
Thursday, July 9, 2009

Sorry & Miss Sixty

Sorry for the lack of posts. I am dealing with something in my real-life that is taking precedence over being on stardoll atm. My Mom is in hospital.

So, I am going to have to basically be on semi-hiatus for a bit and I hope to be back soon. I will log on when I can and I hope that my writers will do me a favor and pick up the slack as far as posting. Comps will just be delayed a bit. Sorry I hate to do this to people, but priorities you know. All current prizes, I will try to log on and get them completed bit by bit so be patient please.

In stardoll news, I know I'm late, but I was very excited to see that we are getting Miss Sixty on stardoll. I really like some of the stuff what about you?Credits: The stardoll insiders, Stardolls top designers &


  1. Ok, I understnad.
    I hope your mom gets better :]

    Oooh... nice new clothes! I want them all!

  2. Hope your mom's ok Jenna.

    I like the Miss Sixty clothes and hope that stardoll's done a deal with them so we get more collections. The designers at Miss Sixty always release great clothes.

  3. I hope your Mum gets better.

    ( '.' )
    (_)(_) <- the get well soon bunny.

  4. Hope she gets better soon!

    i really like Miss Sixty :X

    and are we ok to take off our country colours clothes?

  5. Oh Jenna i wish ur mother be better, i understand dont worry.
    I like the clothes very much, some of them i will buy for sure.
    Filipinhamaria on Stardoll.

  6. i hope your mum gets better..!

    i like the clothes very much and i heard about it before.. and i cant wait :p

  7. Hope your moms ok, I understand
    Ya the clothes are nice

  8. Hi hun, we understand you!! I hope your Mum gets better.
    About MS collection:
    I bought part of the Miss Sixty collection, for a 1 hour this morning (european time) clothing was available, but they have now returned to remove it, I guess they are making the store now, you can visit my wardrobe´s suite and you will see some new designs in the MS´s collection.

  9. i hope ur mom's ok :)

    i luv miss sixty im so happy its coming to stardoll! :)

    btw- yay! 600 followers!! :) only 400 more to 1000 omg!

  10. Sorry to hear about your Mom.
    And I understand :)

  11. Good luck to your mom.
    I like the Miss Sixty clothes (:

  12. I hope your mom gets better!
    The clothes are cool, hope Stardoll put at least one item for non-ss :D

  13. hope your mum gets better soon!!
    nice clothes

  14. OH! im soo sorry about your mom i hope shes gets better..and hope you do good aswell..:)

    i also really like some of the misss sixty things and this morning when i loged in on the new stuff in the starplaza i saw most of it then it dissapered.. any way i was EXPENSIVE one pair of shoes was 14sd!! so i guess it's like philosophy..

  15. I'm so sorry to hear that! Best wishes for her to get better!

  16. Omg Jenna! My prayers will go out to you, your family, and of course your mum! I really do hope she gets better! I love you and take all the time you need in order to come back to stardoll and this blog!

    Best Wishes,

  17. Very sad Jenna! I try to post more, but I´m very busy this week

  18. Aw!
    I hope your mom get's better!

  19. I hope she feels better. I like some of them.

  20. dont worry. personal life is more important than a virtual. Is your mom now ok?

  21. it looks gorgeous!!!... but where has it gone?

    also i'm sorry about your mum Jenna, i hope she gets better soon:D

  22. I hope your mom gets better soon, Jenna.

    Wow love the Miss Sixty collection!

  23. We understand , everybody has a life outside of stardoll .
    Hope your mother gets better soon !

  24. I'm sorry to hear about your mom. I hope she gets better.

    I'm really excited about the new Miss Sixty brand. I love the real life collection.

  25. It's my favorite brand in real life :)

  26. I wish your mom to get well.

    About Miss Sixty - I like only a few things. The denim jacket, for example.


    oh, finally. i did a screen print of me and bikini in starplaza.

  28. It's ok, take as long as you like. Hope your mom and your family will get better.


  29. Sorry to hear about your mom, having a parent in the hospital sucks..I should know.
    But, don't worry, hang in there! :)

  30. I'm sorry for your mum:( uh miss sixty should be an italian brand cool!

  31. I think the new collection is pretty cute n cool. They're great but is orange their main colour?
