cuz the people who ask em are always either one of my best friends on stardoll or one of my friends in real life. When are u gonna start that thing where u gedt all yoru followers to vote soemone CG??
    cuz i would love to be CG!!
    P.S: my nickname onn stardoll is buttercup_100

    See ya!!

  20. Mm. there might be a new trend, indeed. I have nothing against it, I think the popular girls on stardoll indeed look better. But I hope there will be found a good balance between popular and non popular people on the cover of the magazine. And I hope one day, you'll just be voted for your outfit, and not because you send 100 of broadcasts and ask all your friends. But I think it'll take a long time to accomplish that.

  21. it'll always be a trend.. i've always got messages to vote for them, and there is a lot of people who wants to be CG one day.. i was CG 2 years ago and i don't think it changed my life because i got a lot of friend requests and i think they just wanted to be my friend beacuse i was on the front page..
    but i think it's a stupid trend because you can win only if you post broadcasts all day? -.-" i think it'd be better if people could win because they're creative or pretty, and not because they have a lot of money
    sorry it was long xD

  22. Yes probably new trend, I'd say! :P
    More and more people started doing it and it wouldn't surprise me to be continued in the future too. Although, most of us hav started getting sick of it, it has a result. Most of the times, you win. I won 2 days ago CG with the same way. Although I spent more than 2000 stardollars for broadcasts plus did a raffle and mailed my friends, I was so glad to see my MeDoll in the cover and have this gold rosette in my suite :)

  23. Yeah shure i think so.
    Eceryone is doing the same i am trying to be a CG tobecause i know that now beutifull peoples can too

  24. i think so...
    but its really hard to get on the top 5!

  25. New obsession.
    Probably will fade eventually...

  26. See if i asked no one would vote me :/
    so how do you ask to get voted cg???

    xoxo purrdymuffin vote me :P

  27. btw I was once 4th without any single plead :)

  28. I always wanted to be covergirl myself. I mean, who doesn't!?

    In my opinion, I think people will always be sending out messages and holding comps to win covergirl and I think more people will start because they know that the whole covergirl thing isn't fake, since now Mel, Jenna and all the other girls who tried their best to get up there proved that Stardoll aren't just choosing at random.

    Plus, it's about time some of the more ...'popular' stardoll members were seen on the cover! :]

    C. x

  29. this kind of topic was here, on this blog...(about that CG thing, that ppl ask for votes & give gift codes or something like that) IMO
