
Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Deal with the site problems

If you are having issues with viewing our web page, I am sorry. Here is the deal is only happening for a small number of folks using internet explorer.

(Thanks Talia for bringing this to my attention)

Here are a few options: These browsers all seem to work Firefox, Netscape, Google Chrome & Safari.

So maybe you can use one of these. Most have started using another for security reasons anyhow and they also seem to work better on stardoll (at least firefox).

Also, if you don't want to or can't change browsers then most people are saying that after you get the error message if you close out of the window and reopen it again you are fine.

I researched this on the web and this seems to be fairly common issue with blogs and Internet Explorer.

I am very sorry for those experiencing this inconvenience, but at this time I do not want to remove all the html coding as it was difficult for me and took awhile to get it right.

It obviously must be an issue with Internet Explorer and removing it may not even solve the problem and then I would never get it right again.

So I hope you consider one of the options above and stay with us.

Thanks, Jenna


  1. I'll visiting the blog from Firefox for sure. No wonder, to stop being a reader. I love this blog :)

  2. Sorry Jenna, I´m trying to investigate more about this but I don´t have any problem when I use Google Chrome.
    I always use it!

    Last week I was at other laptop and it uses Internet Explorer. I have a problem with Internet Explorer, because when I use it I can´t go to Doll/Games, Scenaries and some things.(STARDOLL).

    I used Internet Explorer yesterday and I go to the blog and NO PROBLEMS!


  3. I'll work my way round it, i need IE because otherwise i can't get my Media Centre updates but ill find a way, i always do, i was just worried incase this only happened to me!

  4. It's happeneing to me. It's really annoying. I finally got it to work x]

  5. :D I use chrome :D

  6. well if fine for now it will probaly sort its self out .but i can still read the blog!

  7. Yeah, I know that.

    I have always used Mozilla Firefox cause it was always better that Internet Explorer.

