
Wednesday, August 12, 2009

New Releases

Okay, so today when I logged into stardoll, I went right in to the starplaza and what my eyes saw was a bit freaky! School teacher clothes!! What is stardoll thinking? School teacher? I'm not saying they're hideous, in fact, they could work, but still, school teacher!
Also there was a black tuxedo-like dress, I'm not fond of it, but it can definitely be worked. Some people can. Like Tim Gunn says,"Make it work"So here is a pic of the releases.
(Click here to enlarge)
What do you think? Will you be buying any of them? All of them? Tell us in a comment! Toodles, Lucie.


  1. Oh wow.
    Not a huge fan, won't be buying any of them.
    I have to say, the black one is really awful in my opinion.

  2. I dont like them, its not my style of clothes, the best on is the purple one, the other 2 are awfull in my opinion, very demode. I think teachers use more modern clothes, in my country they use.

  3. i don't like them at all. in my opinion, the black one is actually the best, but i definitely won't buy it or the other two.

    stardoll haven't released much good stuff in awhile... =[

  4. I LOLed at these outfits xD
    I prefer the black one, but I'm not gonna buy it.

  5. Ewwww... to all of them!! XD the black one is a stardoll gift (from a movie.. but now I dont remember the name.. u can check on stardoll insiders think! there are also a free bag or sth)

    When are they going to release sth cool?? and where is Miss Sixty?? :(

  6. The red dress would look better without the white shirt underneath it. Other than that, they're not my cup of tea.

  7. wow...
    I don't think any teacher would wear the black dress. That is very low cut. O.O

    But then again, I don't think any teacher would wear any of these ever

  8. Nope, no way hozay!

    I mean, they should really be for free! Their hideus!

    Well at least thats my opinion

  9. wow...
    I don't think any teacher would wear the black dress. That is very low cut. O.O

    But then again, I don't think any teacher would wear any of these ever

  10. I love the post!

    I also love the dresses,well not really but at first I did! I like the black one, its chic!

  11. Don't like any of them, but the 'favorite' is the black one. Maybe I'll buy one if they put them on sale.


  12. no way..! its super ugly ..way old fashioned

  13. In my opinion these clothes are really awful XP
    I can't watch them.
