Wednesday, April 1, 2009


It's here! FINALLY! The new shop called DOT is in Starplaza and new cute items are available to be purchased! Whoa, they're awesome. Colourful, stylish, modern, I just LOVE them. Better than SEPHORA totally. We needed a change, don't you think?Thanks Lauren aka melissa54321 for informing me about this.



Lauren said...

No problem :) I actually found the store before it became a store because it was released in the new section first but not the whole collection :)

mushkaa said...

yay.. finally.. well i can tell that ir much better than staplaza,but i agree that we needed sth new

rebelqueen101 said...

cool der r som really great stuff but the non ss lip sticks r horrible except for d red which was free for valentines anyway!!

taranee25 said...
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taranee25 said...

I think the store is cool, but it is much more expensive than sephora (9sd for a lipstick??) but the colors are really wicked

taranee25 said...

Ant thanks so much for the advertise, it looks really good

Emorox4eva/Jenna said...

I got a few things, but it is more expensive.

Anonymous said...

I love it too!!! It's so cute, in a girlish kinda way. Def a gr8 change.

farahsaleem said...

So amazing! The colours in Sephora were like; so dull.this is a lot more fun!

Jamie said...

I think that it's got some great stuff there, but it's so hard to work with :/

- xcrazy_chickx

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