
Sunday, August 9, 2009


Hello everyone, my name is Filipinhamaria on Stardoll as many of u already know, but u can call me Filipa. I'm from Portugal and I'm 14 years old. I live in a small city near the capital that is Lisbon.

I was invited to write on this amazing blog from my best friend Jenna. It is a honor to be a writer on this blog. This is my favorite blog and it is my first time writing in any blog, so I am so excited to be on this team and to have this opportunity.

I also want to thank John_El_Mejor, he did my banner and i love it, he is a great artist.
I did also raffle off 200 stardollars to help Jenna be covergirl and she did win.When I saw Jenna
on the Stardoll Magazine I was so happy! Finally, she won and she deserve it so much!

Without Jenna Stardoll would be very boring.

Winner of my 200 stardollars Raffle


Congratulations to her and thanks everyone that vote and support Jenna, without you this would not have been possible.


  1. Yay Filipa! You're first post! Bravo! Welcome and I love the banner! John you have done it again!

  2. Filipa!! Congratulations =) Looks like more and more of the remaining The Cut members are joining this wonderful blog.

  3. i love the banner ;)
    and.. welcome ^^

  4. welcome... im sure your contributes to this blog will be great! congrats

  5. Welcome Filipa, I'm sure you'll write great post that we'll all enjoy!

  6. The banner is amazing Filipa
    Congrat to the girl .

  7. Welcome! :]
    Amazing banner!
    & Congrats to the girl! x

  8. Yay! I am so glad your now apart of the team :D

  9. Congratulations Filipa!
