Friday, April 10, 2009

Easter HB Hunt Winners

Wow, so I guess the hb hunt wasn't hard enough. Many found the items very quickly. However, due to not following directions, writing down the wrong name or people having the same answers as others who had already posted (copying?)..we had to disqualify many before we got to a winner.

So..drumroll please...The winners are:

Lizzie1393 for the bonus items

Congrats ladies. I am sorry if you were disqualified and your answers were not copied, but if most of your answers matched someone who previously posted..I had to go to the next person.


bent-ksa said...


ihope iwin in easter dress up cmp cuz iwork hard on my doll..:(

lizzie1393 said...

wow i didn't think i'd actually win lol! thank you! =]

Jamie said...

Good job everyone! I was all set on taking part, untill i saw the 45 comments that were already there :/

- xcrazy_chickx

Sarah said...

congrats!!!! xx

Jaderiane said...

Congrats to both of you...Woot Woot Lizzie. :)

Anonymous said...

OMG they are so Luckyy !!
i was too late .

2_cutecarla said...

This comp was stressful.
I spent hours.

Anonymous said...

I didn't try the comp cuz I was really busy.

Lucie/lgap said...

Congrats, I really wanted to win. But oh well.

chicky357 said...

I was goin 2 see wat we were suppose until i went into comments and like a million ppl.. (well actually it was more like 10!!) had alredy found everything!! =]

Congratz to the ppl who won =]
U must hav worked really hard!!
And 4 the ppl who did it but didnt win u must hav must hav worked really hard aswell!! =]


лил. <3 said...

My answers weren't copied or even similar.
The names I mentioned weren't mentioned before. It's not fair! :(

Anonymous said...

i couldn't even find where the list was posted!

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