
Friday, July 31, 2009


I discovered that stardoll has released a new option for the starplaza... a wishlist!
Once you click on the tempting 'Click here!' button, you are led to a page which gives you the option to choose your favourite items from Candie's, Mudd & Abbey Dawn (see below)

After choosing from the huge variety of tee's, dresses, skirts, jeans, hoodies, scarves, shoes, jewellrey and even watches, you can then create your wishlist letter and either print it of or send it to a friend!


  1. Lol when I first saw it i thought you might be able to get your favourite piece free! :P I was wrong!!!


  2. I suppose Stardoll is being 'creative'.
    But its not that interesting, I mean, who would print that?!
    I suppose some little girls might send it to their friends, but, you know. Not that interesting.
    Tanisha x

  3. It's quite cool but why would you want to send it to a friend or print it. Do you want to make them give you stardollars or something? :P
    Yeah. Same as chicky357, I thought that stardoll might give you your favourite piece free from each thing! :PPPPP


  4. .... And what do we get from doing this? Wasting our time. :( It'd be cooler if someone could buy clothing FOR us.

  5. Cool... I think some people might take it to Kohls to buy the items that were on stardoll.

  6. Hmmmm I don't know if I would be comfortable sending that to people.

  7. omg i never noticed that !thanks for tellin us!

  8. Great! I haven't seen that!

    Thainks for telling us! This is a great place too know all the latest news at Stardoll!


  9. My first reaction was the same as chicky357's.
    I find this wishlist useless. Why sending it to someone who isn't registered on stardoll? And if the people ARE on stardoll, they can see the clothes by themselves.
    Or printing it? Just a waste of ink.

  10. Hmm.. I have to check it out to understand it fully. :)

    From the comments I've read it just seems like a waste of ink :P

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I don't understand, like what's the idea of that wish list thing -.-
    i think it's pointless :D
