
Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Ok.. so this is getting outta hand! These crazy people pretending to be me & now they are trying to scam people and I guess frame me. IDK, but I thought you guys should be aware of this for safety reasons.

First, I received a friend request saying they saw my video on you tube. I was like WTF?!
So I went to you tube and searched my stardoll name and what do I find? This here.This girl says she is me!!! And sends you to this site ( where you can get $9000sd! Yeah right! Obviously she is a scammer and a fake looking to hack your account. Most of you will not fall for this, but I know a few will and I hope to prevent that because it was just opened on April 12th I think. Anyway, DO NOT even visit the site. I have reported it to both you tube and stardoll. Hopefully they will help get it removed, but we all have to help eachother because they are slow. We know that. Lol. Here's the rest!
The medoll is not even me or Fiona!!!
(This is where the pic of the "chat" with Callie was)
Then I got this message in my GB. Now that I look at it..I remember arouns the time I was hacked people were saying watch out for these people with the numbers at the end, so this is prob a fake/scammer person trying to get me to go to that site, but I ain't stupid. lol. SO BEWARE! IT'S FAKE, A SCAM & IT's NOT ME!!!!


  1. How some people can be stupid!
    And those who believe that scammers too!

  2. -is shocked- OMG!!!

    btw did you get my "THE CUT" entry cause none of you's visited my suite

  3. lets hope she gets barred whoever she is -- its poorly done though - if you look at the faces of the 2 dolls that are supposed to be you and fiona - they are exactly the same shes just changed the hair.

  4. Yeah I know, but I figured some new members might fall for it, so I better post it.

  5. Jenna would you please answer my question (sorry if i seen pushy, im suuuppppeeeerrrr tierd)

  6. TBH I really don't feel like checking through all the entries again. Too many.

    But I checked through ALL the entries on the list myself TWICE.

    As long as you signed up before the end date and not after. I even put a comment on a while after it ended and said NO MORE ENTRIES. So if you were after that point The entry time was over.

    Anyway so many you can look and see where you are on the list and if you signed up in the right place. It had to be under the post that said FINALLY! THE CUT! SIGN UP NOW! In comments and leaving your stardoll name.

  7. OMG! *gasp*
    i hate scammers!!! arrggghhh!

  8. wow. that is creepy.

  9. Thank you for the info but I did follow all those instructions. I'm on my iPod SOz for the delay

  10. Talia- I did just look again and I don't see your name. Maybe you signed in the wron g spot or maybe you were won of the ones that didn't leave your stardoll name. Sorry.

  11. damn, i must of I signed up and did my entry on my iPod and worked hard on it while away, sorry got any inconvinience. Emilymileyrocks/Talia

  12. Wow. People are so desperate the would do anything. =[

  13. boots self in the arse, gawd I'm so stupid

  14. O.O O.O O.O
    OMG What do people have against you Jenna? What have you ever done to them? Don't worry we're ALL on your side of this. I can't believe ur enemies would waste time making videos and websites about you and money scams.

  15. haha people get very mad when they don't win comps or if you don't necessarily like something they do. Or it could just be jealousy. idk.

  16. haha its not like that here I'm happy many of my friends got in, I'm just the fool who missed. A post silly me

  17. Talia- not you. I was responding to Sharlottstar :)

  18. OMG! How I'm lost for words! People have just gone wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too far this time! :[

    Jenna, so much things happen to you on here, its not fair! :[


  19. holy shit! :O

    I'm not sure if it's the same girl, but fiona got the something like that saying I've seen your you-tube video too!

    And callie never goes on chat for 1 and them me-dolls are totally fake!

  20. And TALIA
    ( get your attention lol )
    They posted al enteries on the blog, so they didn't have to go to each persons suite.
    I think...

  21. I've been magerly stupid with my posts -.-

  22. WTF? :O
    Jenna, you did very well to post it because yeah a few people would fall for it. But anyone can see it's a photoshop edit. I mean the 2MeDolls look excatly the same (except the hair) and we know how you and Fiona look. Plus Callie would never be on chat and talk with a member for this. Lol, I'm getting tired of these stupid scams? What do they think we are? Stupid persons that are dying for some stardollars? Gosh!
    I'll report it on stardoll too. If this situation continues we'll see each video pretending to be one stardoll user with a dark purpose (cheat,scam) lol.

  23. How low can people get?
    Its just pathetic that they took their time to make that video for youtube -.-'

  24. omg WHAT A LOSER god i cant believe ppl would actually go sooo low! cum on its just a site not real money to steal! funny how she picked the two "famous" girls on stardoll and anyway its obviously a scam!! lol
    that kid has no proof of the actual piczo site so she is really stupid to think ppl will believe her!

  25. This is very weird, this is a looser tht dont have anything more to do, get a life and live Jenna- Emorox4eva in peace. She's a really nice person.
    Why dont u show who really are u, dont pretend to be her. U should run away bc nobody like's u. Ur a mean person.
    Im Filipinhamaria in stardoll.

  26. lillyandmile/sarraApril 16, 2009 at 1:04 PM

    yeow not bothered to waste my breath over a loserific bitch!
    (sorry for bad language)

    anyway noone will believe her and i feel sorry for those newbies who do cuz theyre being scammed jus like dat!
    then theyll call emorox4eva a scammer........any idea who might hate you jenna?

  27. LOL this is soo funny...many ppl are so dumb they do these thing to get attention..LIKE SHOUT LONERS!

  28. omg! stupid girl she's so sad! hackers don't deserve stardoll. i added u emorox4eva by d way! xxx :) :)

  29. Omg that person is stupid and crazy i dont even think that callie told her to do that
