
Monday, March 9, 2009


Hey guys!! So I'm mentioned in the stardoll mag about being hacked. See below. It is mainly about Rachson not being the hacker, but I am going to try and seize this as an opportunity. I'd so appreciate it if any of you will leave messages in comments asking stardoll to respond and help and return my stolen items. I know its still a long shot, but maybe if enough people do stardoll will notice and actually care. Thanks if you do!BTW- My mom filed a complaint with the Better Business Bureau, FBI-Internet Crime Unit, Federal trade Commission and the California Attorney General's Office today. *Fingers crossed*.


  1. I want u mom when i Got hacked x'd
    Just kidding ^^
    But i really hope that its working 4 you.

  2. You are lucky to have such an awesome mom =)

  3. That's great! I hope everything's gonna be OK :)

  4. Your mom is great. My mom wouldn't care so much!
    I hope you get your stuff back.

  5. whoa your mom went a little too far.. o.0

  6. AC_Viper..well that's what those agencies are for. Consumer protection. I mean I've spent HUNDREDS of dollars on stardoll and now that money was basically taken from us without even a response from the company. Maybe if more people did that then stardoll would have better customer service. Sometimes you have to "go overboard".

  7. well, if they were hacked, they'd be too busy looking for loopholes and fixing them, for you it could be a loss of hundreds and they'll refund you later, for them it could be a loss of thousands, or hundreds of thousands.. :/
    otherwise there's no excuse for not responding to you.

  8. @AC-Viper: I'm sure the technician people have nothing to do with the support so the least Stardoll could do is send a "we're working on it, have some patience"-email instead of ignoring her.
    They have by far the worst customer service I've ever "experienced" (not much of a experience, is there?!) and I really support Jenna/the Mum for standing up and fight for their rights.

  9. Yeah you're right and we realize that this is not a quick 123 answer. We just wanted some kind of response to say HEY we're working on it. We will get back to you as soon as we know more. Everybody has a different story and I know some gave their passwords and stuff, but so many have told me that they never even got a response from stardoll after MONTHS. That's why we filed to let them know we are not going away quietly. they may not care, but at least we will do all we can.

  10. if i was a website admin, i would never admit my website was hacked. i find it very weird that they approved that post in the magazine.
    i dont think their customer service is that bad, once i got a response in less than 10 minutes, and im sure it took them 5 minutes to read my entire message before replying [it was very long].

  11. They aren't going to help get anything back... Stardoll don't care, as far as they are concerned, it is your acccount as they told me "soley your responsibility"
    I just got lucky.. I'd rather not have been hacked at all, but Rachson is giving my stuff back, which is better than not at all..
    All you can do Jenna, is try and find them again... it's hell, I tired it in the 2 weeks before Rachson changed her mind, but you'll do it xx

  12. my mum don't know what is stardoll o.O anyway you're lucky! I think u'll have your stuff back^^

  13. Thats awsum, ur mum contacted so many organisations.
    Hopefully this case can be solved soon! Goodluck Jenna

  14. When I Get Hacked Can I Borrow Your Mom?

  15. It is so weird. She admitted to hacking and she's still here?

  16. i hope everything works out


  17. I really hope you are get ur stuff back!
    And when ur mum contacted all those organizations, it will definitely make stardoll staff think about their way of treating hacked persons, and maybe u will get ur stuff back! I think u have great chances! Say your mum she is great (One more time)!! Good luck!! xD

  18. .. I really do hope you get all you stuff back..

    - xcrazy_chickx

  19. I really hope it will work and stardoll will pay attention

  20. Ya i'll help and write to stardoll =]
    You spent real money buying codes to buy rares so it isn't fair =[
    Good Luck with getting ur rares back =]

  21. its great your getting your account back but why such a big deal its a virtual website anmd i completely understand that you spent hundreds of stardollers cos i did too and i got my account vback when i got hacked so just because you dont have rares whats the big deal? i mean theyre just clothes and you dont wear the athat much i hope you got your account back though!

  22. i contacted stardoll and said to them that u really deserve to get ur clothes back!!!!
    hope everything works out for u!


  23. Anonymous

    It's not about the fact that they are rares. Its about that I paid so much money and that I want what I paid for. simple. who wouldn't. Especially when it costs stardoll nothing to restore them.

  24. hiiya you know that support summi email address that you said a real person would replie to was a load of crap told them that i was very concerned with thier security and that many people are getting hacked recently and they should return items that are sold when someone is hacked and they replied we do not have enough evidence this account belongs to you therefore we can not give anymore further detail..i was lykk WHATT?? when did i mention my account being hacked?? stardoll are pathetic and need to learn to read!!

  25. Yeah, you use to be able to get a person, but now they are just sending automated messages.

    I just got one that said..

    We would love to help you. Please list the account and a reference number for a purchase.

    Which I already did

  26. Ok now people are leaving me messages saying that I hacked Marcela. WTH How do they get that from this post???

  27. So what is that kimom something girl real account then? Since some people said she hacked, and maybe sold through an other name. Are those two the same people? I don't keep up with all the confusing.

    Well what ever happens next, I hope you'll get your things back. Stardoll needs better customer service..

  28. good for her (your mother). I can't understand why Stardoll hasn't taken much action to help out on the hacking situation...we are all customers first and foremost...

  29. Your mum sounds awesome.
    Mine wouldn't give a shit if I got hacked.

  30. WoW! Great mom! xD
    mine..i don't think she'll help in this way xD you are lucky !!

  31. but u cant go to court with it unless u lost more then $2000? what are u expecting to happen? just wondering :]

  32. ok. thanks hope you get your stuff back.

  33. You're going to get your account back- if you don't and your mom did all of that, then.. WOW. America (Or wherever you live) needs some help!

  34. Aww man, I feelawful for you :[
    I was hacked once too, but luckily, i got it back before they could do anything more than sell a few Rares :[

    But at least they were suck-ish rares....although i want them back

  35. when r u gonna check the elle comp entries?
    u should have chosen da winners by now.
    sum ppl really wanna no.

  36. This blog has 9 writers, and you didn't write anything for 2-3 days??
    We need news!!

