
Friday, July 17, 2009

The Good, The Bad, and The Boring

Stardoll has released a couple pages of new items. Some of them are interesting, some of them are fashionable, and some are only okay. One of the more unique, as well as more pricey, new releases are these Evil Panda guitars. $50 seems steep to me for a guitar. I think Stardoll slapped on a 'Special Edition' label to justify the price. I think the guitars are cool, but I probably wouldn't buy one if I was a superstar.
Also, Stardoll has released the latest Hotbuys - the tiger bathing suit.

This batch of new releases is probably my favorite. I love the Bisou brand. The leopard print scarf and pumps, in my opinion, are adorable and have the perfect mix of sexy and sweet. The golden baggy shorts might not be for everyone, but personally I love them and would snap them up in an instant. The Chloe dress (notice the Stardoll spelling mistake!) is so-so, but not too horrible. I like the blazer, but it could have had a bit more definition in the body.

These Bisou items are a mix of good and boring. I think the socks and sports bag are a bit boring, but some will love the sporty vibe. I love the sandals and the clutch, though. Metallics make any outfit that much more interesting, and I love the shape of the clutch.
So, now for your opinions. Love or loathe?


  1. I ADORE the oversized shorts!!!!

  2. I certainly agree about the guitars, they are very cool but I do not want to spend almost 100sd on one!

    I think the rest of the items are really fun and nice! I love the page that you said you liked, especially the white jacket :D

  3. i love the guitars! i got all of them for 150sd xx
    the other stuff are like eww! :)

  4. I love all the items but the blazer its not my style :/. The guitars are cute but are so expensive!

  5. like the clothes - especially the leopard print items XD
    guitars are coool too, but way to pricey. if they are going to sell them for that amount, they should at least be limited edition!

  6. i love them! i totally disagree with the guitars tho, cos i really like them i think their fab, and individual not everyones gunna like them, which makes them even more unique to my anyways =D

  7. I love the guitars, but they are too expensive :|
    The other clothes are pretty too ^_^
    I'll buy them :)

  8. i liek them very much..
    but the guitars are too expensive -.-'

  9. im not a fan of much ..

  10. I think the guitars are a total waste, won't buy them.
    I love the lepord print scarf and the white blazer, so chic! (:

  11. a great find for panda fanatic!
    my roommate and i LOVE this bag

  12. Guitars are cool but so pricey! That's a bit extreme for a guitar. We're basically just paying for its name which virtually means nothing cuz it ain't real.
    I luv the tiger bathing HB suit, very sexy. And I love the new bisou stuff.

  13. The prices are way too expensive!
