Saturday, April 11, 2009

Woohoo I have more haters! LMAO

Tell me this is not funny!
Why do posers/haters on stardoll even bother to waste their time? No one cares what they have to say. They just make me laugh! Rawr! I mean, what is the saying?..Haters make me famous. lol.It's all just a bit pathetic to me. To go out of your way to make an account about someone, leave mean comments, start rumors etc..


Esra said...
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Esra said...

i hate them as well.
and there is an account called: cool_ial_

also she is superstar :S
i dont know why she is wasting her time

Anonymous said...

Grrr, im sorry :( :(

But you are handeling it very well :)


cutegirlangel11 said...


Sarah said...


kiki_1994 said...
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Anonymous said...

lol thats so funny (SORRY) she must have to much time on her hands!

xoxo purrdymuffin

A_listerxoxo said...

Your a good sport Jenna! Good for you! =)

Anonymous said...

I understand wht u feeling bc i also have a person tht made a account with my name, and call me nasty names. I never did anything wrong and how can people be so mean. The name of the account tht im spk its filipinhamaria. with a final point, mine is filipinhamaria
They must be loosers without a life so they bother us.

colleenp87 said...

Hahahaha that actually really makes me laugh. You know you've made an impact on Stardoll when someone makes an account in your name.

ps. you're nowhere close to a jerk.

Emeraldroxx said...

errrr they can Screw off..
don't worry darling they're just losers trynna get attention. Like if anyone would care what they say anyway.

Anonymous said...

Do you think we even care bout that?

GiveLoveAChance said...


Don't worry about them. Just don't give them any attention(:

Anonymous said...

omg ...
I can't believe someone would waste their time, making an account with the same name of the person they hate. Sheesh! emorox4eva.jerk
I mean PUHLEEZ if she hates u so much y did she steal ur username...??
lol how pathetic

Anonymous said...

that is one of the most ridicualas things a person can do on stardoll. it doesnt get them any possitive attention and no one really seems to care as you can see she had only had two visiters
by the time you had gone to her account.

- much love, katieLOVE1

Emorox4eva/Jenna said...

Anonymous with the rude comment.

Guess what I don't care who cares because this is my blog and that means I get to write about whatever I want. PERIOD.

xcouturecutiexo said...

Wow that person is so dumb, tell her to get a life.

I had someone do that to me and write me in her "burn book" in this club. She made it really mean, but I just fought back and she left me alone ever since =)

Anonymous said...

ahaha I've some haters too, but I laugh a lot when I see them, they waste their time..xD
But as you said they make us more famous! Yay! xD

krisikote said...

oh I have one hater in real life...Oh well they are just jelous: )

Eftychia-MarsaL15 said...

Stupid little girls that are really disappointed and bored from their lifes and cannot find something to spend their free time than making accounts with nasty names to annoy others.
There's an account called Marsal15Scammer so I can understand you. I didn't even mind to visit it because as you said 'HATERS MAKE US FAMOUS' lol


rebelqueen101 said...

ye dey r so silly y dnt dey c wat dey r instead!! even i would laugh it off!! XD

Jamie said...

I agree with you, it's pretty hilarious. Plus, it shows you've made an impact :)

- xcrazy_chickx

bent-ksa said...


Cali_Beauty said...

Lol you get more publicity :P
Someone did it to my club account.
Seriously these people make me laugh!

Sarah said...

LOL and i also discoverd emorox4eva.slag i sent her a mesage in her GB.

Princess-A said...

what a jerk!
anywayz i found another hater
she is called
she should get a life!

katsachocoholic said...

I Couldn't Find Her When I Searched!!! Hopefully She's Taken Your Advice And Found Herself A Life . . Not Likely . . Luckily I Don't Have A Hater Account . . If I Did Though, I'm Not Sure I'd Handle It As Good As You Are . . XX

Anonymous said...

omg that is pathetic. keep up the good attitude. Pirates_soccer

Doinky said...

While Jenna and I do not agree, this is simply stupid. Why bother wasting your time, amking a whole account just to get no support. It boggles me, really.

Anonymous said...

lmao, there is another account
I saw it in jenn's guestbook and there was this babydolly chik ar wateva defending jenn! haha lol ! soo pathetic!

Anonymous said...

that is so stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ciara said...

They're just looking for attention! It's so imature to do that! Oh well... not everyone can be as mature as us! :P x]


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