
Monday, July 27, 2009

Hot Buys Jumpsuit RELEASED

Hello everyone! I´m officially back, I was so busy because I´m in a new house and bla bla bla. Ok, the Hennes & Mauritz jumpsuit is now in Starplaza. It´s for superstars and cost $10 stardollars.

What do you think about it? Will you wear it in real life?

If you are wearing it, tell me in my guestbook.


  1. Remember that colleenp87 is modeling the HB Jumpsuit.


  2. real life no! maybe in a solid color, in stardoll oh so

  3. its ugly...and i wouldnt wear a jumpsuit in real life...espically if its baggy!

  4. at first the picture is.... WOW *-*

    and i think i wont wear it in real life... :p

  5. Oh no no no. I really don't like it. The fit, in my opinion, is HORRIBLE. No, Stardoll, no.


  6. Not very flattering on Stardoll or in real a definite no on my part. Plus, I think zebra print is getting over-used lately.

  7. sorry but... I'm totally in love with that jumpsuit!!! XD (my medoll Tinkerbells is wearing it now); and yeah I would wear it in real life, baggy style is the new trend on Barcelona! but I haven't seen in yet on h&m store :/

  8. I saw someone wearing something similar in the supermarket. =D
    I think I wouldn't wear it in real life because of its baggyness. Dunno about stardoll yet.

  9. I wouldnt wear it in real life but I might buy it on stardoll! I don't really know!! :P It depends if i like it on my medoll!!

    x chicky357

  10. Um, not in real life no way. It'll just look like a striped sack on me. It's a pretty typical hb.

  11. The real life is H-O-R-I-B-L-E !!!
    I dont know about the stardoll one..?
    10sd is quite cheap for a jumpsuit, but it kinda makes your hips REALLY big, so I dunno :D

  12. I'm probably the only person who would have the guts to walk that down the street in real life. xD

  13. I would never wear it in real life, no no no... Definitely not my style. But, in Stardoll yes and I bought it. It looks so cosy and nice and I could imagine my medoll would wear it at home ;D I really don't care if it makes my medoll look fat.

  14. It's okay.
    I bet some people could really pul it off, though.

  15. I definitely never wear it in real life, its gonna make me look fat! xD
    Stardoll version is so much better than the real life one!

  16. Erm.. I don`t like it.
    I`m not very fond of jumpsuits.. Reminds me of skydiving and orange prison suits.. Lol.

  17. I'm wearing
    I wrote in your guestbook [:

  18. Love love love the jumpsuit. Not for the wallflowers, but I would love to have that in my wardrobe.

    ps. good work with the graphic, John! I didn't even recognize myself haha

  19. Wow! Amazing graphics, and I like the idea of the jumpsuit, however I do not like it at all and would never wear it =/

    its okay! Just not my taste!

  20. In real life, Heck no! Stardoll - maybe... with the right accesories

  21. i like the real life one better :D
    The stardoll's looks like it has crap between the legs, a lot of it, i'm telling you :O
    (sorry about my expression :/)
