
Tuesday, April 14, 2009

On your Mark, Get set...

Go...Well almost! Get your money in order its almost here! Will you be buying anything? I think I def will buy a few things. Hopefully I won't get possessed by the shopping frenzy spirit and spend all my money ;) Doesn't this seem a bit too soon. LE, Antidote, LE. Like I always say Greedy stardoll. Prepare yourselves for the outrageous prices. O.o


  1. I CANNOT wait!

    note: Antidote isn't sold out yet.......hmmmm

  2. Yeah, it's gonna be expensive.
    And, from the spoilers i've seen, totally hideous. (IMO)
    But, you never know, sometimes the clothes look better in the store :)

    - xcrazy_chickx

  3. I cant wait! I hadnt eaten since breakfast so that I wont miss the release xD

    I wantt to be the first person to something! lol xD

    Only 68 stardollars!
    I will buy maybe one or two things...

  5. I'm not excited about LE.
    I mean its like good and all but I never have any money.
    Plus, every time I finally discover it, all it's nice stuff is gone.
    But it would be nice to have one peice of LE.
    But at the moment I have $1 and it won't be increasing. =[

    - Lauraa.

  6. I Only Have 48 Stardollars!!! I Won't Be Able To Buy Anything Good!! X

  7. haha Lilla!
    I've been on all day consitanltly checking back!
    I didn't know what L.E was up until a month ago.
    So I wont miss this one.
    Antidote kinda sucks.

  8. wow i cant believe it so soon!! im not SS but i still love looking @ the clothes!!

    xx (:

  9. ahahha I think I'm going to buy only shoes like ever^^

  10. I have saved a lot of money..So im ready for it.

  11. I think I'm gonna buy a thing or 2 but I wont buy ugly things that I dont like only coz they're gonna be rare :O

  12. This makes me wish I was Superstar! :[
    But then again...even if I was I would never be able to afford it! x]

    Aww...another miss out for me! :[
    Have fun shopping girls! ;]

  13. Shit... I spent all of my money... >.<

  14. (well, not all, but I only have about 100$ =.=)

  15. pshh are u kidding? i budgited 600sd for LE! i might spend more, but i wanna buy peoples lottos that they wanan sell to get money for LE lololol

  16. i wish i could get some i am no longer ss and i cant get a code so i am selling my skyscaper for codes and my other clothes i need codes so bad!!
    xoxo cheertampateam

  17. Def... except I doubt my dad would let me get more SD...

  18. omg i cant wait. i missed out the last 2 but i need to get at least 1. i only have 30 stardollars though :[ i need to sell stuff--------bunney123

  19. I have lots of stardollars.
    But buying LE would be a waste of stardollars!

  20. Hmmm I don't love the looks of the LE enough to spend that much on one piece of clothing. I'd much rather buy a number of pieces I love than one just because it has the tag LE on it. But maybe I'll love it, and have to buy some LE... ya never know.

  21. I can't wait. I'll be checking on this during computers class tomorrow! I hope I don't get caught.

  22. I'm only gonna buy a few of the cheapest LE items.

  23. Yeah, I know LE is kinda pretty, but they do it just so members would buy stardollars or ss codes. That the reason they've got high prices in the plaza... that's so gready... >:/

    *i am an superstar

  24. I CAN'T wait til the LE Brand comes out! i have saved 217SD's so I hope I get to buy something from there!
    Anyone no where I can get any spoilers? xxx
