
Tuesday, June 23, 2009


I checked the spoilers this morning looking for more v-tam, but no luck. Anyway I found some interesting stuff.

A baby??? What can that be for? A new doll or will stardoll be like "The Sims" where you can have a husband and family LOL. (btw recovering sims addict ;))

Update: They have now added different skin tones and clothes in blue, pink, green & white (Thanks fashion.fantasy)A lot of Jonas brothers stuff. Looks like some of it could be free stuff promoting something or maybe a Jonas brothers store? I see they have Disney on maybe they have something to do with the Disney Club?? Idk! Anyone know anything?There was also the princess protection program dress there. Will it be a free for watching the video or are we getting a Demi Lovato doll? There are some other cute dresses too and of course the hb dress that will be released soon.What do you think?


  1. a baby! thats very weird .. and about the JoBro stuff it would be nice if thet-shirt wads in colour or made it look nice and not just a simple tee!

  2. The baby is so cute! But I don't understand the relation with Stardoll xD
    Between that yellow dress is amazing even if I don't like the band on it :P

  3. I like the Hotbuys dress and the shorts, but other than that, the clothing is just alright.

    And the baby thing? I'm very curious about that.

  4. I like the dresses! The yellow one is awesome.

    I don't like the JB shirt though.

  5. Interesting stuf... I like the dresses at the bottom, lovin' the free guitar tooo.

  6. I love the princess protection dress...I hope we get it.

  7. @ Aaliyah/hip-hop-girl123 [On SD]
    who says that it will be free /

  8. a baby?! I want it! it should be a must-haveXD
    I quite like the boots and the dresses..

  9. Random.. YAY Im so excited for Princess Protection Program! A friend of mine was an extra but my mom didnt let me audition

  10. that baby comes in different skin colours, there are also clothes, a milk bottle and a toy :)

  11. maybe the baby will be in minishop? :D just guessing

  12. A Baby? Wow; is it comming to stardoll? That would be really cool if you think about it. your own house with a family [: Image if you could get jobs on there aswell; would be like the sims 3 (also a sims fanatic)

  13. Babies?
    The Jonas Brother stuff is nice-for obsessed Jonas fans, unlike myself. It would be cool i9f they had a Jonas store in the Starplaza though XD
    I like most of the dresses, they're pretty :]

  14. I saw that in the spoilers too and I was shocked. Babies? lol

  15. the baby is probably just a dolll, hate the jonas brothers so, i could care less. && the others clothes were nice. some were pretty cute.

  16. Yay! Babies! OMG. I want them. Now. And I want 10 of them. NOOOW.

  17. a baby wow...luv to have one i woder if you can buy clothes for it...and hope the clothes are in soon...

  18. it's official..I want that babyyyyyyyyy xD

  19. I Like The Baby But I Don`t Get What It Has To Do With Stardoll. And I Love The HB Dress

  20. the grey shorts are quite cute! and red dress is gorgeous, i'll defo buy it! ;DD

  21. aww...the baby is cute!! i LOVE the sims and the jonas brothers!!
    and i love almost all the stuff from demi lavatos movie.

    xoxo cheertampateam

  22. Omg this scares me alot! Hahaha like I do not want a baby! I do like the Jonas Brothers poster though and some of the dresses are cute!

  23. oh and the other dresses are cute in some what way LOL

  24. the babies are out! They are really expensive...14sd. In the minishop. Cute though....

  25. I like the babies!! haha, recovering sims addict, nice ;)

  26. i like the yellow dress..very bright but i wont wear it lol i like the baby idea like the turkish teddy thing :)

  27. Lol, babies X). Kinda weird...
    I can't wait for the hobuys the dress to come out! And the big yellow one!

  28. haha I love the sims too!

    idk what the baby has to do with anything
    I hope the jobro stuff comes out, I love them lol
    And where do you find all these spoilers?

  29. I suspect the yellow dress will be free... I can't see it being sold anywhere - unless they open a new store in the starplaza.

    As for the babies... they're a bit strange. They are really expensive too - 14 stardollars I think. And what exactly is the use of them? Has anyone bought one?
