
Sunday, April 26, 2009


Hello everyone!! I will be a guest writer for this awesome blog for a month!! When I was chosen to be member of the month, I started to scream and calling my sis to see the computer because I couldn't believe my eyes!! As some of you know, my first account was called dracula_grl1, but then someone hacked me and stole all my rares, and stardoll wasn't helping so now I am sharing this account (taranee25) with my older sister. Something about me: I was born and live in Croatia, my real name is Ivona. I speak English fluently, but sorry for the mistakes in writing, don't forget it's not the language I speak everyday. I'm 13 years old and I am here on stardoll for 2 years now. I hope you'll like my posts, I will be posting as much as I can. Thanks for everything and see you soon!

P.S. This banner is just temprorarily soultion till I think of something bette


  1. No life much?
    Whats with all the screaming and calling your sis?
    Its just a virtual website FFS!

  2. cestitam!!! Congrats!

  3. Welcome 2 the blog!
    I'm sorry to hear about ur hacked account, hackers r so mean. Good thing u got ur sister! ;)

  4. Thanks for all your kindness, except: how would you feel if someone picks you from about 300 other active visitors in this blog?? I f you don't like me, than you don't need to read my posts!!

  5. Idk, probably thrilled but I wouldn`t be screaming and acting like a lunatic...

  6. Well, you weren't there so you can't know how I acted, and it definitely weren't like a lunatic, just excited. I was screaming because my sis was two floors downstairs. If she was near me, I would just call her.
